Abstract:Reinforcement learning has become an essential algorithm for generating complex robotic behaviors. However, to learn such behaviors, it is necessary to design a reward function that describes the task, which often consists of multiple objectives that needs to be balanced. This tuning process is known as reward engineering and typically involves extensive trial-and-error. In this paper, to avoid this trial-and-error process, we propose the concept of Constraints as Rewards (CaR). CaR formulates the task objective using multiple constraint functions instead of a reward function and solves a reinforcement learning problem with constraints using the Lagrangian-method. By adopting this approach, different objectives are automatically balanced, because Lagrange multipliers serves as the weights among the objectives. In addition, we will demonstrate that constraints, expressed as inequalities, provide an intuitive interpretation of the optimization target designed for the task. We apply the proposed method to the standing-up motion generation task of a six-wheeled-telescopic-legged robot and demonstrate that the proposed method successfully acquires the target behavior, even though it is challenging to learn with manually designed reward functions.
Abstract:This paper presents a stochastic/robust nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) to enhance the robustness of legged locomotion against contact uncertainties. We integrate the contact uncertainties into the covariance propagation of stochastic/robust NMPC framework by leveraging the guard saltation matrix and an extended Kalman filter-like covariance update. We achieve fast stochastic/robust NMPC computation by utilizing the zero-order stochastic/robust NMPC algorithm with additional improvements in computational efficiency concerning the feedback gains. We conducted numerical experiments and demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately forecast future state covariance and generate trajectories that satisfies constraints even in the presence of the contact uncertainties. Hardware experiments on the perceptive locomotion of a wheeled-legged robot were also carried out, validating the feasibility of the proposed method in a real-world system with limited on-board computation.
Abstract:This paper presents a nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) toward versatile motion generation for the telescopic-wheeled-legged robot Tachyon 3, the unique hardware structure of which poses challenges in control and motion planning. We apply the full-centroidal NMPC formulation with dedicated constraints that can capture the accurate kinematics and dynamics of Tachyon 3. We have developed a control pipeline that includes an internal state integrator to apply NMPC to Tachyon 3, the actuators of which employ high-gain position-controllers. We conducted simulation and hardware experiments on the perceptive locomotion of Tachyon 3 over structured terrains and demonstrated that the proposed method can achieve smooth and dynamic motion generation under harsh physical and environmental constraints.
Abstract:To achieve safe legged locomotion, it is important to generate motion in real-time considering various constraints in robots and environments. In this study, we propose a lightweight real-time perspective motion control system for the newly developed six-wheeled-telescopic-legged robot, Tachyon 3. In the proposed method, analytically smoothed constraints including Smooth Separating Axis Theorem (Smooth SAT) as a novel higher order differentiable collision detection for 3D shapes is applied to the Control Barrier Function (CBF). The proposed system integrating the CBF achieves online motion generation in a short control cycle of 1 ms that satisfies joint limitations, environmental collision avoidance and safe convex foothold constraints. The efficiency of Smooth SAT is shown from the collision detection time of 1 us or less and the CBF constraint computation time for Tachyon3 of several us. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed system is verified through the stair-climbing motion, integrating online recognition in a simulation and a real machine.