Effective exploration is believed to positively influence the long-term user experience on recommendation platforms. Determining its exact benefits, however, has been challenging. Regular A/B tests on exploration often measure neutral or even negative engagement metrics while failing to capture its long-term benefits. To address this, we present a systematic study to formally quantify the value of exploration by examining its effects on the content corpus, a key entity in the recommender system that directly affects user experiences. Specifically, we introduce new metrics and the associated experiment design to measure the benefit of exploration on the corpus change, and further connect the corpus change to the long-term user experience. Furthermore, we investigate the possibility of introducing the Neural Linear Bandit algorithm to build an exploration-based ranking system, and use it as the backbone algorithm for our case study. We conduct extensive live experiments on a large-scale commercial recommendation platform that serves billions of users to validate the new experiment designs, quantify the long-term values of exploration, and to verify the effectiveness of the adopted neural linear bandit algorithm for exploration.