With the rise of online e-commerce platforms, more and more customers prefer to shop online. To sell more products, online platforms introduce various modules to recommend items with different properties such as huge discounts. A web page often consists of different independent modules. The ranking policies of these modules are decided by different teams and optimized individually without cooperation, which might result in competition between modules. Thus, the global policy of the whole page could be sub-optimal. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-agent cooperative reinforcement learning approach with the restriction that different modules cannot communicate. Our contributions are three-fold. Firstly, inspired by a solution concept in game theory named correlated equilibrium, we design a signal network to promote cooperation of all modules by generating signals (vectors) for different modules. Secondly, an entropy-regularized version of the signal network is proposed to coordinate agents' exploration of the optimal global policy. Furthermore, experiments based on real-world e-commerce data demonstrate that our algorithm obtains superior performance over baselines.