Abstract:LLMs demonstrate significant inference capacities in complicated machine learning tasks, using the Transformer model as its backbone. Motivated by the limited understanding of such models on the unsupervised learning problems, we study the learning guarantees of Transformers in performing multi-class clustering of the Gaussian Mixture Models. We develop a theory drawing strong connections between the Softmax Attention layers and the workflow of the EM algorithm on clustering the mixture of Gaussians. Our theory provides approximation bounds for the Expectation and Maximization steps by proving the universal approximation abilities of multivariate mappings by Softmax functions. In addition to the approximation guarantees, we also show that with a sufficient number of pre-training samples and an initialization, Transformers can achieve the minimax optimal rate for the problem considered. Our extensive simulations empirically verified our theory by revealing the strong learning capacities of Transformers even beyond the assumptions in the theory, shedding light on the powerful inference capacities of LLMs.
Abstract:Transformers have achieved significant success in various fields, notably excelling in tasks involving sequential data like natural language processing. Despite these achievements, the theoretical understanding of transformers' capabilities remains limited. In this paper, we investigate the theoretical capabilities of transformers to autoregressively generate sequences in Bayesian networks based on in-context maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Specifically, we consider a setting where a context is formed by a set of independent sequences generated according to a Bayesian network. We demonstrate that there exists a simple transformer model that can (i) estimate the conditional probabilities of the Bayesian network according to the context, and (ii) autoregressively generate a new sample according to the Bayesian network with estimated conditional probabilities. We further demonstrate in extensive experiments that such a transformer does not only exist in theory, but can also be effectively obtained through training. Our analysis highlights the potential of transformers to learn complex probabilistic models and contributes to a better understanding of large language models as a powerful class of sequence generators.
Abstract:Transformers demonstrate significant advantages as the building block of modern LLMs. In this work, we study the capacities of Transformers in performing unsupervised learning. We show that multi-layered Transformers, given a sufficiently large set of pre-training instances, are able to learn the algorithms themselves and perform statistical estimation tasks given new instances. This learning paradigm is distinct from the in-context learning setup and is similar to the learning procedure of human brains where skills are learned through past experience. Theoretically, we prove that pre-trained Transformers can learn the spectral methods and use the classification of bi-class Gaussian mixture model as an example. Our proof is constructive using algorithmic design techniques. Our results are built upon the similarities of multi-layered Transformer architecture with the iterative recovery algorithms used in practice. Empirically, we verify the strong capacity of the multi-layered (pre-trained) Transformer on unsupervised learning through the lens of both the PCA and the Clustering tasks performed on the synthetic and real-world datasets.
Abstract:We introduce an Outlier-Efficient Modern Hopfield Model (termed $\mathtt{OutEffHop}$) and use it to address the outlier-induced challenge of quantizing gigantic transformer-based models. Our main contribution is a novel associative memory model facilitating \textit{outlier-efficient} associative memory retrievals. Interestingly, this memory model manifests a model-based interpretation of an outlier-efficient attention mechanism ($\text{Softmax}_1$): it is an approximation of the memory retrieval process of $\mathtt{OutEffHop}$. Methodologically, this allows us to debut novel outlier-efficient Hopfield layers a powerful attention alternative with superior post-quantization performance. Theoretically, the Outlier-Efficient Modern Hopfield Model retains and improves the desirable properties of the standard modern Hopfield models, including fixed point convergence and exponential storage capacity. Empirically, we demonstrate the proposed model's efficacy across large-scale transformer-based and Hopfield-based models (including BERT, OPT, ViT and STanHop-Net), benchmarking against state-of-the-art methods including $\mathtt{Clipped\_Softmax}$ and $\mathtt{Gated\_Attention}$. Notably, $\mathtt{OutEffHop}$ achieves on average $\sim$22+\% reductions in both average kurtosis and maximum infinity norm of model outputs accross 4 models.