Abstract:In this article, a biophysically realistic model of a soft octopus arm with internal musculature is presented. The modeling is motivated by experimental observations of sensorimotor control where an arm localizes and reaches a target. Major contributions of this article are: (i) development of models to capture the mechanical properties of arm musculature, the electrical properties of the arm peripheral nervous system (PNS), and the coupling of PNS with muscular contractions; (ii) modeling the arm sensory system, including chemosensing and proprioception; and (iii) algorithms for sensorimotor control, which include a novel feedback neural motor control law for mimicking target-oriented arm reaching motions, and a novel consensus algorithm for solving sensing problems such as locating a food source from local chemical sensory information (exogenous) and arm deformation information (endogenous). Several analytical results, including rest-state characterization and stability properties of the proposed sensing and motor control algorithms, are provided. Numerical simulations demonstrate the efficacy of our approach. Qualitative comparisons against observed arm rest shapes and target-oriented reaching motions are also reported.
Abstract:The octopus arm is a neuromechanical system that involves a complex interplay between peripheral nervous system (PNS) and arm musculature. This makes the arm capable of carrying out rich maneuvers. In this paper, we build a model for the PNS and integrate it with a muscular soft octopus arm. The proposed neuromuscular architecture is used to qualitatively reproduce several biophysical observations in real octopuses, including curled rest shapes and target-directed arm reaching motions. Two control laws are proposed for target-oriented arm motions, and their performance is compared against a benchmark. Several analytical results, including rest-state characterization and stability properties of the proposed control laws, are provided.
Abstract:The main contribution of this paper is a novel sensory feedback control law for an octopus arm. The control law is inspired by, and helps integrate, several observations made by biologists. The proposed control law is distinct from prior work which has mainly focused on open-loop control strategies. Several analytical results are described including characterization of the equilibrium and its stability analysis. Numerical simulations demonstrate life-like motion of the soft octopus arm, qualitatively matching behavioral experiments. Quantitative comparison with bend propagation experiments helps provide the first explanation of such canonical motion using a sensory feedback control law. Several remarks are included that help draw parallels with natural pursuit strategies such as motion camouflage or classical pursuit.
Abstract:This paper entails the application of the energy shaping methodology to control a flexible, elastic Cosserat rod model of a single octopus arm. The principal focus and novel contribution of this work is two-fold: (i) reduced order control oriented modeling of the realistic internal muscular architecture in an octopus arm; and (ii) incorporation of such models into the energy shaping methodology, extending our prior work by formally accounting for muscle constraints. Extension of the control scheme to the under-actuated muscle control case involves two steps: (i) design of a desired potential energy function whose static minimizer solves a given control task; and (ii) implementing the resulting energy shaping control input into the dynamic model. Due to the muscle actuator constraints, the desired potential energy function may not be arbitrarily chosen. Indeed, the desired energy must now satisfy a partial differential equation, known as the matching condition, which is derived for the infinite dimensional Hamiltonian control system. A particular solution to those matching conditions is described, paving the way to the application of energy shaping methodology. The overall control design methodology including muscle models is implemented and demonstrated in a dynamic simulation environment. Results of several bio-inspired numerical experiments involving the control of octopus arms are reported.
Abstract:This paper entails application of the energy shaping methodology to control a flexible, elastic Cosserat rod model. Recent interest in such continuum models stems from applications in soft robotics, and from the growing recognition of the role of mechanics and embodiment in biological control strategies: octopuses are often regarded as iconic examples of this interplay. Here, the dynamics of the Cosserat rod, modeling a single octopus arm, are treated as a Hamiltonian system and the internal muscle actuators are modeled as distributed forces and couples. The proposed energy shaping control design procedure involves two steps: (1) a potential energy is designed such that its minimizer is the desired equilibrium configuration; (2) an energy shaping control law is implemented to reach the desired equilibrium. By interpreting the controlled Hamiltonian as a Lyapunov function, asymptotic stability of the equilibrium configuration is deduced. The energy shaping control law is shown to require only the deformations of the equilibrium configuration. A forward-backward algorithm is proposed to compute these deformations in an online iterative manner. The overall control design methodology is implemented and demonstrated in a dynamic simulation environment. Results of several bio-inspired numerical experiments involving the control of octopus arms are reported.