Abstract:Astronauts take thousands of photos of Earth per day from the International Space Station, which, once localized on Earth's surface, are used for a multitude of tasks, ranging from climate change research to disaster management. The localization process, which has been performed manually for decades, has recently been approached through image retrieval solutions: given an astronaut photo, find its most similar match among a large database of geo-tagged satellite images, in a task called Astronaut Photography Localization (APL). Yet, existing APL approaches are trained only using satellite images, without taking advantage of the millions open-source astronaut photos. In this work we present the first APL pipeline capable of leveraging astronaut photos for training. We first produce full localization information for 300,000 manually weakly labeled astronaut photos through an automated pipeline, and then use these images to train a model, called AstroLoc. AstroLoc learns a robust representation of Earth's surface features through two losses: astronaut photos paired with their matching satellite counterparts in a pairwise loss, and a second loss on clusters of satellite imagery weighted by their relevance to astronaut photography via unsupervised mining. We find that AstroLoc achieves a staggering 35% average improvement in recall@1 over previous SOTA, pushing the limits of existing datasets with a recall@100 consistently over 99%. Finally, we note that AstroLoc, without any fine-tuning, provides excellent results for related tasks like the lost-in-space satellite problem and historical space imagery localization.
Abstract:Mesh-based scene representation offers a promising direction for simplifying large-scale hierarchical visual localization pipelines, combining a visual place recognition step based on global features (retrieval) and a visual localization step based on local features. While existing work demonstrates the viability of meshes for visual localization, the impact of using synthetic databases rendered from them in visual place recognition remains largely unexplored. In this work we investigate using dense 3D textured meshes for large-scale Visual Place Recognition (VPR) and identify a significant performance drop when using synthetic mesh-based databases compared to real-world images for retrieval. To address this, we propose MeshVPR, a novel VPR pipeline that utilizes a lightweight features alignment framework to bridge the gap between real-world and synthetic domains. MeshVPR leverages pre-trained VPR models and it is efficient and scalable for city-wide deployments. We introduce novel datasets with freely available 3D meshes and manually collected queries from Berlin, Paris, and Melbourne. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that MeshVPR achieves competitive performance with standard VPR pipelines, paving the way for mesh-based localization systems. Our contributions include the new task of citywide mesh-based VPR, the new benchmark datasets, MeshVPR, and a thorough analysis of open challenges. Data, code, and interactive visualizations are available at https://mesh-vpr.github.io
Abstract:In computer vision, keypoint detection is a fundamental task, with applications spanning from robotics to image retrieval; however, existing learning-based methods suffer from scale dependency and lack flexibility. This paper introduces a novel approach that leverages Morse theory and persistent homology, powerful tools rooted in algebraic topology. We propose a novel loss function based on the recent introduction of a notion of subgradient in persistent homology, paving the way toward topological learning. Our detector, MorseDet, is the first topology-based learning model for feature detection, which achieves competitive performance in keypoint repeatability and introduces a principled and theoretically robust approach to the problem.
Abstract:Precise, pixel-wise geolocalization of astronaut photography is critical to unlocking the potential of this unique type of remotely sensed Earth data, particularly for its use in disaster management and climate change research. Recent works have established the Astronaut Photography Localization task, but have either proved too costly for mass deployment or generated too coarse a localization. Thus, we present EarthMatch, an iterative homography estimation method that produces fine-grained localization of astronaut photographs while maintaining an emphasis on speed. We refocus the astronaut photography benchmark, AIMS, on the geolocalization task itself, and prove our method's efficacy on this dataset. In addition, we offer a new, fair method for image matcher comparison, and an extensive evaluation of different matching models within our localization pipeline. Our method will enable fast and accurate localization of the 4.5 million and growing collection of astronaut photography of Earth. Webpage with code and data at https://earthloc-and-earthmatch.github.io
Abstract:Visual Place Recognition aims at recognizing previously visited places by relying on visual clues, and it is used in robotics applications for SLAM and localization. Since typically a mobile robot has access to a continuous stream of frames, this task is naturally cast as a sequence-to-sequence localization problem. Nevertheless, obtaining sequences of labelled data is much more expensive than collecting isolated images, which can be done in an automated way with little supervision. As a mitigation to this problem, we propose a novel Joint Image and Sequence Training protocol (JIST) that leverages large uncurated sets of images through a multi-task learning framework. With JIST we also introduce SeqGeM, an aggregation layer that revisits the popular GeM pooling to produce a single robust and compact embedding from a sequence of single-frame embeddings. We show that our model is able to outperform previous state of the art while being faster, using 8 times smaller descriptors, having a lighter architecture and allowing to process sequences of various lengths. Code is available at https://github.com/ga1i13o/JIST
Abstract:Astronaut photography, spanning six decades of human spaceflight, presents a unique Earth observations dataset with immense value for both scientific research and disaster response. Despite its significance, accurately localizing the geographical extent of these images, crucial for effective utilization, poses substantial challenges. Current manual localization efforts are time-consuming, motivating the need for automated solutions. We propose a novel approach - leveraging image retrieval - to address this challenge efficiently. We introduce innovative training techniques, including Year-Wise Data Augmentation and a Neutral-Aware Multi-Similarity Loss, which contribute to the development of a high-performance model, EarthLoc. We develop six evaluation datasets and perform a comprehensive benchmark comparing EarthLoc to existing methods, showcasing its superior efficiency and accuracy. Our approach marks a significant advancement in automating the localization of astronaut photography, which will help bridge a critical gap in Earth observations data. Code and datasets are available at https://github.com/gmberton/EarthLoc
Abstract:Visual Place Recognition is a task that aims to predict the place of an image (called query) based solely on its visual features. This is typically done through image retrieval, where the query is matched to the most similar images from a large database of geotagged photos, using learned global descriptors. A major challenge in this task is recognizing places seen from different viewpoints. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new method, called EigenPlaces, to train our neural network on images from different point of views, which embeds viewpoint robustness into the learned global descriptors. The underlying idea is to cluster the training data so as to explicitly present the model with different views of the same points of interest. The selection of this points of interest is done without the need for extra supervision. We then present experiments on the most comprehensive set of datasets in literature, finding that EigenPlaces is able to outperform previous state of the art on the majority of datasets, while requiring 60\% less GPU memory for training and using 50\% smaller descriptors. The code and trained models for EigenPlaces are available at {\small{\url{https://github.com/gmberton/EigenPlaces}}}, while results with any other baseline can be computed with the codebase at {\small{\url{https://github.com/gmberton/auto_VPR}}}.
Abstract:Visual Place recognition is commonly addressed as an image retrieval problem. However, retrieval methods are impractical to scale to large datasets, densely sampled from city-wide maps, since their dimension impact negatively on the inference time. Using approximate nearest neighbour search for retrieval helps to mitigate this issue, at the cost of a performance drop. In this paper we investigate whether we can effectively approach this task as a classification problem, thus bypassing the need for a similarity search. We find that existing classification methods for coarse, planet-wide localization are not suitable for the fine-grained and city-wide setting. This is largely due to how the dataset is split into classes, because these methods are designed to handle a sparse distribution of photos and as such do not consider the visual aliasing problem across neighbouring classes that naturally arises in dense scenarios. Thus, we propose a partitioning scheme that enables a fast and accurate inference, preserving a simple learning procedure, and a novel inference pipeline based on an ensemble of novel classifiers that uses the prototypes learned via an angular margin loss. Our method, Divide&Classify (D&C), enjoys the fast inference of classification solutions and an accuracy competitive with retrieval methods on the fine-grained, city-wide setting. Moreover, we show that D&C can be paired with existing retrieval pipelines to speed up computations by over 20 times while increasing their recall, leading to new state-of-the-art results.
Abstract:Visual Place Recognition is a task that aims to predict the coordinates of an image (called query) based solely on visual clues. Most commonly, a retrieval approach is adopted, where the query is matched to the most similar images from a large database of geotagged photos, using learned global descriptors. Despite recent advances, recognizing the same place when the query comes from a significantly different distribution is still a major hurdle for state of the art retrieval methods. Examples are heavy illumination changes (e.g. night-time images) or substantial occlusions (e.g. transient objects). In this work we explore whether re-ranking methods based on spatial verification can tackle these challenges, following the intuition that local descriptors are inherently more robust than global features to domain shifts. To this end, we provide a new, comprehensive benchmark on current state of the art models. We also introduce two new demanding datasets with night and occluded queries, to be matched against a city-wide database. Code and datasets are available at https://github.com/gbarbarani/re-ranking-for-VPR.
Abstract:In robotics, Visual Place Recognition is a continuous process that receives as input a video stream to produce a hypothesis of the robot's current position within a map of known places. This task requires robust, scalable, and efficient techniques for real applications. This work proposes a detailed taxonomy of techniques using sequential descriptors, highlighting different mechanism to fuse the information from the individual images. This categorization is supported by a complete benchmark of experimental results that provides evidence on the strengths and weaknesses of these different architectural choices. In comparison to existing sequential descriptors methods, we further investigate the viability of Transformers instead of CNN backbones, and we propose a new ad-hoc sequence-level aggregator called SeqVLAD, which outperforms prior state of the art on different datasets. The code is available at https://github.com/vandal-vpr/vg-transformers.