In this paper, we propose a novel method called Residual Steps Network (RSN). RSN aggregates features with the same spatialsize (Intra-level features) efficiently to obtain delicate local representations, which retain rich low-level spatial information and result in pre-cise keypoint localization. In addition, we propose an efficient attention mechanism - Pose Refine Machine (PRM) to further refine the keypointlocations. Our approach won the 1st place of COCO Keypoint Challenge 2019 and achieves state-of-the-art results on both COCO and MPII benchmarks, without using extra training data and pretrained model. Our single model achieves 78.6 on COCO test-dev, 93.0 on MPII test dataset. Ensembled models achieve 79.2 on COCO test-dev, 77.1 on COCO test-challenge dataset. The source code is publicly available for further research at