Abstract:Machine learning models assume that training and test samples are drawn from the same distribution. As such, significant differences between training and test distributions often lead to degradations in performance. We introduce Multiple Distribution Shift -- Aerial (MDS-A) -- a collection of inter-related datasets of the same aerial domain that are perturbed in different ways to better characterize the effects of out-of-distribution performance. Specifically, MDS-A is a set of simulated aerial datasets collected under different weather conditions. We include six datasets under different simulated weather conditions along with six baseline object-detection models, as well as several test datasets that are a mix of weather conditions that we show have significant differences from the training data. In this paper, we present characterizations of MDS-A, provide performance results for the baseline machine learning models (on both their specific training datasets and the test data), as well as results of the baselines after employing recent knowledge-engineering error-detection techniques (EDR) thought to improve out-of-distribution performance. The dataset is available at https://lab-v2.github.io/mdsa-dataset-website.
Abstract:While Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in certain dimensions, their ability to express implicit language cues that human use for effective communication remains unclear. This paper presents ExpressivityArena, a Python library for measuring the implicit communication abilities of LLMs. We provide a comprehensive framework to evaluate expressivity of arbitrary LLMs and explore its practical implications. To this end, we refine the definition and measurements of ``expressivity,'' and use our framework in a set of small experiments. These experiments test LLMs in creative and logical tasks such as poetry, coding, and emotion-based responses. They are then evaluated by an automated grader, through ExpressivityArena, which we verify to be the most pragmatic for testing expressivity. Building on these experiments, we deepen our understanding of the expressivity of LLMs by assessing their ability to remain expressive in conversations. Our findings indicate that LLMs are capable of generating and understanding expressive content, however, with some limitations. These insights will inform the future development and deployment of expressive LLMs. We provide the code for ExpressivityArena alongside our paper.
Abstract:In large deep neural networks that seem to perform surprisingly well on many tasks, we also observe a few failures related to accuracy, social biases, and alignment with human values, among others. Therefore, before deploying these models, it is crucial to characterize this failure landscape for engineers to debug or audit models. Nevertheless, it is infeasible to exhaustively test for all possible combinations of factors that could lead to a model's failure. In this paper, we improve the "Failures are fated, but can be faded" framework (arXiv:2406.07145)--a post-hoc method to explore and construct the failure landscape in pre-trained generative models--with a variety of deep reinforcement learning algorithms, screening tests, and LLM-based rewards and state generation. With the aid of limited human feedback, we then demonstrate how to restructure the failure landscape to be more desirable by moving away from the discovered failure modes. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on diffusion models. We also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm in identifying failure modes.
Abstract:Black box neural networks are an indispensable part of modern robots. Nevertheless, deploying such high-stakes systems in real-world scenarios poses significant challenges when the stakeholders, such as engineers and legislative bodies, lack insights into the neural networks' decision-making process. Presently, explainable AI is primarily tailored to natural language processing and computer vision, falling short in two critical aspects when applied in robots: grounding in decision-making tasks and the ability to assess trustworthiness of their explanations. In this paper, we introduce a trustworthy explainable robotics technique based on human-interpretable, high-level concepts that attribute to the decisions made by the neural network. Our proposed technique provides explanations with associated uncertainty scores by matching neural network's activations with human-interpretable visualizations. To validate our approach, we conducted a series of experiments with various simulated and real-world robot decision-making models, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach as a post-hoc, human-friendly robot learning diagnostic tool.
Abstract:Concept-based explanations have become a popular choice for explaining deep neural networks post-hoc because, unlike most other explainable AI techniques, they can be used to test high-level visual "concepts" that are not directly related to feature attributes. For instance, the concept of "stripes" is important to classify an image as a zebra. Concept-based explanation methods, however, require practitioners to guess and collect multiple candidate concept image sets, which can often be imprecise and labor-intensive. Addressing this limitation, in this paper, we frame concept image set creation as an image generation problem. However, since naively using a generative model does not result in meaningful concepts, we devise a reinforcement learning-based preference optimization algorithm that fine-tunes the vision-language generative model from approximate textual descriptions of concepts. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate the capability of our method to articulate complex, abstract concepts that are otherwise challenging to craft manually. In addition to showing the efficacy and reliability of our method, we show how our method can be used as a diagnostic tool for analyzing neural networks.
Abstract:Vector maps find widespread utility across diverse domains due to their capacity to not only store but also represent discrete data boundaries such as building footprints, disaster impact analysis, digitization, urban planning, location points, transport links, and more. Although extensive research exists on identifying building footprints and road types from satellite imagery, the generation of vector maps from such imagery remains an area with limited exploration. Furthermore, conventional map generation techniques rely on labor-intensive manual feature extraction or rule-based approaches, which impose inherent limitations. To surmount these limitations, we propose a novel method called HPix, which utilizes modified Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate vector tile map from satellite images. HPix incorporates two hierarchical frameworks: one operating at the global level and the other at the local level, resulting in a comprehensive model. Through empirical evaluations, our proposed approach showcases its effectiveness in producing highly accurate and visually captivating vector tile maps derived from satellite images. We further extend our study's application to include mapping of road intersections and building footprints cluster based on their area.
Abstract:In large deep neural networks that seem to perform surprisingly well on many tasks, we also observe a few failures related to accuracy, social biases, and alignment with human values, among others. Therefore, before deploying these models, it is crucial to characterize this failure landscape for engineers to debug and legislative bodies to audit models. Nevertheless, it is infeasible to exhaustively test for all possible combinations of factors that could lead to a model's failure. In this paper, we introduce a post-hoc method that utilizes \emph{deep reinforcement learning} to explore and construct the landscape of failure modes in pre-trained discriminative and generative models. With the aid of limited human feedback, we then demonstrate how to restructure the failure landscape to be more desirable by moving away from the discovered failure modes. We empirically show the effectiveness of the proposed method across common Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Vision-Language tasks.