Abstract:Building accurate and robust artificial intelligence systems for medical image assessment requires not only the research and design of advanced deep learning models but also the creation of large and curated sets of annotated training examples. Constructing such datasets, however, is often very costly -- due to the complex nature of annotation tasks and the high level of expertise required for the interpretation of medical images (e.g., expert radiologists). To counter this limitation, we propose a method for self-supervised learning of rich image features based on contrastive learning and online feature clustering. For this purpose we leverage large training datasets of over 100,000,000 medical images of various modalities, including radiography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and ultrasonography. We propose to use these features to guide model training in supervised and hybrid self-supervised/supervised regime on various downstream tasks. We highlight a number of advantages of this strategy on challenging image assessment problems in radiography, CT and MR: 1) Significant increase in accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art (e.g., AUC boost of 3-7% for detection of abnormalities from chest radiography scans and hemorrhage detection on brain CT); 2) Acceleration of model convergence during training by up to 85% compared to using no pretraining (e.g., 83% when training a model for detection of brain metastases in MR scans); 3) Increase in robustness to various image augmentations, such as intensity variations, rotations or scaling reflective of data variation seen in the field.
Abstract:The interpretation of medical images is a challenging task, often complicated by the presence of artifacts, occlusions, limited contrast and more. Most notable is the case of chest radiography, where there is a high inter-rater variability in the detection and classification of abnormalities. This is largely due to inconclusive evidence in the data or subjective definitions of disease appearance. An additional example is the classification of anatomical views based on 2D Ultrasound images. Often, the anatomical context captured in a frame is not sufficient to recognize the underlying anatomy. Current machine learning solutions for these problems are typically limited to providing probabilistic predictions, relying on the capacity of underlying models to adapt to limited information and the high degree of label noise. In practice, however, this leads to overconfident systems with poor generalization on unseen data. To account for this, we propose a system that learns not only the probabilistic estimate for classification, but also an explicit uncertainty measure which captures the confidence of the system in the predicted output. We argue that this approach is essential to account for the inherent ambiguity characteristic of medical images from different radiologic exams including computed radiography, ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. In our experiments we demonstrate that sample rejection based on the predicted uncertainty can significantly improve the ROC-AUC for various tasks, e.g., by 8% to 0.91 with an expected rejection rate of under 25% for the classification of different abnormalities in chest radiographs. In addition, we show that using uncertainty-driven bootstrapping to filter the training data, one can achieve a significant increase in robustness and accuracy.