Abstract:Generative AI (GenAI) is advancing rapidly, and the literature in computing education is expanding almost as quickly. Initial responses to GenAI tools were mixed between panic and utopian optimism. Many were fast to point out the opportunities and challenges of GenAI. Researchers reported that these new tools are capable of solving most introductory programming tasks and are causing disruptions throughout the curriculum. These tools can write and explain code, enhance error messages, create resources for instructors, and even provide feedback and help for students like a traditional teaching assistant. In 2024, new research started to emerge on the effects of GenAI usage in the computing classroom. These new data involve the use of GenAI to support classroom instruction at scale and to teach students how to code with GenAI. In support of the former, a new class of tools is emerging that can provide personalized feedback to students on their programming assignments or teach both programming and prompting skills at the same time. With the literature expanding so rapidly, this report aims to summarize and explain what is happening on the ground in computing classrooms. We provide a systematic literature review; a survey of educators and industry professionals; and interviews with educators using GenAI in their courses, educators studying GenAI, and researchers who create GenAI tools to support computing education. The triangulation of these methods and data sources expands the understanding of GenAI usage and perceptions at this critical moment for our community.
Abstract:Ever since Large Language Models (LLMs) and related applications have become broadly available, several studies investigated their potential for assisting educators and supporting students in higher education. LLMs such as Codex, GPT-3.5, and GPT 4 have shown promising results in the context of large programming courses, where students can benefit from feedback and hints if provided timely and at scale. This paper explores the quality of GPT-4 Turbo's generated output for prompts containing both the programming task specification and a student's submission as input. Two assignments from an introductory programming course were selected, and GPT-4 was asked to generate feedback for 55 randomly chosen, authentic student programming submissions. The output was qualitatively analyzed regarding correctness, personalization, fault localization, and other features identified in the material. Compared to prior work and analyses of GPT-3.5, GPT-4 Turbo shows notable improvements. For example, the output is more structured and consistent. GPT-4 Turbo can also accurately identify invalid casing in student programs' output. In some cases, the feedback also includes the output of the student program. At the same time, inconsistent feedback was noted such as stating that the submission is correct but an error needs to be fixed. The present work increases our understanding of LLMs' potential, limitations, and how to integrate them into e-assessment systems, pedagogical scenarios, and instructing students who are using applications based on GPT-4.
Abstract:Education should not be a privilege but a common good. It should be openly accessible to everyone, with as few barriers as possible; even more so for key technologies such as Machine Learning (ML) and Data Science (DS). Open Educational Resources (OER) are a crucial factor for greater educational equity. In this paper, we describe the specific requirements for OER in ML and DS and argue that it is especially important for these fields to make source files publicly available, leading to Open Source Educational Resources (OSER). We present our view on the collaborative development of OSER, the challenges this poses, and first steps towards their solutions. We outline how OSER can be used for blended learning scenarios and share our experiences in university education. Finally, we discuss additional challenges such as credit assignment or granting certificates.