Abstract:The ICML 2013 Workshop on Challenges in Representation Learning focused on three challenges: the black box learning challenge, the facial expression recognition challenge, and the multimodal learning challenge. We describe the datasets created for these challenges and summarize the results of the competitions. We provide suggestions for organizers of future challenges and some comments on what kind of knowledge can be gained from machine learning competitions.
Abstract:Representation learning, especially which by using deep learning, has been widely applied in classification. However, how to use limited size of labeled data to achieve good classification performance with deep neural network, and how can the learned features further improve classification remain indefinite. In this paper, we propose Horizontal Voting Vertical Voting and Horizontal Stacked Ensemble methods to improve the classification performance of deep neural networks. In the ICML 2013 Black Box Challenge, via using these methods independently, Bing Xu achieved 3rd in public leaderboard, and 7th in private leaderboard; Jingjing Xie achieved 4th in public leaderboard, and 5th in private leaderboard.