Abstract:Screening is a time-consuming and labour-intensive yet required task for medical systematic reviews, as tens of thousands of studies often need to be screened. Prioritising relevant studies to be screened allows downstream systematic review creation tasks to start earlier and save time. In previous work, we developed a dense retrieval method to prioritise relevant studies with reviewer feedback during the title and abstract screening stage. Our method outperforms previous active learning methods in both effectiveness and efficiency. In this demo, we extend this prior work by creating (1) a web-based screening tool that enables end-users to screen studies exploiting state-of-the-art methods and (2) a Python library that integrates models and feedback mechanisms and allows researchers to develop and demonstrate new active learning methods. We describe the tool's design and showcase how it can aid screening. The tool is available at https://densereviewer.ielab.io. The source code is also open sourced at https://github.com/ielab/densereviewer.
Abstract:In this demo we present a web-based application for selecting an effective pre-trained dense retriever to use on a private collection. Our system, DenseQuest, provides unsupervised selection and ranking capabilities to predict the best dense retriever among a pool of available dense retrievers, tailored to an uploaded target collection. DenseQuest implements a number of existing approaches, including a recent, highly effective method powered by Large Language Models (LLMs), which requires neither queries nor relevance judgments. The system is designed to be intuitive and easy to use for those information retrieval engineers and researchers who need to identify a general-purpose dense retrieval model to encode or search a new private target collection. Our demonstration illustrates conceptual architecture and the different use case scenarios of the system implemented on the cloud, enabling universal access and use. DenseQuest is available at https://densequest.ielab.io.