Abstract:Portraits or selfie images taken from a close distance typically suffer from perspective distortion. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end deep learning-based rectification pipeline to mitigate the effects of perspective distortion. We learn to predict the facial depth by training a deep CNN. The estimated depth is utilized to adjust the camera-to-subject distance by moving the camera farther, increasing the camera focal length, and reprojecting the 3D image features to the new perspective. The reprojected features are then fed to an inpainting module to fill in the missing pixels. We leverage a differentiable renderer to enable end-to-end training of our depth estimation and feature extraction nets to improve the rectified outputs. To boost the results of the inpainting module, we incorporate an auxiliary module to predict the horizontal movement of the camera which decreases the area that requires hallucination of challenging face parts such as ears. Unlike previous works, we process the full-frame input image at once without cropping the subject's face and processing it separately from the rest of the body, eliminating the need for complex post-processing steps to attach the face back to the subject's body. To train our network, we utilize the popular game engine Unreal Engine to generate a large synthetic face dataset containing various subjects, head poses, expressions, eyewear, clothes, and lighting. Quantitative and qualitative results show that our rectification pipeline outperforms previous methods, and produces comparable results with a time-consuming 3D GAN-based method while being more than 260 times faster.
Abstract:We present HRF-Net, a novel view synthesis method based on holistic radiance fields that renders novel views using a set of sparse inputs. Recent generalizing view synthesis methods also leverage the radiance fields but the rendering speed is not real-time. There are existing methods that can train and render novel views efficiently but they can not generalize to unseen scenes. Our approach addresses the problem of real-time rendering for generalizing view synthesis and consists of two main stages: a holistic radiance fields predictor and a convolutional-based neural renderer. This architecture infers not only consistent scene geometry based on the implicit neural fields but also renders new views efficiently using a single GPU. We first train HRF-Net on multiple 3D scenes of the DTU dataset and the network can produce plausible novel views on unseen real and synthetics data using only photometric losses. Moreover, our method can leverage a denser set of reference images of a single scene to produce accurate novel views without relying on additional explicit representations and still maintains the high-speed rendering of the pre-trained model. Experimental results show that HRF-Net outperforms state-of-the-art generalizable neural rendering methods on various synthetic and real datasets.
Abstract:This paper address the problem of novel view synthesis by means of neural rendering, where we are interested in predicting the novel view at an arbitrary camera pose based on a given set of input images from other viewpoints. Using the known query pose and input poses, we create an ordered set of observations that leads to the target view. Thus, the problem of single novel view synthesis is reformulated as a sequential view prediction task. In this paper, the proposed Transformer-based Generative Query Network (T-GQN) extends the neural-rendering methods by adding two new concepts. First, we use multi-view attention learning between context images to obtain multiple implicit scene representations. Second, we introduce a sequential rendering decoder to predict an image sequence, including the target view, based on the learned representations. We evaluate our model on various challenging synthetic datasets and demonstrate that our model can give consistent predictions and achieve faster training convergence than the former architectures.
Abstract:Recovering the scene depth from a single image is an ill-posed problem that requires additional priors, often referred to as monocular depth cues, to disambiguate different 3D interpretations. In recent works, those priors have been learned in an end-to-end manner from large datasets by using deep neural networks. In this paper, we propose guiding depth estimation to favor planar structures that are ubiquitous especially in indoor environments. This is achieved by incorporating a non-local coplanarity constraint to the network with a novel attention mechanism called depth-attention volume (DAV). Experiments on two popular indoor datasets, namely NYU-Depth-v2 and ScanNet, show that our method achieves state-of-the-art depth estimation results while using only a fraction of the number of parameters needed by the competing methods.
Abstract:The problem of predicting a novel view of the scene using an arbitrary number of observations is a challenging problem for computers as well as for humans. This paper introduces the Generative Adversarial Query Network (GAQN), a general learning framework for novel view synthesis that combines Generative Query Network (GQN) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The conventional GQN encodes input views into a latent representation that is used to generate a new view through a recurrent variational decoder. The proposed GAQN builds on this work by adding two novel aspects: First, we extend the current GQN architecture with an adversarial loss function for improving the visual quality and convergence speed. Second, we introduce a feature-matching loss function for stabilizing the training procedure. The experiments demonstrate that GAQN is able to produce high-quality results and faster convergence compared to the conventional approach.