Abstract:While Gaussian Splatting (GS) demonstrates efficient and high-quality scene rendering and small area surface extraction ability, it falls short in handling large-scale aerial image surface extraction tasks. To overcome this, we present ULSR-GS, a framework dedicated to high-fidelity surface extraction in ultra-large-scale scenes, addressing the limitations of existing GS-based mesh extraction methods. Specifically, we propose a point-to-photo partitioning approach combined with a multi-view optimal view matching principle to select the best training images for each sub-region. Additionally, during training, ULSR-GS employs a densification strategy based on multi-view geometric consistency to enhance surface extraction details. Experimental results demonstrate that ULSR-GS outperforms other state-of-the-art GS-based works on large-scale aerial photogrammetry benchmark datasets, significantly improving surface extraction accuracy in complex urban environments. Project page: https://ulsrgs.github.io.
Abstract:While deep learning-based robotic grasping technology has demonstrated strong adaptability, its computational complexity has also significantly increased, making it unsuitable for scenarios with high real-time requirements. Therefore, we propose a low computational complexity and high accuracy model named VMGNet for robotic grasping. For the first time, we introduce the Visual State Space into the robotic grasping field to achieve linear computational complexity, thereby greatly reducing the model's computational cost. Meanwhile, to improve the accuracy of the model, we propose an efficient and lightweight multi-scale feature fusion module, named Fusion Bridge Module, to extract and fuse information at different scales. We also present a new loss function calculation method to enhance the importance differences between subtasks, improving the model's fitting ability. Experiments show that VMGNet has only 8.7G Floating Point Operations and an inference time of 8.1 ms on our devices. VMGNet also achieved state-of-the-art performance on the Cornell and Jacquard public datasets. To validate VMGNet's effectiveness in practical applications, we conducted real grasping experiments in multi-object scenarios, and VMGNet achieved an excellent performance with a 94.4% success rate in real-world grasping tasks. The video for the real-world robotic grasping experiments is available at https://youtu.be/S-QHBtbmLc4.