Abstract:Variational inference (VI) is a computationally efficient and scalable methodology for approximate Bayesian inference. It strikes a balance between accuracy of uncertainty quantification and practical tractability. It excels at generative modelling and inversion tasks due to its built-in Bayesian regularisation and flexibility, essential qualities for physics related problems. Deriving the central learning objective for VI must often be tailored to new learning tasks where the nature of the problems dictates the conditional dependence between variables of interest, such as arising in physics problems. In this paper, we provide an accessible and thorough technical introduction to VI for forward and inverse problems, guiding the reader through standard derivations of the VI framework and how it can best be realized through deep learning. We then review and unify recent literature exemplifying the creative flexibility allowed by VI. This paper is designed for a general scientific audience looking to solve physics-based problems with an emphasis on uncertainty quantification.
Abstract:Incorporating unstructured data into physical models is a challenging problem that is emerging in data assimilation. Traditional approaches focus on well-defined observation operators whose functional forms are typically assumed to be known. This prevents these methods from achieving a consistent model-data synthesis in configurations where the mapping from data-space to model-space is unknown. To address these shortcomings, in this paper we develop a physics-informed dynamical variational autoencoder ($\Phi$-DVAE) for embedding diverse data streams into time-evolving physical systems described by differential equations. Our approach combines a standard (possibly nonlinear) filter for the latent state-space model and a VAE, to embed the unstructured data stream into the latent dynamical system. A variational Bayesian framework is used for the joint estimation of the embedding, latent states, and unknown system parameters. To demonstrate the method, we look at three examples: video datasets generated by the advection and Korteweg-de Vries partial differential equations, and a velocity field generated by the Lorenz-63 system. Comparisons with relevant baselines show that the $\Phi$-DVAE provides a data efficient dynamics encoding methodology that is competitive with standard approaches, with the added benefit of incorporating a physically interpretable latent space.