Abstract:In classical federated learning, the clients contribute to the overall training by communicating local updates for the underlying model on their private data to a coordinating server. However, updating and communicating the entire model becomes prohibitively expensive when resource-constrained clients collectively aim to train a large machine learning model. Split learning provides a natural solution in such a setting, where only a small part of the model is stored and trained on clients while the remaining large part of the model only stays at the servers. However, the model partitioning employed in split learning introduces a significant amount of communication cost. This paper addresses this issue by compressing the additional communication using a novel clustering scheme accompanied by a gradient correction method. Extensive empirical evaluations on image and text benchmarks show that the proposed method can achieve up to $490\times$ communication cost reduction with minimal drop in accuracy, and enables a desirable performance vs. communication trade-off.
Abstract:The rnn package provides components for implementing a wide range of Recurrent Neural Networks. It is built withing the framework of the Torch distribution for use with the nn package. The components have evolved from 3 iterations, each adding to the flexibility and capability of the package. All component modules inherit either the AbstractRecurrent or AbstractSequencer classes. Strong unit testing, continued backwards compatibility and access to supporting material are the principles followed during its development. The package is compared against existing implementations of two published papers.