Abstract:In this work, various analysis methods are conducted on frequency-dependent methods on SED to further delve into their detailed characteristics and behaviors on SED. While SED has been rapidly advancing through the adoption of various deep learning techniques from other pattern recognition fields, these techniques are often not suitable for SED. To address this issue, two frequency-dependent SED methods were previously proposed: FilterAugment, a data augmentation randomly weighting frequency bands, and frequency dynamic convolution (FDY Conv), an architecture applying frequency adaptive convolution kernels. These methods have demonstrated superior performance in SED, and we aim to further analyze their detailed effectiveness and characteristics in SED. We compare class-wise performance to find out specific pros and cons of FilterAugment and FDY Conv. We apply Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM), which highlights time-frequency region that is more inferred by the model, on SED models with and without frequency masking and two types of FilterAugment to observe their detailed characteristics. We propose simpler frequency dependent convolution methods and compare them with FDY Conv to further understand which components of FDY Conv affects SED performance. Lastly, we apply PCA to show how FDY Conv adapts dynamic kernel across frequency dimensions on different sound event classes. The results and discussions demonstrate that frequency dependency plays a significant role in sound event detection and further confirms the effectiveness of frequency dependent methods on SED.
Abstract:The rise of smart factories has heightened the demand for automated maintenance, and normal-data-based anomaly detection has proved particularly effective in environments where anomaly data are scarce. This method, which does not require anomaly data during training, has prompted researchers to focus not only on detecting anomalies but also on classifying severity levels by using anomaly scores. However, the existing performance metrics, such as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), do not effectively reflect the performance of models in classifying severity levels based on anomaly scores. To address this limitation, we propose the weighted sum of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (WS-AUROC), which combines AUROC with a penalty for severity level differences. We conducted various experiments using different penalty assignment methods: uniform penalty regardless of severity level differences, penalty based on severity level index differences, and penalty based on actual physical quantities that cause anomalies. The latter method was the most sensitive. Additionally, we propose an anomaly detector that achieves clear separation of distributions and outperforms the ablation models on the WS-AUROC and AUROC metrics.
Abstract:To tackle sound event detection (SED) task, we propose frequency dependent networks (FreDNets), which heavily leverage frequency-dependent methods. We apply frequency warping and FilterAugment, which are frequency-dependent data augmentation methods. The model architecture consists of 3 branches: audio teacher-student transformer (ATST) branch, BEATs branch and CNN branch including either partial dilated frequency dynamic convolution (PDFD) or squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) with time-frame frequency-wise SE (tfwSE). To train MAESTRO labels with coarse temporal resolution, we apply max pooling on prediction for the MAESTRO dataset. Using best ensemble model, we apply self training to obtain pseudo label from DESED weak set, DESED unlabeled set and AudioSet. AudioSet labels are filtered to focus on high-confidence pseudo labels and AudioSet pseudo labels are used to train on DESED labels only. We used change-detection-based sound event bounding boxes (cSEBBs) as post processing for ensemble models on self training and submission models.
Abstract:Frequency dynamic convolution (FDY conv) has been a milestone in the sound event detection (SED) field, but it involves a substantial increase in model size due to multiple basis kernels. In this work, we propose partial frequency dynamic convolution (PFD conv), which concatenates static conventional 2D convolution branch output and dynamic FDY conv branch output in order to minimize model size increase while maintaining the performance. Additionally, we propose multi-dilated frequency dynamic convolution (MDFD conv), which integrates multiple dilated frequency dynamic convolution (DFD conv) branches with different dilation size sets and a static branch within a single convolution module, achieving a 3.2% improvement in polyphonic sound detection score (PSDS) over FDY conv. Proposed methods with extensive ablation studies further enhance understanding and usability of FDY conv variants.
Abstract:Frequency dynamic convolution (FDY conv) has shown the state-of-the-art performance in sound event detection (SED) using frequency-adaptive kernels obtained by frequency-varying combination of basis kernels. However, FDY conv lacks an explicit mean to diversify frequency-adaptive kernels, potentially limiting the performance. In addition, size of basis kernels is limited while time-frequency patterns span larger spectro-temporal range. Therefore, we propose dilated frequency dynamic convolution (DFD conv) which diversifies and expands frequency-adaptive kernels by introducing different dilation sizes to basis kernels. Experiments showed advantages of varying dilation sizes along frequency dimension, and analysis on attention weight variance proved dilated basis kernels are effectively diversified. By adapting class-wise median filter with intersection-based F1 score, proposed DFD-CRNN outperforms FDY-CRNN by 3.12% in terms of polyphonic sound detection score (PSDS).
Abstract:This paper proposes a thermal-infrared (TIR) remote target detection system for maritime rescue using deep learning and data augmentation. We established a self-collected TIR dataset consisting of multiple scenes imitating human rescue situations using a TIR camera (FLIR). Additionally, to address dataset scarcity and improve model robustness, a synthetic dataset from a 3D game (ARMA3) to augment the data is further collected. However, a significant domain gap exists between synthetic TIR and real TIR images. Hence, a proper domain adaptation algorithm is essential to overcome the gap. Therefore, we suggest a domain adaptation algorithm in a target-background separated manner from 3D game-to-real, based on a generative model, to address this issue. Furthermore, a segmentation network with fixed-weight kernels at the head is proposed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and provide weak attention, as remote TIR targets inherently suffer from unclear boundaries. Experiment results reveal that the network trained on augmented data consisting of translated synthetic and real TIR data outperforms that trained on only real TIR data by a large margin. Furthermore, the proposed segmentation model surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art segmentation methods.
Abstract:Sound event detection (SED) is one of tasks to automate function by human auditory system which listens and understands auditory scenes. Therefore, we were inspired to make SED recognize sound events in the way human auditory system does. Spectro-temporal receptive field (STRF), an approach to describe the relationship between perceived sound at ear and transformed neural response in the auditory cortex, is closely related to recognition of sound. In this work, we utilized STRF as a kernel of the first convolutional layer in SED model to extract neural response from input sound to make SED model similar to human auditory system. In addition, we constructed two-branched SED model named as Two Branch STRFNet (TB-STRFNet) composed of STRF branch and baseline branch. While STRF branch extracts sound event information from auditory neural response, baseline branch extracts sound event information directly from the mel spectrogram just as conventional SED models do. TB-STRFNet outperformed the DCASE baseline by 4.3% in terms of threshold-independent macro F1 score, achieving 4th rank in DCASE Challenge 2023 Task 4b. We further improved TB-STRFNet by applying frequency dynamic convolution (FDYConv) which also leveraged domain knowledge on acoustics. As a result, two branch model applied with FDYConv on both branches outperformed the DCASE baseline by 6.2% in terms of the same metric.
Abstract:We explore on various attention methods on frequency and channel dimensions for sound event detection (SED) in order to enhance performance with minimal increase in computational cost while leveraging domain knowledge to address the frequency dimension of audio data. We have introduced frequency dynamic convolution in a previous work to release the translational equivariance issue associated with 2D convolution on the frequency dimension of 2D audio data. Although this approach demonstrated state-of-the-art SED performance, it resulted in 2.5 times heavier model in terms of the number of parameters. To achieve comparable SED performance with computationally efficient methods to enhance practicality, we explore on lighter alternative attention methods. In addition, we focus of attention methods on frequency and channel dimensions as those are shown to be critical in SED. Joint application of SE modules on both frequency and channel dimension shows comparable performance to frequency dynamic convolution with only 2.7% increase in the model size compared to the baseline model. In addition, we performed class-wise comparison of various attention methods to further discuss their characteristics.
Abstract:The goal of DCASE 2023 Challenge Task 7 is to generate various sound clips for Foley sound synthesis (FSS) by "category-to-sound" approach. "Category" is expressed by a single index while corresponding "sound" covers diverse and different sound examples. To generate diverse sounds for a given category, we adopt VITS, a text-to-speech (TTS) model with variational inference. In addition, we apply various techniques from speech synthesis including PhaseAug and Avocodo. Different from TTS models which generate short pronunciation from phonemes and speaker identity, the category-to-sound problem requires generating diverse sounds just from a category index. To compensate for the difference while maintaining consistency within each audio clip, we heavily modified the prior encoder to enhance consistency with posterior latent variables. This introduced additional Gaussian on the prior encoder which promotes variance within the category. With these modifications, we propose VIFS, variational inference for end-to-end Foley sound synthesis, which generates diverse high-quality sounds.
Abstract:In this paper, an automatic calibration algorithm is proposed to reduce the depth error caused by internal stray light in amplitude-modulated continuous wave (AMCW) coaxial scanning light detection and ranging (LiDAR). Assuming that the internal stray light inside the proposed AMCW scanning LiDAR is static, the amplitude and phase delay of internal stray light are estimated using the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Specifically, the raw amplitude (amplitude of raw cross-correlation) map of calibration checkboard at specific distance is segmented by GMM with two clusters (the bright and dark regions). The loss function is then defined as L1-norm of difference between mean depth of the amplitude-segmented clusters. This loss function is minimized by PSO to estimate the two optimal target parameters: the amplitude and phase delay of internal stray light. To avoid overfitting at a specific distance, the calibration check board is measured at multiple distances and the average of L1 loss functions from all measured distances is chosen as the actual loss. According to the validation of the proposed algorithm, the original loss is reduced from tens of centimeters to 3.2 mm when the distance of the calibration checkboard is between 1m and 4 m. This accurate depth error correction performance is also maintained in the depth and raw amplitude images of geometrically complex objects. The proposed internal stray light calibration algorithm in this paper can be used for any type of AMCW coaxial scanning LiDAR regardless of its optical characteristics.