Abstract:Being immersed in the NISQ-era, current quantum annealers present limitations for solving optimization problems efficiently. To mitigate these limitations, D-Wave Systems developed a mechanism called Reverse Annealing, a specific type of quantum annealing designed to perform local refinement of good states found elsewhere. Despite the research activity around Reverse Annealing, none has theorized about the possible benefits related to the transfer of knowledge under this paradigm. This work moves in that direction and is driven by experimentation focused on answering two key research questions: i) is reverse annealing a paradigm that can benefit from knowledge transfer between similar problems? and ii) can we infer the characteristics that an input solution should meet to help increase the probability of success? To properly guide the tests in this paper, the well-known Knapsack Problem has been chosen for benchmarking purposes, using a total of 34 instances composed of 14 and 16 items.
Abstract:The field of quantum computing is generating significant anticipation within the scientific and industrial communities due to its potential to revolutionize computing paradigms. Recognizing this potential, this paper explores the integration of transfer of knowledge techniques, traditionally used in classical artificial intelligence, into quantum computing. We present a comprehensive classification of the transfer models, focusing on Transfer Learning and Transfer Optimization. Additionally, we analyze relevant schemes in quantum computing that can benefit from knowledge sharing, and we delve into the potential synergies, supported by theoretical insights and initial experimental results. Our findings suggest that leveraging the transfer of knowledge can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of quantum algorithms, particularly in the context of hybrid solvers. This approach not only accelerates the optimization process but also reduces the computational burden on quantum processors, making it a valuable tool for advancing quantum computing technologies.
Abstract:In the last few years, the formulation of real-world optimization problems and their efficient solution via metaheuristic algorithms has been a catalyst for a myriad of research studies. In spite of decades of historical advancements on the design and use of metaheuristics, large difficulties still remain in regards to the understandability, algorithmic design uprightness, and performance verifiability of new technical achievements. A clear example stems from the scarce replicability of works dealing with metaheuristics used for optimization, which is often infeasible due to ambiguity and lack of detail in the presentation of the methods to be reproduced. Additionally, in many cases, there is a questionable statistical significance of their reported results. This work aims at providing the audience with a proposal of good practices which should be embraced when conducting studies about metaheuristics methods used for optimization in order to provide scientific rigor, value and transparency. To this end, we introduce a step by step methodology covering every research phase that should be followed when addressing this scientific field. Specifically, frequently overlooked yet crucial aspects and useful recommendations will be discussed in regards to the formulation of the problem, solution encoding, implementation of search operators, evaluation metrics, design of experiments, and considerations for real-world performance, among others. Finally, we will outline important considerations, challenges, and research directions for the success of newly developed optimization metaheuristics in their deployment and operation over real-world application environments.
Abstract:In the current NISQ-era, one of the major challenges faced by researchers and practitioners lies in figuring out how to combine quantum and classical computing in the most efficient and innovative way. In this paper, we present a mechanism coined as Quantum Initialization for Warehouse Optimization Problem that resorts to D-Wave's Quantum Annealer. The module has been specifically designed to be embedded into already existing classical software dedicated to the optimization of a real-world industrial problem. We preliminary tested the implemented mechanism through a two-phase experiment against the classical version of the software.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a quantum computing oriented benchmark for combinatorial optimization. This benchmark, coined as QOPTLib, is composed of 40 instances equally distributed over four well-known problems: Traveling Salesman Problem, Vehicle Routing Problem, one-dimensional Bin Packing Problem and the Maximum Cut Problem. The sizes of the instances in QOPTLib not only correspond to computationally addressable sizes, but also to the maximum length approachable with non-zero likelihood of getting a good result. In this regard, it is important to highlight that hybrid approaches are also taken into consideration. Thus, this benchmark constitutes the first effort to provide users a general-purpose dataset. Also in this paper, we introduce a first full solving of QOPTLib using two solvers based on quantum annealing. Our main intention with this is to establish a preliminary baseline, hoping to inspire other researchers to beat these outcomes with newly proposed quantum-based algorithms.
Abstract:Research focused on the conjunction between quantum computing and routing problems has been very prolific in recent years. Most of the works revolve around classical problems such as the Traveling Salesman Problem or the Vehicle Routing Problem. Even though working on these problems is valuable, it is also undeniable that their academic-oriented nature falls short of real-world requirements. The main objective of this research is to present a solving method for realistic instances, avoiding problem relaxations or technical shortcuts. Instead, a quantum-classical hybrid solver has been developed, coined Q4RPD, that considers a set of real constraints such as a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, priority deliveries, and capacities characterized by two values: weight and dimensions of the packages. Q4RPD resorts to the Leap Constrained Quadratic Model Hybrid Solver of D-Wave. To demonstrate the application of Q4RPD, an experimentation composed of six different instances has been conducted, aiming to serve as illustrative examples.
Abstract:One of the problems in quantitative finance that has received the most attention is the portfolio optimization problem. Regarding its solving, this problem has been approached using different techniques, with those related to quantum computing being especially prolific in recent years. In this study, we present a system called Quantum Computing-based System for Portfolio Optimization with Future Asset Values and Automatic Universe Reduction (Q4FuturePOP), which deals with the Portfolio Optimization Problem considering the following innovations: i) the developed tool is modeled for working with future prediction of assets, instead of historical values; and ii) Q4FuturePOP includes an automatic universe reduction module, which is conceived to intelligently reduce the complexity of the problem. We also introduce a brief discussion about the preliminary performance of the different modules that compose the prototypical version of Q4FuturePOP.
Abstract:The Bin Packing Problem is a classic problem with wide industrial applicability. In fact, the efficient packing of items into bins is one of the toughest challenges in many logistic corporations and is a critical issue for reducing storage costs or improving vehicle space allocation. In this work, we resort to our previously published quantum-classical framework known as Q4RealBPP, and elaborate on the solving of real-world oriented instances of the Bin Packing Problem. With this purpose, this paper gravitates on the following characteristics: i) the existence of heterogeneous bins, ii) the extension of the framework to solve not only three-dimensional, but also one- and two-dimensional instances of the problem, iii) requirements for item-bin associations, and iv) delivery priorities. All these features have been tested in this paper, as well as the ability of Q4RealBPP to solve real-world oriented instances.
Abstract:The expectations arising from the latest achievements in the quantum computing field are causing that researchers coming from classical artificial intelligence to be fascinated by this new paradigm. In turn, quantum computing, on the road towards usability, needs classical procedures. Hybridization is, in these circumstances, an indispensable step but can also be seen as a promising new avenue to get the most from both computational worlds. Nonetheless, hybrid approaches have now and will have in the future many challenges to face, which, if ignored, will threaten the viability or attractiveness of quantum computing for real-world applications. To identify them and pose pertinent questions, a proper characterization of the hybrid quantum computing field, and especially hybrid solvers, is compulsory. With this motivation in mind, the main purpose of this work is to propose a preliminary taxonomy for classifying hybrid schemes, and bring to the fore some questions to stir up researchers minds about the real challenges regarding the application of quantum computing.
Abstract:Satellite image acquisition scheduling is a problem that is omnipresent in the earth observation field; its goal is to find the optimal subset of images to be taken during a given orbit pass under a set of constraints. This problem, which can be modeled via combinatorial optimization, has been dealt with many times by the artificial intelligence and operations research communities. However, despite its inherent interest, it has been scarcely studied through the quantum computing paradigm. Taking this situation as motivation, we present in this paper two QUBO formulations for the problem, using different approaches to handle the non-trivial constraints. We compare the formulations experimentally over 20 problem instances using three quantum annealers currently available from D-Wave, as well as one of its hybrid solvers. Fourteen of the tested instances have been obtained from the well-known SPOT5 benchmark, while the remaining six have been generated ad-hoc for this study. Our results show that the formulation and the ancilla handling technique is crucial to solve the problem successfully. Finally, we also provide practical guidelines on the size limits of problem instances that can be realistically solved on current quantum computers.