Conversational recommendation systems (CRS) aim to timely and proactively acquire user dynamic preferred attributes through conversations for item recommendation. In each turn of CRS, there naturally have two decision-making processes with different roles that influence each other: 1) director, which is to select the follow-up option (i.e., ask or recommend) that is more effective for reducing the action space and acquiring user preferences; and 2) actor, which is to accordingly choose primitive actions (i.e., asked attribute or recommended item) that satisfy user preferences and give feedback to estimate the effectiveness of the director's option. However, existing methods heavily rely on a unified decision-making module or heuristic rules, while neglecting to distinguish the roles of different decision procedures, as well as the mutual influences between them. To address this, we propose a novel Director-Actor Hierarchical Conversational Recommender (DAHCR), where the director selects the most effective option, followed by the actor accordingly choosing primitive actions that satisfy user preferences. Specifically, we develop a dynamic hypergraph to model user preferences and introduce an intrinsic motivation to train from weak supervision over the director. Finally, to alleviate the bad effect of model bias on the mutual influence between the director and actor, we model the director's option by sampling from a categorical distribution. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DAHCR outperforms state-of-the-art methods.