Picture for lkay Oksuz

lkay Oksuz

Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts during Reconstruction from K-space

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Jun 12, 2019
Figure 1 for Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts during Reconstruction from K-space
Figure 2 for Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts during Reconstruction from K-space
Figure 3 for Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts during Reconstruction from K-space
Figure 4 for Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts during Reconstruction from K-space
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Automatic CNN-based detection of cardiac MR motion artefacts using k-space data augmentation and curriculum learning

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Oct 29, 2018
Figure 1 for Automatic CNN-based detection of cardiac MR motion artefacts using k-space data augmentation and curriculum learning
Figure 2 for Automatic CNN-based detection of cardiac MR motion artefacts using k-space data augmentation and curriculum learning
Figure 3 for Automatic CNN-based detection of cardiac MR motion artefacts using k-space data augmentation and curriculum learning
Figure 4 for Automatic CNN-based detection of cardiac MR motion artefacts using k-space data augmentation and curriculum learning
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