Abstract:Reinforcement learning has become an essential algorithm for generating complex robotic behaviors. However, to learn such behaviors, it is necessary to design a reward function that describes the task, which often consists of multiple objectives that needs to be balanced. This tuning process is known as reward engineering and typically involves extensive trial-and-error. In this paper, to avoid this trial-and-error process, we propose the concept of Constraints as Rewards (CaR). CaR formulates the task objective using multiple constraint functions instead of a reward function and solves a reinforcement learning problem with constraints using the Lagrangian-method. By adopting this approach, different objectives are automatically balanced, because Lagrange multipliers serves as the weights among the objectives. In addition, we will demonstrate that constraints, expressed as inequalities, provide an intuitive interpretation of the optimization target designed for the task. We apply the proposed method to the standing-up motion generation task of a six-wheeled-telescopic-legged robot and demonstrate that the proposed method successfully acquires the target behavior, even though it is challenging to learn with manually designed reward functions.
Abstract:Wind resistance control is an essential feature for quadcopters to maintain their position to avoid deviation from target position and prevent collisions with obstacles. Conventionally, cascaded PID controller is used for the control of quadcopters for its simplicity and ease of tuning its parameters. However, it is weak against wind disturbances and the quadcopter can easily deviate from target position. In this work, we propose a residual reinforcement learning based approach to build a wind resistance controller of a quadcopter. By learning only the residual that compensates the disturbance, we can continue using the cascaded PID controller as the base controller of the quadcopter but improve its performance against wind disturbances. To avoid unexpected crashes and destructions of quadcopters, our method does not require real hardware for data collection and training. The controller is trained only on a simulator and directly applied to the target hardware without extra finetuning process. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through various experiments including an experiment in an outdoor scene with wind speed greater than 13 m/s. Despite its simplicity, our controller reduces the position deviation by approximately 50% compared to the quadcopter controlled with the conventional cascaded PID controller. Furthermore, trained controller is robust and preserves its performance even though the quadcopter's mass and propeller's lift coefficient is changed between 50% to 150% from original training time.
Abstract:Robot manipulation tasks by natural language instructions need common understanding of the target object between human and the robot. However, the instructions often have an interpretation ambiguity, because the instruction lacks important information, or does not express the target object correctly to complete the task. To solve this ambiguity problem, we hypothesize that "naming" the target objects in advance will reduce the ambiguity of natural language instructions. We propose a robot system and method that incorporates naming with appearance of the objects in advance, so that in the later manipulation task, instruction can be performed with its unique name to disambiguate the objects easily. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we build a system that can memorize the target objects, and show that naming the objects facilitates detection of the target objects and improves the success rate of manipulation instructions. With this method, the success rate of object manipulation task increases by 31% in ambiguous instructions.