Object fetching from cluttered shelves is an important capability for robots to assist humans in real-world scenarios. Achieving this task demands robotic behaviors that prioritize safety by minimizing disturbances to surrounding objects, an essential but highly challenging requirement due to restricted motion space, limited fields of view, and complex object dynamics. In this paper, we introduce FetchBot, a sim-to-real framework designed to enable zero-shot generalizable and safety-aware object fetching from cluttered shelves in real-world settings. To address data scarcity, we propose an efficient voxel-based method for generating diverse simulated cluttered shelf scenes at scale and train a dynamics-aware reinforcement learning (RL) policy to generate object fetching trajectories within these scenes. This RL policy, which leverages oracle information, is subsequently distilled into a vision-based policy for real-world deployment. Considering that sim-to-real discrepancies stem from texture variations mostly while from geometric dimensions rarely, we propose to adopt depth information estimated by full-fledged depth foundation models as the input for the vision-based policy to mitigate sim-to-real gap. To tackle the challenge of limited views, we design a novel architecture for learning multi-view representations, allowing for comprehensive encoding of cluttered shelf scenes. This enables FetchBot to effectively minimize collisions while fetching objects from varying positions and depths, ensuring robust and safety-aware operation. Both simulation and real-robot experiments demonstrate FetchBot's superior generalization ability, particularly in handling a broad range of real-world scenarios, includ