Abstract:This paper brings the concept of "optimism" to the new and promising framework of online Non-stochastic Control (NSC). Namely, we study how can NSC benefit from a prediction oracle of unknown quality responsible for forecasting future costs. The posed problem is first reduced to an optimistic learning with delayed feedback problem, which is handled through the Optimistic Follow the Regularized Leader (OFTRL) algorithmic family. This reduction enables the design of OptFTRL-C, the first Disturbance Action Controller (DAC) with optimistic policy regret bounds. These new bounds are commensurate with the oracle's accuracy, ranging from $\mathcal{O}(1)$ for perfect predictions to the order-optimal $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ even when all predictions fail. By addressing the challenge of incorporating untrusted predictions into control systems, our work contributes to the advancement of the NSC framework and paves the way towards effective and robust learning-based controllers.
Abstract:O-RAN systems and their deployment in virtualized general-purpose computing platforms (O-Cloud) constitute a paradigm shift expected to bring unprecedented performance gains. However, these architectures raise new implementation challenges and threaten to worsen the already-high energy consumption of mobile networks. This paper presents first a series of experiments which assess the O-Cloud's energy costs and their dependency on the servers' hardware, capacity and data traffic properties which, typically, change over time. Next, it proposes a compute policy for assigning the base station data loads to O-Cloud servers in an energy-efficient fashion; and a radio policy that determines at near-real-time the minimum transmission block size for each user so as to avoid unnecessary energy costs. The policies balance energy savings with performance, and ensure that both of them are dispersed fairly across the servers and users, respectively. To cater for the unknown and time-varying parameters affecting the policies, we develop a novel online learning framework with fairness guarantees that apply to the entire operation horizon of the system (long-term fairness). The policies are evaluated using trace-driven simulations and are fully implemented in an O-RAN compatible system where we measure the energy costs and throughput in realistic scenarios.
Abstract:We tackle the problem of Non-stochastic Control with the aim of obtaining algorithms that adapt to the controlled environment. Namely, we tailor the FTRL framework to dynamical systems where the existence of a state, or equivalently a memory, couples the effect of the online decisions. By designing novel regularization techniques that take the system's memory into consideration, we obtain controllers with new sub-linear data adaptive policy regret bounds. Furthermore, we append these regularizers with untrusted predictions of future costs, which enables the design of the first Optimistic FTRL-based controller whose regret bound is adaptive to the accuracy of the predictions, shrinking when they are accurate while staying sub-linear even when they all fail.
Abstract:Open Radio Access Network systems, with their virtualized base stations (vBSs), offer operators the benefits of increased flexibility, reduced costs, vendor diversity, and interoperability. Optimizing the allocation of resources in a vBS is challenging since it requires knowledge of the environment, (i.e., "external'' information), such as traffic demands and channel quality, which is difficult to acquire precisely over short intervals of a few seconds. To tackle this problem, we propose an online learning algorithm that balances the effective throughput and vBS energy consumption, even under unforeseeable and "challenging'' environments; for instance, non-stationary or adversarial traffic demands. We also develop a meta-learning scheme, which leverages the power of other algorithmic approaches, tailored for more "easy'' environments, and dynamically chooses the best performing one, thus enhancing the overall system's versatility and effectiveness. We prove the proposed solutions achieve sub-linear regret, providing zero average optimality gap even in challenging environments. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated with real-world data and various trace-driven evaluations, indicating savings of up to 64.5% in the power consumption of a vBS compared with state-of-the-art benchmarks.
Abstract:We propose an ML-based model that automates and expedites the solution of MIPs by predicting the values of variables. Our approach is motivated by the observation that many problem instances share salient features and solution structures since they differ only in few (time-varying) parameters. Examples include transportation and routing problems where decisions need to be re-optimized whenever commodity volumes or link costs change. Our method is the first to exploit the sequential nature of the instances being solved periodically, and can be trained with ``unlabeled'' instances, when exact solutions are unavailable, in a semi-supervised setting. Also, we provide a principled way of transforming the probabilistic predictions into integral solutions. Using a battery of experiments with representative binary MIPs, we show the gains of our model over other ML-based optimization approaches.
Abstract:We show that a kernel estimator using multiple function evaluations can be easily converted into a sampling-based bandit estimator with expectation equal to the original kernel estimate. Plugging such a bandit estimator into the standard FTRL algorithm yields a bandit convex optimisation algorithm that achieves $\tilde{O}(t^{1/2})$ regret against adversarial time-varying convex loss functions.
Abstract:The design of Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) compliant systems for configuring the virtualized Base Stations (vBSs) is of paramount importance for network operators. This task is challenging since optimizing the vBS scheduling procedure requires knowledge of parameters, which are erratic and demanding to obtain in advance. In this paper, we propose an online learning algorithm for balancing the performance and energy consumption of a vBS. This algorithm provides performance guarantees under unforeseeable conditions, such as non-stationary traffic and network state, and is oblivious to the vBS operation profile. We study the problem in its most general form and we prove that the proposed technique achieves sub-linear regret (i.e., zero average optimality gap) even in a fast-changing environment. By using real-world data and various trace-driven evaluations, our findings indicate savings of up to 74.3% in the power consumption of a vBS in comparison with state-of-the-art benchmarks.
Abstract:The design of effective online caching policies is an increasingly important problem for content distribution networks, online social networks and edge computing services, among other areas. This paper proposes a new algorithmic toolbox for tackling this problem through the lens of optimistic online learning. We build upon the Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) framework, which is developed further here to include predictions for the file requests, and we design online caching algorithms for bipartite networks with fixed-size caches or elastic leased caches subject to time-average budget constraints. The predictions are provided by a content recommendation system that influences the users viewing activity and hence can naturally reduce the caching network's uncertainty about future requests. We also extend the framework to learn and utilize the best request predictor in cases where many are available. We prove that the proposed {optimistic} learning caching policies can achieve sub-zero performance loss (regret) for perfect predictions, and maintain the sub-linear regret bound $O(\sqrt T)$, which is the best achievable bound for policies that do not use predictions, even for arbitrary-bad predictions. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated with detailed trace-driven numerical tests.
Abstract:In this paper we extend the classical Follow-The-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) algorithm to encompass time-varying constraints, through adaptive penalization. We establish sufficient conditions for the proposed Penalized FTRL algorithm to achieve $O(\sqrt{t})$ regret and violation with respect to strong benchmark $\hat{X}^{max}_t$. Lacking prior knowledge of the constraints, this is probably the largest benchmark set that we can reasonably hope for. Our sufficient conditions are necessary in the sense that when they are violated there exist examples where $O(\sqrt{t})$ regret and violation is not achieved. Compared to the best existing primal-dual algorithms, Penalized FTRL substantially extends the class of problems for which $O(\sqrt{t})$ regret and violation performance is achievable.
Abstract:The design of effective online caching policies is an increasingly important problem for content distribution networks, online social networks and edge computing services, among other areas. This paper proposes a new algorithmic toolbox for tackling this problem through the lens of optimistic online learning. We build upon the Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) framework which is developed further here to include predictions for the file requests, and we design online caching algorithms for bipartite networks with fixed-size caches or elastic leased caches subject to time-average budget constraints. The predictions are provided by a content recommendation system that influences the users viewing activity, and hence can naturally reduce the caching network's uncertainty about future requests. We prove that the proposed optimistic learning caching policies can achieve sub-zero performance loss (regret) for perfect predictions, and maintain the best achievable regret bound $O(\sqrt T)$ even for arbitrary-bad predictions. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated with detailed trace-driven numerical tests.