Abstract:ML libraries, often written in architecture-specific programming languages (ASPLs) that target domain-specific architectures, are key to efficient ML systems. However, writing these high-performance ML libraries is challenging because it requires expert knowledge of ML algorithms and the ASPL. Large language models (LLMs), on the other hand, have shown general coding capabilities. However, challenges remain when using LLMs for generating ML libraries using ASPLs because 1) this task is complicated even for experienced human programmers and 2) there are limited code examples because of the esoteric and evolving nature of ASPLs. Therefore, LLMs need complex reasoning with limited data in order to complete this task. To address these challenges, we introduce an adaptive self-improvement agentic system. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our system, we construct a benchmark of a typical ML library and generate ASPL code with both open and closed-source LLMs on this benchmark. Our results show improvements of up to $3.9\times$ over a baseline single LLM.
Abstract:We introduce the Bayesian Compiler Optimization framework (BaCO), a general purpose autotuner for modern compilers targeting CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. BaCO provides the flexibility needed to handle the requirements of modern autotuning tasks. Particularly, it deals with permutation, ordered, and continuous parameter types along with both known and unknown parameter constraints. To reason about these parameter types and efficiently deliver high-quality code, BaCO uses Bayesian optimization algorithms specialized towards the autotuning domain. We demonstrate BaCO's effectiveness on three modern compiler systems: TACO, RISE & ELEVATE, and HPVM2FPGA for CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs respectively. For these domains, BaCO outperforms current state-of-the-art autotuners by delivering on average 1.39x-1.89x faster code with a tiny search budget, and BaCO is able to reach expert-level performance 2.89x-8.77x faster.