Abstract:The ability to determine the pose of a rover in an inertial frame autonomously is a crucial capability necessary for the next generation of surface rover missions on other planetary bodies. Currently, most on-going rover missions utilize ground-in-the-loop interventions to manually correct for drift in the pose estimate and this human supervision bottlenecks the distance over which rovers can operate autonomously and carry out scientific measurements. In this paper, we present ShadowNav, an autonomous approach for global localization on the Moon with an emphasis on driving in darkness and at nighttime. Our approach uses the leading edge of Lunar craters as landmarks and a particle filtering approach is used to associate detected craters with known ones on an offboard map. We discuss the key design decisions in developing the ShadowNav framework for use with a Lunar rover concept equipped with a stereo camera and an external illumination source. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach in both a Lunar simulation environment and on data collected during a field test at Cinder Lakes, Arizona.
Abstract:There has been an increase in interest in missions that drive significantly longer distances per day than what has currently been performed. Further, some of these proposed missions require autonomous driving and absolute localization in darkness. For example, the Endurance A mission proposes to drive 1200km of its total traverse at night. The lack of natural light available during such missions limits what can be used as visual landmarks and the range at which landmarks can be observed. In order for planetary rovers to traverse long ranges, onboard absolute localization is critical to the ability of the rover to maintain its planned trajectory and avoid known hazardous regions. Currently, to accomplish absolute localization, a ground in the loop (GITL) operation is performed wherein a human operator matches local maps or images from onboard with orbital images and maps. This GITL operation limits the distance that can be driven in a day to a few hundred meters, which is the distance that the rover can maintain acceptable localization error via relative methods. Previous work has shown that using craters as landmarks is a promising approach for performing absolute localization on the moon during the day. In this work we present a method of absolute localization that utilizes craters as landmarks and matches detected crater edges on the surface with known craters in orbital maps. We focus on a localization method based on a perception system which has an external illuminator and a stereo camera. We evaluate (1) both monocular and stereo based surface crater edge detection techniques, (2) methods of scoring the crater edge matches for optimal localization, and (3) localization performance on simulated Lunar surface imagery at night. We demonstrate that this technique shows promise for maintaining absolute localization error of less than 10m required for most planetary rover missions.
Abstract:Onboard localization capabilities for planetary rovers to date have used relative navigation, by integrating combinations of wheel odometry, visual odometry, and inertial measurements during each drive to track position relative to the start of each drive. At the end of each drive, a ground-in-the-loop (GITL) interaction is used to get a position update from human operators in a more global reference frame, by matching images or local maps from onboard the rover to orbital reconnaissance images or maps of a large region around the rover's current position. Autonomous rover drives are limited in distance so that accumulated relative navigation error does not risk the possibility of the rover driving into hazards known from orbital images. However, several rover mission concepts have recently been studied that require much longer drives between GITL cycles, particularly for the Moon. These concepts require greater autonomy to minimize GITL cycles to enable such large range; onboard global localization is a key element of such autonomy. Multiple techniques have been studied in the past for onboard rover global localization, but a satisfactory solution has not yet emerged. For the Moon, the ubiquitous craters offer a new possibility, which involves mapping craters from orbit, then recognizing crater landmarks with cameras and-or a lidar onboard the rover. This approach is applicable everywhere on the Moon, does not require high resolution stereo imaging from orbit as some other approaches do, and has potential to enable position knowledge with order of 5 to 10 m accuracy at all times. This paper describes our technical approach to crater-based lunar rover localization and presents initial results on crater detection using 3D point cloud data from onboard lidar or stereo cameras, as well as using shading cues in monocular onboard imagery.