Abstract:The rapid development of deep neural networks (DNNs) is inherently accompanied by the problem of high computational costs. To tackle this challenge, dynamic voltage frequency scaling (DVFS) is emerging as a promising technology for balancing the latency and energy consumption of DNN inference by adjusting the computing frequency of processors. However, most existing models of DNN inference time are based on the CPU-DVFS technique, and directly applying the CPU-DVFS model to DNN inference on GPUs will lead to significant errors in optimizing latency and energy consumption. In this paper, we propose a DVFS-aware latency model to precisely characterize DNN inference time on GPUs. We first formulate the DNN inference time based on extensive experiment results for different devices and analyze the impact of fitting parameters. Then by dividing DNNs into multiple blocks and obtaining the actual inference time, the proposed model is further verified. Finally, we compare our proposed model with the CPU-DVFS model in two specific cases. Evaluation results demonstrate that local inference optimization with our proposed model achieves a reduction of no less than 66% and 69% in inference time and energy consumption respectively. In addition, cooperative inference with our proposed model can improve the partition policy and reduce the energy consumption compared to the CPU-DVFS model.
Abstract:For servers incorporating parallel computing resources, batching is a pivotal technique for providing efficient and economical services at scale. Parallel computing resources exhibit heightened computational and energy efficiency when operating with larger batch sizes. However, in the realm of online services, the adoption of a larger batch size may lead to longer response times. This paper aims to provide a dynamic batching scheme that delicately balances latency and efficiency. The system is modeled as a batch service queue with size-dependent service times. Then, the design of dynamic batching is formulated as a semi-Markov decision process (SMDP) problem, with the objective of minimizing the weighted sum of average response time and average power consumption. A method is proposed to derive an approximate optimal SMDP solution, representing the chosen dynamic batching policy. By introducing an abstract cost to reflect the impact of "tail" states, the space complexity and the time complexity of the procedure can decrease by 63.5% and 98%, respectively. Numerical results showcase the superiority of SMDP-based batching policies across various parameter setups. Additionally, the proposed scheme exhibits noteworthy flexibility in balancing power consumption and latency.
Abstract:Collaborative perception (CP) is emerging as a promising solution to the inherent limitations of stand-alone intelligence. However, current wireless communication systems are unable to support feature-level and raw-level collaborative algorithms due to their enormous bandwidth demands. In this paper, we propose DiffCP, a novel CP paradigm that utilizes a specialized diffusion model to efficiently compress the sensing information of collaborators. By incorporating both geometric and semantic conditions into the generative model, DiffCP enables feature-level collaboration with an ultra-low communication cost, advancing the practical implementation of CP systems. This paradigm can be seamlessly integrated into existing CP algorithms to enhance a wide range of downstream tasks. Through extensive experimentation, we investigate the trade-offs between communication, computation, and performance. Numerical results demonstrate that DiffCP can significantly reduce communication costs by 14.5-fold while maintaining the same performance as the state-of-the-art algorithm.
Abstract:Collaborative Perception (CP) has been a promising solution to address occlusions in the traffic environment by sharing sensor data among collaborative vehicles (CoV) via vehicle-to-everything (V2X) network. With limited wireless bandwidth, CP necessitates task-oriented and receiver-aware sensor scheduling to prioritize important and complementary sensor data. However, due to vehicular mobility, it is challenging and costly to obtain the up-to-date perception topology, i.e., whether a combination of CoVs can jointly detect an object. In this paper, we propose a combinatorial mobility-aware sensor scheduling (C-MASS) framework for CP with minimal communication overhead. Specifically, detections are replayed with sensor data from individual CoVs and pairs of CoVs to maintain an empirical perception topology up to the second order, which approximately represents the complete perception topology. A hybrid greedy algorithm is then proposed to solve a variant of the budgeted maximum coverage problem with a worst-case performance guarantee. The C-MASS scheduling algorithm adapts the greedy algorithm by incorporating the topological uncertainty and the unexplored time of CoVs to balance exploration and exploitation, addressing the mobility challenge. Extensive numerical experiments demonstrate the near-optimality of the proposed C-MASS framework in both edge-assisted and distributed CP configurations. The weighted recall improvements over object-level CP are 5.8% and 4.2%, respectively. Compared to distance-based and area-based greedy heuristics, the gaps to the offline optimal solutions are reduced by up to 75% and 71%, respectively.
Abstract:Leveraging the computing and sensing capabilities of vehicles, vehicular federated learning (VFL) has been applied to edge training for connected vehicles. The dynamic and interconnected nature of vehicular networks presents unique opportunities to harness direct vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, enhancing VFL training efficiency. In this paper, we formulate a stochastic optimization problem to optimize the VFL training performance, considering the energy constraints and mobility of vehicles, and propose a V2V-enhanced dynamic scheduling (VEDS) algorithm to solve it. The model aggregation requirements of VFL and the limited transmission time due to mobility result in a stepwise objective function, which presents challenges in solving the problem. We thus propose a derivative-based drift-plus-penalty method to convert the long-term stochastic optimization problem to an online mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem, and provide a theoretical analysis to bound the performance gap between the online solution and the offline optimal solution. Further analysis of the scheduling priority reduces the original problem into a set of convex optimization problems, which are efficiently solved using the interior-point method. Experimental results demonstrate that compared with the state-of-the-art benchmarks, the proposed algorithm enhances the image classification accuracy on the CIFAR-10 dataset by 3.18% and reduces the average displacement errors on the Argoverse trajectory prediction dataset by 10.21%.
Abstract:Collaborative Perception (CP) has shown great potential to achieve more holistic and reliable environmental perception in intelligent unmanned systems (IUSs). However, implementing CP still faces key challenges due to the characteristics of the CP task and the dynamics of wireless channels. In this article, a task-oriented wireless communication framework is proposed to jointly optimize the communication scheme and the CP procedure. We first propose channel-adaptive compression and robust fusion approaches to extract and exploit the most valuable semantic information under wireless communication constraints. We then propose a task-oriented distributed scheduling algorithm to identify the best collaborators for CP under dynamic environments. The main idea is learning while scheduling, where the collaboration utility is effectively learned with low computation and communication overhead. Case studies are carried out in connected autonomous driving scenarios to verify the proposed framework. Finally, we identify several future research directions.
Abstract:Environmental perception in Automated Valet Parking (AVP) has been a challenging task due to severe occlusions in parking garages. Although Collaborative Perception (CP) can be applied to broaden the field of view of connected vehicles, the limited bandwidth of vehicular communications restricts its application. In this work, we propose a BEV feature-based CP network architecture for infrastructure-assisted AVP systems. The model takes the roadside camera and LiDAR as optional inputs and adaptively fuses them with onboard sensors in a unified BEV representation. Autoencoder and downsampling are applied for channel-wise and spatial-wise dimension reduction, while sparsification and quantization further compress the feature map with little loss in data precision. Combining these techniques, the size of a BEV feature map is effectively compressed to fit in the feasible data rate of the NR-V2X network. With the synthetic AVP dataset, we observe that CP can effectively increase perception performance, especially for pedestrians. Moreover, the advantage of infrastructure-assisted CP is demonstrated in two typical safety-critical scenarios in the AVP setting, increasing the maximum safe cruising speed by up to 3m/s in both scenarios.
Abstract:Hierarchical federated learning (HFL) enables distributed training of models across multiple devices with the help of several edge servers and a cloud edge server in a privacy-preserving manner. In this paper, we consider HFL with highly mobile devices, mainly targeting at vehicular networks. Through convergence analysis, we show that mobility influences the convergence speed by both fusing the edge data and shuffling the edge models. While mobility is usually considered as a challenge from the perspective of communication, we prove that it increases the convergence speed of HFL with edge-level heterogeneous data, since more diverse data can be incorporated. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a higher speed leads to faster convergence, since it accelerates the fusion of data. Simulation results show that mobility increases the model accuracy of HFL by up to 15.1% when training a convolutional neural network on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Abstract:We consider a status information updating system where a fusion center collects the status information from a large number of sources and each of them has its own age of information (AoI) constraints. A novel grouping-based scheduler is proposed to solve this complex large-scale problem by dividing the sources into different scheduling groups. The problem is then transformed into deriving the optimal grouping scheme. A two-step grouping algorithm (TGA) is proposed: 1) Given AoI constraints, we first identify the sources with harmonic AoI constraints, then design a fast grouping method and an optimal scheduler for these sources. Under harmonic AoI constraints, each constraint is divisible by the smallest one and the sum of reciprocals of the constraints with the same value is divisible by the reciprocal of the smallest one. 2) For the other sources without such a special property, we pack the sources which can be scheduled together with minimum update rates into the same group. Simulations show the channel usage of the proposed TGA is significantly reduced as compared to a recent work and is 0.42% larger than a derived lower bound when the number of sources is large.
Abstract:We consider collaborative perception (CP) systems where a fusion center monitors various regions by multiple sources. The center has different age of information (AoI) constraints for different regions. Multi-view sensing data for a region generated by sources can be fused by the center for a reliable representation of the region. To ensure accurate perception, differences between generation time of asynchronous status updates for CP fusion should not exceed a certain threshold. An algorithm named scheduling for CP with asynchronous status updates (SCPA) is proposed to minimize the number of required channels and subject to AoI constraints with asynchronous status updates. SCPA first identifies a set of sources that can satisfy the constraints with minimum updating rates. It then chooses scheduling intervals and offsets for the sources such that the number of required channels is optimized. According to numerical results, the number of channels required by SCPA can reach only 12% more than a derived lower bound.