Abstract:This work addresses the task of generalized class discovery (GCD) in instance segmentation. The goal is to discover novel classes and obtain a model capable of segmenting instances of both known and novel categories, given labeled and unlabeled data. Since the real world contains numerous objects with long-tailed distributions, the instance distribution for each class is inherently imbalanced. To address the imbalanced distributions, we propose an instance-wise temperature assignment (ITA) method for contrastive learning and class-wise reliability criteria for pseudo-labels. The ITA method relaxes instance discrimination for samples belonging to head classes to enhance GCD. The reliability criteria are to avoid excluding most pseudo-labels for tail classes when training an instance segmentation network using pseudo-labels from GCD. Additionally, we propose dynamically adjusting the criteria to leverage diverse samples in the early stages while relying only on reliable pseudo-labels in the later stages. We also introduce an efficient soft attention module to encode object-specific representations for GCD. Finally, we evaluate our proposed method by conducting experiments on two settings: COCO$_{half}$ + LVIS and LVIS + Visual Genome. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Remarkable progress has been achieved in image generation with the introduction of generative models. However, precisely controlling the content in generated images remains a challenging task due to their fundamental training objective. This paper addresses this challenge by proposing a novel image generation framework explicitly designed to incorporate desired content in output images. The framework utilizes advanced encoding techniques, integrating subnetworks called content fusion and frequency encoding modules. The frequency encoding module first captures features and structures of reference images by exclusively focusing on selected frequency components. Subsequently, the content fusion module generates a content-guiding vector that encapsulates desired content features. During the image generation process, content-guiding vectors from real images are fused with projected noise vectors. This ensures the production of generated images that not only maintain consistent content from guiding images but also exhibit diverse stylistic variations. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in preserving content attributes, extensive experiments are conducted on widely used benchmark datasets, including Flickr-Faces-High Quality, Animal Faces High Quality, and Large-scale Scene Understanding datasets.
Abstract:Recently, transformer-based techniques incorporating superpoints have become prevalent in 3D instance segmentation. However, they often encounter an over-segmentation problem, especially noticeable with large objects. Additionally, unreliable mask predictions stemming from superpoint mask prediction further compound this issue. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework called MSTA3D. It leverages multi-scale feature representation and introduces a twin-attention mechanism to effectively capture them. Furthermore, MSTA3D integrates a box query with a box regularizer, offering a complementary spatial constraint alongside semantic queries. Experimental evaluations on ScanNetV2, ScanNet200 and S3DIS datasets demonstrate that our approach surpasses state-of-the-art 3D instance segmentation methods.
Abstract:This work addresses the task of long-term person re-identification. Typically, person re-identification assumes that people do not change their clothes, which limits its applications to short-term scenarios. To overcome this limitation, we investigate long-term person re-identification, which considers both clothes-changing and clothes-consistent scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that effectively learns and utilizes both global and local information. The proposed framework consists of three streams: global, local body part, and head streams. The global and head streams encode identity-relevant information from an entire image and a cropped image of the head region, respectively. Both streams encode the most distinct, less distinct, and average features using the combinations of adversarial erasing, max pooling, and average pooling. The local body part stream extracts identity-related information for each body part, allowing it to be compared with the same body part from another image. Since body part annotations are not available in re-identification datasets, pseudo-labels are generated using clustering. These labels are then utilized to train a body part segmentation head in the local body part stream. The proposed framework is trained by backpropagating the weighted summation of the identity classification loss, the pair-based loss, and the pseudo body part segmentation loss. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted experiments on three publicly available datasets (Celeb-reID, PRCC, and VC-Clothes). The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the previous state-of-the-art method.
Abstract:This work addresses the task of weakly-supervised object localization. The goal is to learn object localization using only image-level class labels, which are much easier to obtain compared to bounding box annotations. This task is important because it reduces the need for labor-intensive ground-truth annotations. However, methods for object localization trained using weak supervision often suffer from limited accuracy in localization. To address this challenge and enhance localization accuracy, we propose a multiscale object localization transformer (MOLT). It comprises multiple object localization transformers that extract patch embeddings across various scales. Moreover, we introduce a deep clustering-guided refinement method that further enhances localization accuracy by utilizing separately extracted image segments. These segments are obtained by clustering pixels using convolutional neural networks. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method by conducting experiments on the publicly available ILSVRC-2012 dataset.
Abstract:While image segmentation is crucial in various computer vision applications, such as autonomous driving, grasping, and robot navigation, annotating all objects at the pixel-level for training is nearly impossible. Therefore, the study of unsupervised image segmentation methods is essential. In this paper, we present a pixel-level clustering framework for segmenting images into regions without using ground truth annotations. The proposed framework includes feature embedding modules with an attention mechanism, a feature statistics computing module, image reconstruction, and superpixel segmentation to achieve accurate unsupervised segmentation. Additionally, we propose a training strategy that utilizes intra-consistency within each superpixel, inter-similarity/dissimilarity between neighboring superpixels, and structural similarity between images. To avoid potential over-segmentation caused by superpixel-based losses, we also propose a post-processing method. Furthermore, we present an extension of the proposed method for unsupervised semantic segmentation. We conducted experiments on three publicly available datasets (Berkeley segmentation dataset, PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset, and COCO-Stuff dataset) to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. The experimental results show that the proposed framework outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:This work addresses the task of class-incremental weakly supervised object localization (CI-WSOL). The goal is to incrementally learn object localization for novel classes using only image-level annotations while retaining the ability to localize previously learned classes. This task is important because annotating bounding boxes for every new incoming data is expensive, although object localization is crucial in various applications. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to address this task. Thus, we first present a strong baseline method for CI-WSOL by adapting the strategies of class-incremental classifiers to mitigate catastrophic forgetting. These strategies include applying knowledge distillation, maintaining a small data set from previous tasks, and using cosine normalization. We then propose the feature drift compensation network to compensate for the effects of feature drifts on class scores and localization maps. Since updating network parameters to learn new tasks causes feature drifts, compensating for the final outputs is necessary. Finally, we evaluate our proposed method by conducting experiments on two publicly available datasets (ImageNet-100 and CUB-200). The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms other baseline methods.
Abstract:Person re-identification is a problem of identifying individuals across non-overlapping cameras. Although remarkable progress has been made in the re-identification problem, it is still a challenging problem due to appearance variations of the same person as well as other people of similar appearance. Some prior works solved the issues by separating features of positive samples from features of negative ones. However, the performances of existing models considerably depend on the characteristics and statistics of the samples used for training. Thus, we propose a novel framework named sampling independent robust feature representation network~(SirNet) that learns disentangled feature embedding from randomly chosen samples. A carefully designed sampling independent maximum discrepancy loss is introduced to model samples of the same person as a cluster. As a result, the proposed framework can generate additional hard negatives/positives using the learned features, which results in better discriminability from other identities. Extensive experimental results on large-scale benchmark datasets verify that the proposed model is more effective than prior state-of-the-art models.
Abstract:This work addresses the task of electric vehicle (EV) charging inlet detection for autonomous EV charging robots. Recently, automated EV charging systems have received huge attention to improve users' experience and to efficiently utilize charging infrastructures and parking lots. However, most related works have focused on system design, robot control, planning, and manipulation. Towards robust EV charging inlet detection, we propose a new dataset (EVCI dataset) and a novel data augmentation method that is based on image-to-image translation where typical image-to-image translation methods synthesize a new image in a different domain given an image. To the best of our knowledge, the EVCI dataset is the first EV charging inlet dataset. For the data augmentation method, we focus on being able to control synthesized images' captured environments (e.g., time, lighting) in an intuitive way. To achieve this, we first propose the environment guide vector that humans can intuitively interpret. We then propose a novel image-to-image translation network that translates a given image towards the environment described by the vector. Accordingly, it aims to synthesize a new image that has the same content as the given image while looking like captured in the provided environment by the environment guide vector. Lastly, we train a detection method using the augmented dataset. Through experiments on the EVCI dataset, we demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. We also show that the proposed method is able to control synthesized images using an image and environment guide vectors.
Abstract:This work addresses the task of open world semantic segmentation using RGBD sensing to discover new semantic classes over time. Although there are many types of objects in the real-word, current semantic segmentation methods make a closed world assumption and are trained only to segment a limited number of object classes. Towards a more open world approach, we propose a novel method that incrementally learns new classes for image segmentation. The proposed system first segments each RGBD frame using both color and geometric information, and then aggregates that information to build a single segmented dense 3D map of the environment. The segmented 3D map representation is a key component of our approach as it is used to discover new object classes by identifying coherent regions in the 3D map that have no semantic label. The use of coherent region in the 3D map as a primitive element, rather than traditional elements such as surfels or voxels, also significantly reduces the computational complexity and memory use of our method. It thus leads to semi-real-time performance at {10.7}Hz when incrementally updating the dense 3D map at every frame. Through experiments on the NYUDv2 dataset, we demonstrate that the proposed method is able to correctly cluster objects of both known and unseen classes. We also show the quantitative comparison with the state-of-the-art supervised methods, the processing time of each step, and the influences of each component.