Abstract:The distributionally robust optimization (DRO)-based graph neural network methods improve recommendation systems' out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization by optimizing the model's worst-case performance. However, these studies fail to consider the impact of noisy samples in the training data, which results in diminished generalization capabilities and lower accuracy. Through experimental and theoretical analysis, this paper reveals that current DRO-based graph recommendation methods assign greater weight to noise distribution, leading to model parameter learning being dominated by it. When the model overly focuses on fitting noise samples in the training data, it may learn irrelevant or meaningless features that cannot be generalized to OOD data. To address this challenge, we design a Distributionally Robust Graph model for OOD recommendation (DRGO). Specifically, our method first employs a simple and effective diffusion paradigm to alleviate the noisy effect in the latent space. Additionally, an entropy regularization term is introduced in the DRO objective function to avoid extreme sample weights in the worst-case distribution. Finally, we provide a theoretical proof of the generalization error bound of DRGO as well as a theoretical analysis of how our approach mitigates noisy sample effects, which helps to better understand the proposed framework from a theoretical perspective. We conduct extensive experiments on four datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of our framework against three typical distribution shifts, and the results demonstrate its superiority in both independently and identically distributed distributions (IID) and OOD.
Abstract:Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) leverages data augmentation techniques to produce contrasting views, enhancing the accuracy of recommendation systems through learning the consistency between contrastive views. However, existing augmentation methods, such as directly perturbing interaction graph (e.g., node/edge dropout), may interfere with the original connections and generate poor contrasting views, resulting in sub-optimal performance. In this paper, we define the views that share only a small amount of information with the original graph due to poor data augmentation as noisy views (i.e., the last 20% of the views with a cosine similarity value less than 0.1 to the original view). We demonstrate through detailed experiments that noisy views will significantly degrade recommendation performance. Further, we propose a model-agnostic Symmetric Graph Contrastive Learning (SGCL) method with theoretical guarantees to address this issue. Specifically, we introduce symmetry theory into graph contrastive learning, based on which we propose a symmetric form and contrast loss resistant to noisy interference. We provide theoretical proof that our proposed SGCL method has a high tolerance to noisy views. Further demonstration is given by conducting extensive experiments on three real-world datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach substantially increases recommendation accuracy, with relative improvements reaching as high as 12.25% over nine other competing models. These results highlight the efficacy of our method.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)-based recommendation algorithms typically assume that training and testing data are drawn from independent and identically distributed (IID) spaces. However, this assumption often fails in the presence of out-of-distribution (OOD) data, resulting in significant performance degradation. In this study, we construct a Structural Causal Model (SCM) to analyze interaction data, revealing that environmental confounders (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic) lead to unstable correlations in GNN-based models, thus impairing their generalization to OOD data. To address this issue, we propose a novel approach, graph representation learning via causal diffusion (CausalDiffRec) for OOD recommendation. This method enhances the model's generalization on OOD data by eliminating environmental confounding factors and learning invariant graph representations. Specifically, we use backdoor adjustment and variational inference to infer the real environmental distribution, thereby eliminating the impact of environmental confounders. This inferred distribution is then used as prior knowledge to guide the representation learning in the reverse phase of the diffusion process to learn the invariant representation. In addition, we provide a theoretical derivation that proves optimizing the objective function of CausalDiffRec can encourage the model to learn environment-invariant graph representations, thereby achieving excellent generalization performance in recommendations under distribution shifts. Our extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of CausalDiffRec in improving the generalization of OOD data, and the average improvement is up to 10.69% on Food, 18.83% on KuaiRec, 22.41% on Yelp2018, and 11.65% on Douban datasets.