Abstract:Deep neural networks (DNNs) are often constructed under the closed-world assumption, which may fail to generalize to the out-of-distribution (OOD) data. This leads to DNNs producing overconfident wrong predictions and can result in disastrous consequences in safety-critical applications. Existing OOD detection methods mainly rely on curating a set of OOD data for model training or hyper-parameter tuning to distinguish OOD data from training data (also known as in-distribution data or InD data). However, OOD samples are not always available during the training phase in real-world applications, hindering the OOD detection accuracy. To overcome this limitation, we propose a Gaussian-process-based OOD detection method to establish a decision boundary based on InD data only. The basic idea is to perform uncertainty quantification of the unconstrained softmax scores of a DNN via a multi-class Gaussian process (GP), and then define a score function to separate InD and potential OOD data based on their fundamental differences in the posterior predictive distribution from the GP. Two case studies on conventional image classification datasets and real-world image datasets are conducted to demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art OOD detection methods when OOD samples are not observed in the training phase.
Abstract:While there has been extensive work on generating physics-based adversarial samples recently, an overlooked class of such samples come from physical failures in the camera. Camera failures can occur as a result of an external physical process, i.e. breakdown of a component due to stress, or an internal component failure. In this work, we develop a simulated physical process for generating broken lens as a class of physics-based adversarial samples. We create a stress-based physical simulation by generating particles constrained in a mesh and apply stress at a random point and at a random angle. We perform stress propagation through the mesh and the end result of the mesh is a corresponding image which simulates the broken lens pattern. We also develop a neural emulator which learns the non-linear mapping between the mesh as a graph and the stress propagation using constrained propagation setup. We can then statistically compare the difference between the generated adversarial samples with real, simulated and emulated adversarial examples using the detection failure rate of the different classes and in between the samples using the Frechet Inception distance. Our goal through this work is to provide a robust physics based process for generating adversarial samples.
Abstract:With the advent of universal function approximators in the domain of reinforcement learning, the number of practical applications leveraging deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has exploded. Decision-making in automated driving tasks has emerged as a chief application among them, taking the sensor data or the higher-order kinematic variables as the input and providing a discrete choice or continuous control output. However, the black-box nature of the models presents an overwhelming limitation that restricts the real-world deployment of DRL in autonomous vehicles (AVs). Therefore, in this research work, we focus on the interpretability of an attention-based DRL framework. We use a continuous proximal policy optimization-based DRL algorithm as the baseline model and add a multi-head attention framework in an open-source AV simulation environment. We provide some analytical techniques for discussing the interpretability of the trained models in terms of explainability and causality for spatial and temporal correlations. We show that the weights in the first head encode the positions of the neighboring vehicles while the second head focuses on the leader vehicle exclusively. Also, the ego vehicle's action is causally dependent on the vehicles in the target lane spatially and temporally. Through these findings, we reliably show that these techniques can help practitioners decipher the results of the DRL algorithms.
Abstract:We examine the problem of estimating footprint uncertainty of objects imaged using the infrastructure based camera sensing. A closed form relationship is established between the ground coordinates and the sources of the camera errors. Using the error propagation equation, the covariance of a given ground coordinate can be measured as a function of the camera errors. The uncertainty of the footprint of the bounding box can then be given as the function of all the extreme points of the object footprint. In order to calculate the uncertainty of a ground point, the typical error sizes of the error sources are required. We present a method of estimating the typical error sizes from an experiment using a static, high-precision LiDAR as the ground truth. Finally, we present a simulated case study of uncertainty quantification from infrastructure based camera in CARLA to provide a sense of how the uncertainty changes across a left turn maneuver.
Abstract:Autonomous vehicles (AVs) need to determine their position and orientation accurately with respect to global coordinate system or local features under different scene geometries, traffic conditions and environmental conditions. \cite{reid2019localization} provides a comprehensive framework for the localization requirements for AVs. However, the framework is too restrictive whereby - (a) only a very small deviation from the lane is tolerated (one every $10^{8}$ hours), (b) all roadway types are considered same without any attention to restriction provided by the environment onto the localization and (c) the temporal nature of the location and orientation is not considered in the requirements. In this research, we present a more practical view of the localization requirement aimed at keeping the AV safe during an operation. We present the following novel contributions - (a) we propose a deviation penalty as a cumulative distribution function of the Weibull distribution which starts from the adjacent lane boundary, (b) we customize the parameters of the deviation penalty according to the current roadway type, particular lane boundary that the ego vehicle is against and roadway curvature and (c) we update the deviation penalty based on the available gap in the adjacent lane. We postulate that this formulation can provide a more robust and achievable view of the localization requirements than previous research while focusing on safety.
Abstract:Subgraph isomorphism or subgraph matching is generally considered as an NP-complete problem, made more complex in practical applications where the edge weights take real values and are subject to measurement noise and possible anomalies. To the best of our knowledge, almost all subgraph matching methods utilize node labels to perform node-node matching. In the absence of such labels (in applications such as image matching and map matching among others), these subgraph matching methods do not work. We propose a method for identifying the node correspondence between a subgraph and a full graph in the inexact case without node labels in two steps - (a) extract the minimal unique topology preserving subset from the subgraph and find its feasible matching in the full graph, and (b) implement a consensus-based algorithm to expand the matched node set by pairing unique paths based on boundary commutativity. Going beyond the existing subgraph matching approaches, the proposed method is shown to have realistically sub-linear computational efficiency, robustness to random measurement noise, and good statistical properties. Our method is also readily applicable to the exact matching case without loss of generality. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a simulation and a case study is performed on the Erdos-Renyi random graphs and the image-based affine covariant features dataset respectively.
Abstract:Pedestrian safety has become an important research topic among various studies due to the increased number of pedestrian-involved crashes. To evaluate pedestrian safety proactively, surrogate safety measures (SSMs) have been widely used in traffic conflict-based studies as they do not require historical crashes as inputs. However, most existing SSMs were developed based on the assumption that road users would maintain constant velocity and direction. Risk estimations based on this assumption are less unstable, more likely to be exaggerated, and unable to capture the evasive maneuvers of drivers. Considering the limitations among existing SSMs, this study proposes a probabilistic framework for estimating the risk of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at intersections. The proposed framework loosen restrictions of constant speed by predicting trajectories using a Gaussian Process Regression and accounts for the different possible driver maneuvers with a Random Forest model. Real-world LiDAR data collected at an intersection was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework. The newly developed framework is able to identify all pedestrian-vehicle conflicts. Compared to the Time-to-Collision, the proposed framework provides a more stable risk estimation and captures the evasive maneuvers of vehicles. Moreover, the proposed framework does not require expensive computation resources, which makes it an ideal choice for real-time proactive pedestrian safety solutions at intersections.
Abstract:Low dimensional primitive feature extraction from LiDAR point clouds (such as planes) forms the basis of majority of LiDAR data processing tasks. A major challenge in LiDAR data analysis arises from the irregular nature of LiDAR data that forces practitioners to either regularize the data using some form of gridding or utilize a triangular mesh such as triangulated irregular network (TIN). While there have been a handful applications using LiDAR data as a connected graph, a principled treatment of utilizing graph-theoretical approach for LiDAR data modelling is still lacking. In this paper, we try to bridge this gap by utilizing graphical approach for normal estimation from LiDAR point clouds. We formulate the normal estimation problem in an optimization framework, where we find the corresponding normal vector for each LiDAR point by utilizing its nearest neighbors and simultaneously enforcing a graph smoothness assumption based on point samples. This is a non-linear constrained convex optimization problem which can then be solved using projected conjugate gradient descent to yield an unique solution. As an enhancement to our optimization problem, we also provide different weighted solutions based on the dot product of the normals and Euclidean distance between the points. In order to assess the performance of our proposed normal extraction method and weighting strategies, we first provide a detailed analysis on repeated randomly generated datasets with four different noise levels and four different tuning parameters. Finally, we benchmark our proposed method against existing state-of-the-art approaches on a large scale synthetic plane extraction dataset. The code for the proposed approach along with the simulations and benchmarking is available at https://github.com/arpan-kusari/graph-plane-extraction-simulation.
Abstract:Traffic simulation is an efficient and cost-effective way to test Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) in a complex and dynamic environment. Numerous studies have been conducted for AV evaluation using traffic simulation over the past decades. However, the current simulation environments fall behind on two fronts -- the background vehicles (BVs) fail to simulate naturalistic driving behavior and the existing environments do not test the entire pipeline in a modular fashion. This study aims to propose a simulation framework that creates a complex and naturalistic traffic environment. Specifically, we combine a modified version of the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) simulator with the Cars Learning to Act (CARLA) simulator to generate a simulation environment that could emulate the complexities of the external environment while providing realistic sensor outputs to the AV pipeline. In a past research work, we created an open-source Python package called SUMO-Gym which generates a realistic road network and naturalistic traffic through SUMO and combines that with OpenAI Gym to provide ease of use for the end user. We propose to extend our developed software by adding CARLA, which in turn will enrich the perception of the ego vehicle by providing realistic sensors outputs of the AVs surrounding environment. Using the proposed framework, AVs perception, planning, and control could be tested in a complex and realistic driving environment. The performance of the proposed framework in constructing output generation and AV evaluations are demonstrated using several case studies.
Abstract:Current autonomous vehicle (AV) simulators are built to provide large-scale testing required to prove capabilities under varied conditions in controlled, repeatable fashion. However, they have certain failings including the need for user expertise and complex inconvenient tutorials for customized scenario creation. Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) simulator, which has been presented as an open-source AV simulator, is used extensively but suffer from similar issues which make it difficult for entry-level practitioners to utilize the simulator without significant time investment. In that regard, we provide two enhancements to SUMO simulator geared towards massively improving user experience and providing real-life like variability for surrounding traffic. Firstly, we calibrate a car-following model, Intelligent Driver Model (IDM), for highway and urban naturalistic driving data and sample automatically from the parameter distributions to create the background vehicles. Secondly, we combine SUMO with OpenAI gym, creating a Python package which can run simulations based on real world highway and urban layouts with generic output observations and input actions that can be processed via any AV pipeline. Our aim through these enhancements is to provide an easy-to-use platform which can be readily used for AV testing and validation.