Abstract:Quantifying the gap between synthetic and real-world imagery is essential for improving both transformer-based models - that rely on large volumes of data - and datasets, especially in underexplored domains like aerial scene understanding where the potential impact is significant. This paper introduces a novel methodology for scene complexity assessment using Multi-Model Consensus Metric (MMCM) and depth-based structural metrics, enabling a robust evaluation of perceptual and structural disparities between domains. Our experimental analysis, utilizing real-world (Dronescapes) and synthetic (Skyscenes) datasets, demonstrates that real-world scenes generally exhibit higher consensus among state-of-the-art vision transformers, while synthetic scenes show greater variability and challenge model adaptability. The results underline the inherent complexities and domain gaps, emphasizing the need for enhanced simulation fidelity and model generalization. This work provides critical insights into the interplay between domain characteristics and model performance, offering a pathway for improved domain adaptation strategies in aerial scene understanding.
Abstract:Face-to-face communication modeling in computer vision is an area of research focusing on developing algorithms that can recognize and analyze non-verbal cues and behaviors during face-to-face interactions. We propose an alternative to text chats for Human-AI interaction, based on non-verbal visual communication only, using facial expressions and head movements that mirror, but also improvise over the human user, to efficiently engage with the users, and capture their attention in a low-cost and real-time fashion. Our goal is to track and analyze facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues in real-time, and use this information to build models that can predict and understand human behavior. We offer three different complementary approaches, based on retrieval, statistical, and deep learning techniques. We provide human as well as automatic evaluations and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each direction.
Abstract:There are many ways of interpreting the world and they are highly interdependent. We exploit such complex dependencies and introduce a powerful multi-task hypergraph, in which every node is a task and different paths through the hypergraph reaching a given task become unsupervised teachers, by forming ensembles that learn to generate reliable pseudolabels for that task. Each hyperedge is part of an ensemble teacher for a given task and it is also a student of the self-supervised hypergraph system. We apply our model to one of the most important problems of our times, that of Earth Observation, which is highly multi-task and it often suffers from missing ground-truth data. By performing extensive experiments on the NASA NEO Dataset, spanning a period of 22 years, we demonstrate the value of our multi-task semi-supervised approach, by consistent improvements over strong baselines and recent work. We also show that the hypergraph can adapt unsupervised to gradual data distribution shifts and reliably recover, through its multi-task self-supervision process, the missing data for several observational layers for up to seven years.
Abstract:We present a method for learning multiple scene representations given a small labeled set, by exploiting the relationships between such representations in the form of a multi-task hypergraph. We also show how we can use the hypergraph to improve a powerful pretrained VisTransformer model without any additional labeled data. In our hypergraph, each node is an interpretation layer (e.g., depth or segmentation) of the scene. Within each hyperedge, one or several input nodes predict the layer at the output node. Thus, each node could be an input node in some hyperedges and an output node in others. In this way, multiple paths can reach the same node, to form ensembles from which we obtain robust pseudolabels, which allow self-supervised learning in the hypergraph. We test different ensemble models and different types of hyperedges and show superior performance to other multi-task graph models in the field. We also introduce Dronescapes, a large video dataset captured with UAVs in different complex real-world scenes, with multiple representations, suitable for multi-task learning.
Abstract:The task of generating novel views of real scenes is increasingly important nowadays when AI models become able to create realistic new worlds. In many practical applications, it is important for novel view synthesis methods to stay grounded in the physical world as much as possible, while also being able to imagine it from previously unseen views. While most current methods are developed and tested in virtual environments with small scenes and no errors in pose and depth information, we push the boundaries to the real-world domain of large scales in the new context of UAVs. Our algorithmic contributions are two folds. First, we manage to stay anchored in the real 3D world, by introducing an efficient multi-scale voxel carving method, which is able to accommodate significant noises in pose, depth, and illumination variations, while being able to reconstruct the view of the world from drastically different poses at test time. Second, our final high-resolution output is efficiently self-trained on data automatically generated by the voxel carving module, which gives it the flexibility to adapt efficiently to any scene. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our method on highly complex and large-scale scenes in real environments while outperforming the current state-of-the-art. Our code is publicly available: https://github.com/onorabil/MSVC.
Abstract:We address the challenging problem of semi-supervised learning in the context of multiple visual interpretations of the world by finding consensus in a graph of neural networks. Each graph node is a scene interpretation layer, while each edge is a deep net that transforms one layer at one node into another from a different node. During the supervised phase edge networks are trained independently. During the next unsupervised stage edge nets are trained on the pseudo-ground truth provided by consensus among multiple paths that reach the nets' start and end nodes. These paths act as ensemble teachers for any given edge and strong consensus is used for high-confidence supervisory signal. The unsupervised learning process is repeated over several generations, in which each edge becomes a "student" and also part of different ensemble "teachers" for training other students. By optimizing such consensus between different paths, the graph reaches consistency and robustness over multiple interpretations and generations, in the face of unknown labels. We give theoretical justifications of the proposed idea and validate it on a large dataset. We show how prediction of different representations such as depth, semantic segmentation, surface normals and pose from RGB input could be effectively learned through self-supervised consensus in our graph. We also compare to state-of-the-art methods for multi-task and semi-supervised learning and show superior performance.
Abstract:Semantic segmentation is a crucial task for robot navigation and safety. However, current supervised methods require a large amount of pixelwise annotations to yield accurate results. Labeling is a tedious and time consuming process that has hampered progress in low altitude UAV applications. This paper makes an important step towards automatic annotation by introducing SegProp, a novel iterative flow-based method, with a direct connection to spectral clustering in space and time, to propagate the semantic labels to frames that lack human annotations. The labels are further used in semi-supervised learning scenarios. Motivated by the lack of a large video aerial dataset, we also introduce Ruralscapes, a new dataset with high resolution (4K) images and manually-annotated dense labels every 50 frames - the largest of its kind, to the best of our knowledge. Our novel SegProp automatically annotates the remaining unlabeled 98% of frames with an accuracy exceeding 90% (F-measure), significantly outperforming other state-of-the-art label propagation methods. Moreover, when integrating other methods as modules inside SegProp's iterative label propagation loop, we achieve a significant boost over the baseline labels. Finally, we test SegProp in a full semi-supervised setting: we train several state-of-the-art deep neural networks on the SegProp-automatically-labeled training frames and test them on completely novel videos. We convincingly demonstrate, every time, a significant improvement over the supervised scenario.
Abstract:Semantic segmentation is a crucial task for robot navigation and safety. However, it requires huge amounts of pixelwise annotations to yield accurate results. While recent progress in computer vision algorithms has been heavily boosted by large ground-level datasets, the labeling time has hampered progress in low altitude UAV applications, mostly due to the difficulty imposed by large object scales and pose variations. Motivated by the lack of a large video aerial dataset, we introduce a new one, with high resolution (4K) images and manually-annotated dense labels every 50 frames. To help the video labeling process, we make an important step towards automatic annotation and propose SegProp, an iterative flow-based method with geometric constrains to propagate the semantic labels to frames that lack human annotations. This results in a dataset with more than 50k annotated frames - the largest of its kind, to the best of our knowledge. Our experiments show that SegProp surpasses current state-of-the-art label propagation methods by a significant margin. Furthermore, when training a semantic segmentation deep neural net using the automatically annotated frames, we obtain a compelling overall performance boost at test time of 16.8% mean F-measure over a baseline trained only with manually-labeled frames. Our Ruralscapes dataset, the label propagation code and a fast segmentation tool are available at our website: https://sites.google.com/site/aerialimageunderstanding/
Abstract:Semantic segmentation and vision-based geolocalization in aerial images are challenging tasks in computer vision. Due to the advent of deep convolutional nets and the availability of relatively low cost UAVs, they are currently generating a growing attention in the field. We propose a novel multi-task multi-stage neural network that is able to handle the two problems at the same time, in a single forward pass. The first stage of our network predicts pixelwise class labels, while the second stage provides a precise location using two branches. One branch uses a regression network, while the other is used to predict a location map trained as a segmentation task. From a structural point of view, our architecture uses encoder-decoder modules at each stage, having the same encoder structure re-used. Furthermore, its size is limited to be tractable on an embedded GPU. We achieve commercial GPS-level localization accuracy from satellite images with spatial resolution of 1 square meter per pixel in a city-wide area of interest. On the task of semantic segmentation, we obtain state-of-the-art results on two challenging datasets, the Inria Aerial Image Labeling dataset and Massachusetts Buildings.
Abstract:Visual context is important in object recognition and it is still an open problem in computer vision. Along with the advent of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), using contextual information with such systems starts to receive attention in the literature. At the same time, aerial imagery is gaining momentum. While advances in deep learning make good progress in aerial image analysis, this problem still poses many great challenges. Aerial images are often taken under poor lighting conditions and contain low resolution objects, many times occluded by trees or taller buildings. In this domain, in particular, visual context could be of great help, but there are still very few papers that consider context in aerial image understanding. Here we introduce context as a complementary way of recognizing objects. We propose a dual-stream deep neural network model that processes information along two independent pathways, one for local and another for global visual reasoning. The two are later combined in the final layers of processing. Our model learns to combine local object appearance as well as information from the larger scene at the same time and in a complementary way, such that together they form a powerful classifier. We test our dual-stream network on the task of segmentation of buildings and roads in aerial images and obtain state-of-the-art results on the Massachusetts Buildings Dataset. We also introduce two new datasets, for buildings and road segmentation, respectively, and study the relative importance of local appearance vs. the larger scene, as well as their performance in combination. While our local-global model could also be useful in general recognition tasks, we clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of visual context in conjunction with deep nets for aerial image understanding.