Abstract:Weakly Supervised Sound Event Detection (WSSED), which relies on audio tags without precise onset and offset times, has become prevalent due to the scarcity of strongly labeled data that includes exact temporal boundaries for events. This study introduces Frame-level Pseudo Strong Labeling (FPSL) to overcome the lack of temporal information in WSSED by generating pseudo strong labels from frame-level predictions. This enhances temporal localization during training and addresses the limitations of clip-wise weak supervision. We validate our approach across three benchmark datasets (DCASE2017 Task 4, DCASE2018 Task 4, and UrbanSED) and demonstrate significant improvements in key metrics such as the Polyphonic Sound Detection Scores (PSDS), event-based F1 scores, and intersection-based F1 scores. For example, Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks (CRNNs) trained with FPSL outperform baseline models by 4.9% in PSDS1 on DCASE2017, 7.6% on DCASE2018, and 1.8% on UrbanSED, confirming the effectiveness of our method in enhancing model performance.
Abstract:This study explores the critical but underexamined impact of label noise on Sound Event Detection (SED), which requires both sound identification and precise temporal localization. We categorize label noise into deletion, insertion, substitution, and subjective types and systematically evaluate their effects on SED using synthetic and real-life datasets. Our analysis shows that deletion noise significantly degrades performance, while insertion noise is relatively benign. Moreover, loss functions effective against classification noise do not perform well for SED due to intra-class imbalance between foreground sound events and background sounds. We demonstrate that loss functions designed to address data imbalance in SED can effectively reduce the impact of noisy labels on system performance. For instance, halving the weight of background sounds in a synthetic dataset improved macro-F1 and micro-F1 scores by approximately $9\%$ with minimal Error Rate increase, with consistent results in real-life datasets. This research highlights the nuanced effects of noisy labels on SED systems and provides practical strategies to enhance model robustness, which are pivotal for both constructing new SED datasets and improving model performance, including efficient utilization of soft and crowdsourced labels.
Abstract:Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization has long been a challenging problem that remains largely unsolved. Gaussian processes (GP), as popular probabilistic model classes, especially in the small data regime, presume strong OOD generalization abilities. Surprisingly, their OOD generalization abilities have been under-explored before compared with other lines of GP research. In this paper, we identify that GP is not free from the problem and propose a domain invariant learning algorithm for Gaussian processes (DIL-GP) with a min-max optimization on the likelihood. DIL-GP discovers the heterogeneity in the data and forces invariance across partitioned subsets of data. We further extend the DIL-GP to improve Bayesian optimization's adaptability on changing environments. Numerical experiments demonstrate the superiority of DIL-GP for predictions on several synthetic and real-world datasets. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of the DIL-GP Bayesian optimization method on a PID parameters tuning experiment for a quadrotor. The full version and source code are available at: https://github.com/Billzxl/DIL-GP.