Abstract:Image information is restricted by the dynamic range of the detector, which can be addressed using multi-exposure image fusion (MEF). The conventional MEF approach employed in ptychography is often inadequate under conditions of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or variations in illumination intensity. To address this, we developed a Bayesian approach for MEF based on a modified Poisson noise model that considers the background and saturation. Our method outperforms conventional MEF under challenging experimental conditions, as demonstrated by the synthetic and experimental data. Furthermore, this method is versatile and applicable to any imaging scheme requiring high dynamic range (HDR).
Abstract:The performance of Markov chain Monte Carlo samplers strongly depends on the properties of the target distribution such as its covariance structure, the location of its probability mass and its tail behavior. We explore the use of bijective affine transformations of the sample space to improve the properties of the target distribution and thereby the performance of samplers running in the transformed space. In particular, we propose a flexible and user-friendly scheme for adaptively learning the affine transformation during sampling. Moreover, the combination of our scheme with Gibbsian polar slice sampling is shown to produce samples of high quality at comparatively low computational cost in several settings based on real-world data.
Abstract:Polar slice sampling (Roberts & Rosenthal, 2002) is a Markov chain approach for approximate sampling of distributions that is difficult, if not impossible, to implement efficiently, but behaves provably well with respect to the dimension. By updating the directional and radial components of chain iterates separately, we obtain a family of samplers that mimic polar slice sampling, and yet can be implemented efficiently. Numerical experiments for a variety of settings indicate that our proposed algorithm outperforms the two most closely related approaches, elliptical slice sampling (Murray et al., 2010) and hit-and-run uniform slice sampling (MacKay, 2003). We prove the well-definedness and convergence of our methods under suitable assumptions on the target distribution.
Abstract:In this paper we review the concepts of Bayesian evidence and Bayes factors, also known as log odds ratios, and their application to model selection. The theory is presented along with a discussion of analytic, approximate and numerical techniques. Specific attention is paid to the Laplace approximation, variational Bayes, importance sampling, thermodynamic integration, and nested sampling and its recent variants. Analogies to statistical physics, from which many of these techniques originate, are discussed in order to provide readers with deeper insights that may lead to new techniques. The utility of Bayesian model testing in the domain sciences is demonstrated by presenting four specific practical examples considered within the context of signal processing in the areas of signal detection, sensor characterization, scientific model selection and molecular force characterization.
Abstract:Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is an emerging experimental method to characterize the structure of large biomolecular assemblies. Single particle cryo-EM records 2D images (so-called micrographs) of projections of the three-dimensional particle, which need to be processed to obtain the three-dimensional reconstruction. A crucial step in the reconstruction process is particle picking which involves detection of particles in noisy 2D micrographs with low signal-to-noise ratios of typically 1:10 or even lower. Typically, each picture contains a large number of particles, and particles have unknown irregular and nonconvex shapes.
Abstract:We develop a novel method for detection of signals and reconstruction of images in the presence of random noise. The method uses results from percolation theory. We specifically address the problem of detection of multiple objects of unknown shapes in the case of nonparametric noise. The noise density is unknown and can be heavy-tailed. The objects of interest have unknown varying intensities. No boundary shape constraints are imposed on the objects, only a set of weak bulk conditions is required. We view the object detection problem as a multiple hypothesis testing for discrete statistical inverse problems. We present an algorithm that allows to detect greyscale objects of various shapes in noisy images. We prove results on consistency and algorithmic complexity of our procedures. Applications to cryo-electron microscopy are presented.