Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable performance across a wide area of applications. However, they are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which motivates the adversarial defense. By adopting simple evaluation metrics, most of the current defenses only conduct incomplete evaluations, which are far from providing comprehensive understandings of the limitations of these defenses. Thus, most proposed defenses are quickly shown to be attacked successfully, which result in the "arm race" phenomenon between attack and defense. To mitigate this problem, we establish a model robustness evaluation framework containing a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent set of evaluation metrics, which could fully evaluate model robustness and provide deep insights into building robust models. With 23 evaluation metrics in total, our framework primarily focuses on the two key factors of adversarial learning (\ie, data and model). Through neuron coverage and data imperceptibility, we use data-oriented metrics to measure the integrity of test examples; by delving into model structure and behavior, we exploit model-oriented metrics to further evaluate robustness in the adversarial setting. To fully demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we conduct large-scale experiments on multiple datasets including CIFAR-10 and SVHN using different models and defenses with our open-source platform AISafety. Overall, our paper aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation framework which could demonstrate detailed inspections of the model robustness, and we hope that our paper can inspire further improvement to the model robustness.