Abstract:This paper demonstrates the feasibility of respiration pattern estimation utilizing a communication-centric cellfree massive MIMO OFDM Base Station (BS). The sensing target is typically positioned near the User Equipment (UE), which transmits uplink pilots to the BS. Our results demonstrate the potential of massive MIMO systems for accurate and reliable vital sign estimation. Initially, we adopt a single antenna sensing solution that combines multiple subcarriers and a breathing projection to align the 2D complex breathing pattern to a single displacement dimension. Then, Weighted Antenna Combining (WAC) aggregates the 1D breathing signals from multiple antennas. The results demonstrate that the combination of space-frequency resources specifically in terms of subcarriers and antennas yields higher accuracy than using only a single antenna or subcarrier. Our results significantly improved respiration estimation accuracy by using multiple subcarriers and antennas. With WAC, we achieved an average correlation of 0.8 with ground truth data, compared to 0.6 for single antenna or subcarrier methods, a 0.2 correlation increase. Moreover, the system produced perfect breathing rate estimates. These findings suggest that the limited bandwidth (18 MHz in the testbed) can be effectively compensated by utilizing spatial resources, such as distributed antennas.
Abstract:This work describes the architecture and vision of designing and implementing a new test infrastructure for 6G physical layer research at KU Leuven. The Testbed is designed for physical layer research and experimentation following several emerging trends, such as cell-free networking, integrated communication, sensing, open disaggregated Radio Access Networks, AI-Native design, and multiband operation. The software is almost entirely based on free and open-source software, making contributing and reusing any component easy. The open Testbed is designed to provide real-time and labeled data on all parts of the physical layer, from raw IQ data to synchronization statistics, channel state information, or symbol/bit/packet error rates. Real-time labeled datasets can be collected by synchronizing the physical layer data logging with a positioning and motion capture system. One of the main goals of the design is to make it open and accessible to external users remotely. Most tests and data captures can easily be automated, and experiment code can be remotely deployed using standard containers (e.g., Docker or Podman). Finally, the paper describes how the Testbed can be used for our research on joint communication and sensing, over-the-air synchronization, distributed processing, and AI in the loop.
Abstract:Cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (CFmMIMO) is a paradigm that can improve users' spectral efficiency (SE) far beyond traditional cellular networks. Increased spatial diversity in CFmMIMO is achieved by spreading the antennas into small access points (APs), which cooperate to serve the users. Sequential fronthaul topologies in CFmMIMO, such as the daisy chain and multi-branch tree topology, have gained considerable attention recently. In such a processing architecture, each AP must store its received signal vector in the memory until it receives the relevant information from the previous AP in the sequence to refine the estimate of the users' signal vector in the uplink. In this paper, we adopt vector-wise and element-wise compression on the raw or pre-processed received signal vectors to store them in the memory. We investigate the impact of the limited memory capacity in the APs on the optimal number of APs. We show that with no memory constraint, having single-antenna APs is optimal, especially as the number of users grows. However, a limited memory at the APs restricts the depth of the sequential processing pipeline. Furthermore, we investigate the relation between the memory capacity at the APs and the rate of the fronthaul link.
Abstract:Fronthaul quantization causes a significant distortion in cell-free massive MIMO networks. Due to the limited capacity of fronthaul links, information exchange among access points (APs) must be quantized significantly. Furthermore, the complexity of the multiplication operation in the base-band processing unit increases with the number of bits of the operands. Thus, quantizing the APs' signal vector reduces the complexity of signal estimation in the base-band processing unit. Most recent works consider the direct quantization of the received signal vectors at each AP without any pre-processing. However, the signal vectors received at different APs are correlated mutually (inter-AP correlation) and also have correlated dimensions (intra-AP correlation). Hence, cooperative quantization of APs fronthaul can help to efficiently use the quantization bits at each AP and further reduce the distortion imposed on the quantized vector at the APs. This paper considers a daisy chain fronthaul and three different processing sequences at each AP. We show that 1) de-correlating the received signal vector at each AP from the corresponding vectors of the previous APs (inter-AP de-correlation) and 2) de-correlating the dimensions of the received signal vector at each AP (intra-AP de-correlation) before quantization helps to use the quantization bits at each AP more efficiently than directly quantizing the received signal vector without any pre-processing and consequently, improves the bit error rate (BER) and normalized mean square error (NMSE) of users signal estimation.
Abstract:Cell-Free Massive MIMO (CF mMIMO) has emerged as a potential enabler for future networks. It has been shown that these networks are much more energy-efficient than classical cellular systems when they are serving users at peak capacity. However, these CF mMIMO networks are designed for peak traffic loads, and when this is not the case, they are significantly over-dimensioned and not at all energy efficient. To this end, Adaptive Access Point (AP) ON/OFF Switching (ASO) strategies have been developed to save energy when the network is not at peak traffic loads by putting unnecessary APs to sleep. Unfortunately, the existing strategies rely on measuring channel state information between every user and every access point, resulting in significant measurement energy consumption overheads. Furthermore, the current state-of-art approach has a computational complexity that scales exponentially with the number of APs. In this work, we present a novel convex feasibility testing method that allows checking per-user Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements without necessarily considering all possible access point activations. We then propose an iterative algorithm for activating access points until all users' requirements are fulfilled. We show that our method has comparable performance to the optimal solution whilst avoiding solving costly mixed-integer problems and measuring channel state information on only a limited subset of APs.
Abstract:Cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is an emerging technology that will reshape the architecture of next-generation networks. This paper considers the sequential fronthaul, whereby the access points (APs) are connected in a daisy chain topology with multiple sequential processing stages. With this sequential processing in the uplink, each AP refines users' signal estimates received from the previous AP based on its own local received signal vector. While this processing architecture has been shown to achieve the same performance as centralized processing, the impact of the limited memory capacity at the APs on the store and forward processing architecture is yet to be analyzed. Thus, we model the received signal vector compression using rate-distortion theory to demonstrate the effect of limited memory capacity on the optimal number of APs in the daisy chain fronthaul. Without this memory constraint, more geographically distributed antennas alleviate the adverse effect of large-scale fading on the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR). However, we show that in case of limited memory capacity at each AP, the memory capacity to store the received signal vectors at the final AP of this fronthaul becomes a limiting factor. In other words, we show that when deciding on the number of APs to distribute the antennas, there is an inherent trade-off between more macro-diversity and compression noise power on the stored signal vectors at the APs. Hence, the available memory capacity at the APs significantly influences the optimal number of APs in the fronthaul.
Abstract:Recently, the O-RAN architecture started receiving significant interest from the research community. The open interfaces and especially the possibilities for network-wide control protocols via the Near-Real Time RAN Intelligent Controller provide a significant amount of opportunities to implement newly proposed algorithms from state-of-the-art research. O-RAN follows the trend towards disaggregation of network functionalities which is especially interesting to deploy Cell-Free Massive MIMO in realistic distributed networks. Many attractive solutions have been proposed for the physical layer in Cell-Free Massive MIMO networks. Unfortunately, only limited work has been performed to map these solutions to the Next Generation of Radio Access Networks, especially also considering the existing control plane interfaces and the impact on network-level resource allocation and handover. In this work, we propose a realistic and elegant method of modelling the temporal evolution of the channel in cell-free Massive MIMO. We then build clustering and handover strategies and provide numerical results for multiple deployment scenarios. To realistically evaluate handovers and dynamic clustering for cell-free in O-RAN, we consider a fixed clustering strategy, which computes the ideal cluster whenever a handover threshold is exceeded, and an opportunistic clustering strategy, where serving units are added opportunistically as the user moves. Additionally, we map an uplink detection method from the current cell-free Massive MIMO state-of-the-art to the O-RAN architecture. We study how the ageing of the channel and especially the user-centric cluster around the UE limits the performance of Cell-Free algorithms. We identify what is currently possible and propose the few needed extensions to O-RAN to fully exploit state-of-the-art cell-free processing schemes.