Abstract:We present NEBULA, the first latent 3D generative model for scalable generation of large molecular libraries around a seed compound of interest. Such libraries are crucial for scientific discovery, but it remains challenging to generate large numbers of high quality samples efficiently. 3D-voxel-based methods have recently shown great promise for generating high quality samples de novo from random noise (Pinheiro et al., 2023). However, sampling in 3D-voxel space is computationally expensive and use in library generation is prohibitively slow. Here, we instead perform neural empirical Bayes sampling (Saremi & Hyvarinen, 2019) in the learned latent space of a vector-quantized variational autoencoder. NEBULA generates large molecular libraries nearly an order of magnitude faster than existing methods without sacrificing sample quality. Moreover, NEBULA generalizes better to unseen drug-like molecules, as demonstrated on two public datasets and multiple recently released drugs. We expect the approach herein to be highly enabling for machine learning-based drug discovery. The code is available at https://github.com/prescient-design/nebula
Abstract:We propose a new score-based approach to generate 3D molecules represented as atomic densities on regular grids. First, we train a denoising neural network that learns to map from a smooth distribution of noisy molecules to the distribution of real molecules. Then, we follow the neural empirical Bayes framework [Saremi and Hyvarinen, 2019] and generate molecules in two steps: (i) sample noisy density grids from a smooth distribution via underdamped Langevin Markov chain Monte Carlo, and (ii) recover the ``clean'' molecule by denoising the noisy grid with a single step. Our method, VoxMol, generates molecules in a fundamentally different way than the current state of the art (i.e., diffusion models applied to atom point clouds). It differs in terms of the data representation, the noise model, the network architecture and the generative modeling algorithm. VoxMol achieves comparable results to state of the art on unconditional 3D molecule generation while being simpler to train and faster to generate molecules.