University of the Aegean, Greece
Abstract:Although deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods have been successfully applied in challenging tasks, their application in real-world operational settings is challenged by methods' limited ability to provide explanations. Among the paradigms for explainability in DRL is the interpretable box design paradigm, where interpretable models substitute inner constituent models of the DRL method, thus making the DRL method "inherently" interpretable. In this paper we explore this paradigm and we propose XDQN, an explainable variation of DQN, which uses an interpretable policy model trained through mimicking. XDQN is challenged in a complex, real-world operational multi-agent problem, where agents are independent learners solving congestion problems. Specifically, XDQN is evaluated in three MARL scenarios, pertaining to the demand-capacity balancing problem of air traffic management. XDQN achieves performance similar to that of DQN, while its abilities to provide global models' interpretations and interpretations of local decisions are demonstrated.
Abstract:Dense and complex air traffic scenarios require higher levels of automation than those exhibited by tactical conflict detection and resolution (CD\&R) tools that air traffic controllers (ATCO) use today. However, the air traffic control (ATC) domain, being safety critical, requires AI systems to which operators are comfortable to relinquishing control, guaranteeing operational integrity and automation adoption. Two major factors towards this goal are quality of solutions, and transparency in decision making. This paper proposes using a graph convolutional reinforcement learning method operating in a multiagent setting where each agent (flight) performs a CD\&R task, jointly with other agents. We show that this method can provide high-quality solutions with respect to stakeholders interests (air traffic controllers and airspace users), addressing operational transparency issues.
Abstract:In many cases, government data is still "locked" in several "data silos", even within the boundaries of a single (inter-)national public organization with disparate and distributed organizational units and departments spread across multiple sites. Opening data and enabling its unified querying from a single site in an efficient and effective way is a semantic application integration and open government data challenge. This paper describes how NARA is using Semantic Web technology to implement an application integration approach within the boundaries of its organization via opening and querying multiple governmental data sources from a single site. The generic approach proposed, namely S3-AI, provides support to answering unified, ontology-mediated, federated queries to data produced and exploited by disparate applications, while these are being located in different organizational sites. S3-AI preserves ownership, autonomy and independency of applications and data. The paper extensively demonstrates S3-AI, using the D2RQ and Fuseki technologies, for addressing the needs of a governmental "IT helpdesk support" case.
Abstract:This report describes the MUDOS-NG summarization system, which applies a set of language-independent and generic methods for generating extractive summaries. The proposed methods are mostly combinations of simple operators on a generic character n-gram graph representation of texts. This work defines the set of used operators upon n-gram graphs and proposes using these operators within the multi-document summarization process in such subtasks as document analysis, salient sentence selection, query expansion and redundancy control. Furthermore, a novel chunking methodology is used, together with a novel way to assign concepts to sentences for query expansion. The experimental results of the summarization system, performed upon widely used corpora from the Document Understanding and the Text Analysis Conferences, are promising and provide evidence for the potential of the generic methods introduced. This work aims to designate core methods exploiting the n-gram graph representation, providing the basis for more advanced summarization systems.