Abstract:Today's autonomous vehicles rely on a multitude of sensors to perceive their environment. To improve the perception or create redundancy, the sensor's alignment relative to each other must be known. With Multi-LiCa, we present a novel approach for the alignment, e.g. calibration. We present an automatic motion- and targetless approach for the extrinsic multi LiDAR-to-LiDAR calibration without the need for additional sensor modalities or an initial transformation input. We propose a two-step process with feature-based matching for the coarse alignment and a GICP-based fine registration in combination with a cost-based matching strategy. Our approach can be applied to any number of sensors and positions if there is a partial overlap between the field of view of single sensors. We show that our pipeline is better generalized to different sensor setups and scenarios and is on par or better in calibration accuracy than existing approaches. The presented framework is integrated in ROS 2 but can also be used as a standalone application. To build upon our work, our source code is available at: https://github.com/TUMFTM/Multi_LiCa.
Abstract:State-of-the-art LiDAR calibration frameworks mainly use non-probabilistic registration methods such as Iterative Closest Point (ICP) and its variants. These methods suffer from biased results due to their pair-wise registration procedure as well as their sensitivity to initialization and parameterization. This often leads to misalignments in the calibration process. Probabilistic registration methods compensate for these drawbacks by specifically modeling the probabilistic nature of the observations. This paper presents GMMCalib, an automatic target-based extrinsic calibration approach for multi-LiDAR systems. Using an implementation of a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)-based registration method that allows joint registration of multiple point clouds, this data-driven approach is compared to ICP algorithms. We perform simulation experiments using the digital twin of the EDGAR research vehicle and validate the results in a real-world environment. We also address the local minima problem of local registration methods for extrinsic sensor calibration and use a distance-based metric to evaluate the calibration results. Our results show that an increase in robustness against sensor miscalibrations can be achieved by using GMM-based registration algorithms. The code is open source and available on GitHub.
Abstract:While current research and development of autonomous driving primarily focuses on developing new features and algorithms, the transfer from isolated software components into an entire software stack has been covered sparsely. Besides that, due to the complexity of autonomous software stacks and public road traffic, the optimal validation of entire stacks is an open research problem. Our paper targets these two aspects. We present our autonomous research vehicle EDGAR and its digital twin, a detailed virtual duplication of the vehicle. While the vehicle's setup is closely related to the state of the art, its virtual duplication is a valuable contribution as it is crucial for a consistent validation process from simulation to real-world tests. In addition, different development teams can work with the same model, making integration and testing of the software stacks much easier, significantly accelerating the development process. The real and virtual vehicles are embedded in a comprehensive development environment, which is also introduced. All parameters of the digital twin are provided open-source at https://github.com/TUMFTM/edgar_digital_twin.