Abstract:Clinical trials are the gold standard for assessing the effectiveness and safety of drugs for treating diseases. Given the vast design space of drug molecules, elevated financial cost, and multi-year timeline of these trials, research on clinical trial outcome prediction has gained immense traction. Accurate predictions must leverage data of diverse modes such as drug molecules, target diseases, and eligibility criteria to infer successes and failures. Previous Deep Learning approaches for this task, such as HINT, often require wet lab data from synthesized molecules and/or rely on prior knowledge to encode interactions as part of the model architecture. To address these limitations, we propose a light-weight attention-based model, MEXA-CTP, to integrate readily-available multi-modal data and generate effective representations via specialized modules dubbed "mode experts", while avoiding human biases in model design. We optimize MEXA-CTP with the Cauchy loss to capture relevant interactions across modes. Our experiments on the Trial Outcome Prediction (TOP) benchmark demonstrate that MEXA-CTP improves upon existing approaches by, respectively, up to 11.3% in F1 score, 12.2% in PR-AUC, and 2.5% in ROC-AUC, compared to HINT. Ablation studies are provided to quantify the effectiveness of each component in our proposed method.
Abstract:There have been growing concerns around high-stake applications that rely on models trained with biased data, which consequently produce biased predictions, often harming the most vulnerable. In particular, biased medical data could cause health-related applications and recommender systems to create outputs that jeopardize patient care and widen disparities in health outcomes. A recent framework titled Fairness via AI posits that, instead of attempting to correct model biases, researchers must focus on their root causes by using AI to debias data. Inspired by this framework, we tackle bias detection in medical curricula using NLP models, including LLMs, and evaluate them on a gold standard dataset containing 4,105 excerpts annotated by medical experts for bias from a large corpus. We build on previous work by coauthors which augments the set of negative samples with non-annotated text containing social identifier terms. However, some of these terms, especially those related to race and ethnicity, can carry different meanings (e.g., "white matter of spinal cord"). To address this issue, we propose the use of Word Sense Disambiguation models to refine dataset quality by removing irrelevant sentences. We then evaluate fine-tuned variations of BERT models as well as GPT models with zero- and few-shot prompting. We found LLMs, considered SOTA on many NLP tasks, unsuitable for bias detection, while fine-tuned BERT models generally perform well across all evaluated metrics.
Abstract:As learning-to-rank models are increasingly deployed for decision-making in areas with profound life implications, the FairML community has been developing fair learning-to-rank (LTR) models. These models rely on the availability of sensitive demographic features such as race or sex. However, in practice, regulatory obstacles and privacy concerns protect this data from collection and use. As a result, practitioners may either need to promote fairness despite the absence of these features or turn to demographic inference tools to attempt to infer them. Given that these tools are fallible, this paper aims to further understand how errors in demographic inference impact the fairness performance of popular fair LTR strategies. In which cases would it be better to keep such demographic attributes hidden from models versus infer them? We examine a spectrum of fair LTR strategies ranging from fair LTR with and without demographic features hidden versus inferred to fairness-unaware LTR followed by fair re-ranking. We conduct a controlled empirical investigation modeling different levels of inference errors by systematically perturbing the inferred sensitive attribute. We also perform three case studies with real-world datasets and popular open-source inference methods. Our findings reveal that as inference noise grows, LTR-based methods that incorporate fairness considerations into the learning process may increase bias. In contrast, fair re-ranking strategies are more robust to inference errors. All source code, data, and experimental artifacts of our experimental study are available here: https://github.com/sewen007/hoiltr.git
Abstract:Social media may disseminate medical claims that highlight misleading correlations between social identifiers and diseases due to not accounting for structural determinants of health. Our research aims to identify biased medical claims on Twitter and measure their spread. We propose a machine learning framework that uses two models in tandem: RoBERTa to detect medical claims and DistilBERT to classify bias. After identifying original biased medical claims, we conducted a retweet cascade analysis, computing their individual reach and rate of spread. Tweets containing biased claims were found to circulate faster and further than unbiased claims.
Abstract:Money laundering is one of the most relevant criminal activities today, due to its potential to cause massive financial losses to governments, banks, etc. We propose DELATOR, a new CAAT (computer-assisted audit technology) to detect money laundering activities based on neural network models that encode bank transfers as a large-scale temporal graph. In collaboration with a Brazilian bank, we design and apply an evaluation strategy to quantify DELATOR's performance on historic data comprising millions of clients. DELATOR outperforms an off-the-shelf solution from Amazon AWS by 18.9% with respect to AUC. We conducted real experiments that led to discovery of 8 new suspicious among 100 analyzed cases, which would have been reported to the authorities under the current criteria.
Abstract:Deep clustering (DC) leverages the representation power of deep architectures to learn embedding spaces that are optimal for cluster analysis. This approach filters out low-level information irrelevant for clustering and has proven remarkably successful for high dimensional data spaces. Some DC methods employ Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), motivated by the powerful latent representations these models are able to learn implicitly. In this work, we propose HC-MGAN, a new technique based on GANs with multiple generators (MGANs), which have not been explored for clustering. Our method is inspired by the observation that each generator of a MGAN tends to generate data that correlates with a sub-region of the real data distribution. We use this clustered generation to train a classifier for inferring from which generator a given image came from, thus providing a semantically meaningful clustering for the real distribution. Additionally, we design our method so that it is performed in a top-down hierarchical clustering tree, thus proposing the first hierarchical DC method, to the best of our knowledge. We conduct several experiments to evaluate the proposed method against recent DC methods, obtaining competitive results. Last, we perform an exploratory analysis of the hierarchical clustering tree that highlights how accurately it organizes the data in a hierarchy of semantically coherent patterns.
Abstract:Most Fairness in AI research focuses on exposing biases in AI systems. A broader lens on fairness reveals that AI can serve a greater aspiration: rooting out societal inequities from their source. Specifically, we focus on inequities in health information, and aim to reduce bias in that domain using AI. The AI algorithms under the hood of search engines and social media, many of which are based on recommender systems, have an outsized impact on the quality of medical and health information online. Therefore, embedding bias detection and reduction into these recommender systems serving up medical and health content online could have an outsized positive impact on patient outcomes and wellbeing. In this position paper, we offer the following contributions: (1) we propose a novel framework of Fairness via AI, inspired by insights from medical education, sociology and antiracism; (2) we define a new term, bisinformation, which is related to, but distinct from, misinformation, and encourage researchers to study it; (3) we propose using AI to study, detect and mitigate biased, harmful, and/or false health information that disproportionately hurts minority groups in society; and (4) we suggest several pillars and pose several open problems in order to seed inquiry in this new space. While part (3) of this work specifically focuses on the health domain, the fundamental computer science advances and contributions stemming from research efforts in bias reduction and Fairness via AI have broad implications in all areas of society.
Abstract:Scientific knowledge cannot be seen as a set of isolated fields, but as a highly connected network. Understanding how research areas are connected is of paramount importance for adequately allocating funding and human resources (e.g., assembling teams to tackle multidisciplinary problems). The relationship between disciplines can be drawn from data on the trajectory of individual scientists, as researchers often make contributions in a small set of interrelated areas. Two recent works propose methods for creating research maps from scientists' publication records: by using a frequentist approach to create a transition probability matrix; and by learning embeddings (vector representations). Surprisingly, these models were evaluated on different datasets and have never been compared in the literature. In this work, we compare both models in a systematic way, using a large dataset of publication records from Brazilian researchers. We evaluate these models' ability to predict whether a given entity (scientist, institution or region) will enter a new field w.r.t. the area under the ROC curve. Moreover, we analyze how sensitive each method is to the number of publications and the number of fields associated to one entity. Last, we conduct a case study to showcase how these models can be used to characterize science dynamics in the context of Brazil.
Abstract:Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in everyday devices such as smartphones, fitness watches, etc. As a result, the array of health-related applications that tap onto this data has been growing, as well as the importance of designing accurate prediction models for tasks such as human activity recognition (HAR). However, one important task that has received little attention is the prediction of an individual's heart rate when undergoing a physical activity using IMU data. This could be used, for example, to determine which activities are safe for a person without having him/her actually perform them. We propose a neural architecture for this task composed of convolutional and LSTM layers, similarly to the state-of-the-art techniques for the closely related task of HAR. However, our model includes a convolutional network that extracts, based on sensor data from a previously executed activity, a physical conditioning embedding (PCE) of the individual to be used as the LSTM's initial hidden state. We evaluate the proposed model, dubbed PCE-LSTM, when predicting the heart rate of 23 subjects performing a variety of physical activities from IMU-sensor data available in public datasets (PAMAP2, PPG-DaLiA). For comparison, we use as baselines the only model specifically proposed for this task, and an adapted state-of-the-art model for HAR. PCE-LSTM yields over 10% lower mean absolute error. We demonstrate empirically that this error reduction is in part due to the use of the PCE. Last, we use the two datasets (PPG-DaLiA, WESAD) to show that PCE-LSTM can also be successfully applied when photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors are available to rectify heart rate measurement errors caused by movement, outperforming the state-of-the-art deep learning baselines by more than 30%.
Abstract:Online Social Networks have become an important medium for communication among people who suffer from mental disorders to share moments of hardship and to seek support. Here we analyze how Reddit discussions can help improve the health conditions of its users. Using emotional tone of user publications as a proxy for his emotional state, we uncover relationships between state changes and interactions he has in a given community. We observe that authors of negative posts often write more positive comments after engaging in discussions. Second, we build models based on state-of-the-art embedding techniques and RNNs to predict shifts in emotional tone. We show that it is possible to predict with good accuracy the reaction of users of mental disorder online communities to the interactions experienced in these platforms. Our models could assist in interventions promoted by health care professionals to provide support to people suffering from mental health illnesses.