Abstract:Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (Asynchronous SGD) is a cornerstone method for parallelizing learning in distributed machine learning. However, its performance suffers under arbitrarily heterogeneous computation times across workers, leading to suboptimal time complexity and inefficiency as the number of workers scales. While several Asynchronous SGD variants have been proposed, recent findings by Tyurin & Richt\'arik (NeurIPS 2023) reveal that none achieve optimal time complexity, leaving a significant gap in the literature. In this paper, we propose Ringmaster ASGD, a novel Asynchronous SGD method designed to address these limitations and tame the inherent challenges of Asynchronous SGD. We establish, through rigorous theoretical analysis, that Ringmaster ASGD achieves optimal time complexity under arbitrarily heterogeneous and dynamically fluctuating worker computation times. This makes it the first Asynchronous SGD method to meet the theoretical lower bounds for time complexity in such scenarios.
Abstract:We focus on the classification problem with a separable dataset, one of the most important and classical problems from machine learning. The standard approach to this task is logistic regression with gradient descent (LR+GD). Recent studies have observed that LR+GD can find a solution with arbitrarily large step sizes, defying conventional optimization theory. Our work investigates this phenomenon and makes three interconnected key observations about LR+GD with large step sizes. First, we find a remarkably simple explanation of why LR+GD with large step sizes solves the classification problem: LR+GD reduces to a batch version of the celebrated perceptron algorithm when the step size $\gamma \to \infty.$ Second, we observe that larger step sizes lead LR+GD to higher logistic losses when it tends to the perceptron algorithm, but larger step sizes also lead to faster convergence to a solution for the classification problem, meaning that logistic loss is an unreliable metric of the proximity to a solution. Surprisingly, high loss values can actually indicate faster convergence. Third, since the convergence rate in terms of loss function values of LR+GD is unreliable, we examine the iteration complexity required by LR+GD with large step sizes to solve the classification problem and prove that this complexity is suboptimal. To address this, we propose a new method, Normalized LR+GD - based on the connection between LR+GD and the perceptron algorithm - with much better theoretical guarantees.
Abstract:We revisit FedExProx - a recently proposed distributed optimization method designed to enhance convergence properties of parallel proximal algorithms via extrapolation. In the process, we uncover a surprising flaw: its known theoretical guarantees on quadratic optimization tasks are no better than those offered by the vanilla Gradient Descent (GD) method. Motivated by this observation, we develop a novel analysis framework, establishing a tighter linear convergence rate for non-strongly convex quadratic problems. By incorporating both computation and communication costs, we demonstrate that FedExProx can indeed provably outperform GD, in stark contrast to the original analysis. Furthermore, we consider partial participation scenarios and analyze two adaptive extrapolation strategies - based on gradient diversity and Polyak stepsizes - again significantly outperforming previous results. Moving beyond quadratics, we extend the applicability of our analysis to general functions satisfying the Polyak-Lojasiewicz condition, outperforming the previous strongly convex analysis while operating under weaker assumptions. Backed by empirical results, our findings point to a new and stronger potential of FedExProx, paving the way for further exploration of the benefits of extrapolation in federated learning.
Abstract:In practical distributed systems, workers are typically not homogeneous, and due to differences in hardware configurations and network conditions, can have highly varying processing times. We consider smooth nonconvex finite-sum (empirical risk minimization) problems in this setup and introduce a new parallel method, Freya PAGE, designed to handle arbitrarily heterogeneous and asynchronous computations. By being robust to "stragglers" and adaptively ignoring slow computations, Freya PAGE offers significantly improved time complexity guarantees compared to all previous methods, including Asynchronous SGD, Rennala SGD, SPIDER, and PAGE, while requiring weaker assumptions. The algorithm relies on novel generic stochastic gradient collection strategies with theoretical guarantees that can be of interest on their own, and may be used in the design of future optimization methods. Furthermore, we establish a lower bound for smooth nonconvex finite-sum problems in the asynchronous setup, providing a fundamental time complexity limit. This lower bound is tight and demonstrates the optimality of Freya PAGE in the large-scale regime, i.e., when $\sqrt{m} \geq n$, where $n$ is # of workers, and $m$ is # of data samples.
Abstract:Effective communication between the server and workers plays a key role in distributed optimization. In this paper, we focus on optimizing the server-to-worker communication, uncovering inefficiencies in prevalent downlink compression approaches. Considering first the pure setup where the uplink communication costs are negligible, we introduce MARINA-P, a novel method for downlink compression, employing a collection of correlated compressors. Theoretical analyses demonstrates that MARINA-P with permutation compressors can achieve a server-to-worker communication complexity improving with the number of workers, thus being provably superior to existing algorithms. We further show that MARINA-P can serve as a starting point for extensions such as methods supporting bidirectional compression. We introduce M3, a method combining MARINA-P with uplink compression and a momentum step, achieving bidirectional compression with provable improvements in total communication complexity as the number of workers increases. Theoretical findings align closely with empirical experiments, underscoring the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.
Abstract:We consider nonconvex stochastic optimization problems in the asynchronous centralized distributed setup where the communication times from workers to a server can not be ignored, and the computation and communication times are potentially different for all workers. Using an unbiassed compression technique, we develop a new method-Shadowheart SGD-that provably improves the time complexities of all previous centralized methods. Moreover, we show that the time complexity of Shadowheart SGD is optimal in the family of centralized methods with compressed communication. We also consider the bidirectional setup, where broadcasting from the server to the workers is non-negligible, and develop a corresponding method.
Abstract:Due to the high communication overhead when training machine learning models in a distributed environment, modern algorithms invariably rely on lossy communication compression. However, when untreated, the errors caused by compression propagate, and can lead to severely unstable behavior, including exponential divergence. Almost a decade ago, Seide et al [2014] proposed an error feedback (EF) mechanism, which we refer to as EF14, as an immensely effective heuristic for mitigating this issue. However, despite steady algorithmic and theoretical advances in the EF field in the last decade, our understanding is far from complete. In this work we address one of the most pressing issues. In particular, in the canonical nonconvex setting, all known variants of EF rely on very large batch sizes to converge, which can be prohibitive in practice. We propose a surprisingly simple fix which removes this issue both theoretically, and in practice: the application of Polyak's momentum to the latest incarnation of EF due to Richt\'{a}rik et al. [2021] known as EF21. Our algorithm, for which we coin the name EF21-SGDM, improves the communication and sample complexities of previous error feedback algorithms under standard smoothness and bounded variance assumptions, and does not require any further strong assumptions such as bounded gradient dissimilarity. Moreover, we propose a double momentum version of our method that improves the complexities even further. Our proof seems to be novel even when compression is removed from the method, and as such, our proof technique is of independent interest in the study of nonconvex stochastic optimization enriched with Polyak's momentum.
Abstract:We revisit the classical problem of finding an approximately stationary point of the average of $n$ smooth and possibly nonconvex functions. The optimal complexity of stochastic first-order methods in terms of the number of gradient evaluations of individual functions is $\mathcal{O}\left(n + n^{1/2}\varepsilon^{-1}\right)$, attained by the optimal SGD methods $\small\sf\color{green}{SPIDER}$(arXiv:1807.01695) and $\small\sf\color{green}{PAGE}$(arXiv:2008.10898), for example, where $\varepsilon$ is the error tolerance. However, i) the big-$\mathcal{O}$ notation hides crucial dependencies on the smoothness constants associated with the functions, and ii) the rates and theory in these methods assume simplistic sampling mechanisms that do not offer any flexibility. In this work we remedy the situation. First, we generalize the $\small\sf\color{green}{PAGE}$ algorithm so that it can provably work with virtually any (unbiased) sampling mechanism. This is particularly useful in federated learning, as it allows us to construct and better understand the impact of various combinations of client and data sampling strategies. Second, our analysis is sharper as we make explicit use of certain novel inequalities that capture the intricate interplay between the smoothness constants and the sampling procedure. Indeed, our analysis is better even for the simple sampling procedure analyzed in the $\small\sf\color{green}{PAGE}$ paper. However, this already improved bound can be further sharpened by a different sampling scheme which we propose. In summary, we provide the most general and most accurate analysis of optimal SGD in the smooth nonconvex regime. Finally, our theoretical findings are supposed with carefully designed experiments.
Abstract:We present a new method that includes three key components of distributed optimization and federated learning: variance reduction of stochastic gradients, compressed communication, and partial participation. We prove that the new method has optimal oracle complexity and state-of-the-art communication complexity in the partial participation setting. Moreover, we observe that "1 + 1 + 1 is not 3": by mixing variance reduction of stochastic gradients with compressed communication and partial participation, we do not obtain a fully synergetic effect. We explain the nature of this phenomenon, argue that this is to be expected, and propose possible workarounds.
Abstract:We develop and analyze DASHA: a new family of methods for nonconvex distributed optimization problems. When the local functions at the nodes have a finite-sum or an expectation form, our new methods, DASHA-PAGE and DASHA-SYNC-MVR, improve the theoretical oracle and communication complexity of the previous state-of-the-art method MARINA by Gorbunov et al. (2020). In particular, to achieve an epsilon-stationary point, and considering the random sparsifier RandK as an example, our methods compute the optimal number of gradients $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{\sqrt{m}}{\varepsilon\sqrt{n}}\right)$ and $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{\sigma}{\varepsilon^{3/2}n}\right)$ in finite-sum and expectation form cases, respectively, while maintaining the SOTA communication complexity $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{d}{\varepsilon \sqrt{n}}\right)$. Furthermore, unlike MARINA, the new methods DASHA, DASHA-PAGE and DASHA-MVR send compressed vectors only and never synchronize the nodes, which makes them more practical for federated learning. We extend our results to the case when the functions satisfy the Polyak-Lojasiewicz condition. Finally, our theory is corroborated in practice: we see a significant improvement in experiments with nonconvex classification and training of deep learning models.