Abstract:Foundation models pre-trained using self-supervised and weakly-supervised learning have shown powerful transfer learning capabilities on various downstream tasks, including language understanding, text generation, and image recognition. Recently, the Earth observation (EO) field has produced several foundation models pre-trained directly on multispectral satellite imagery (e.g., Sentinel-2) for applications like precision agriculture, wildfire and drought monitoring, and natural disaster response. However, few studies have investigated the ability of these models to generalize to new geographic locations, and potential concerns of geospatial bias -- models trained on data-rich developed countries not transferring well to data-scarce developing countries -- remain. We investigate the ability of popular EO foundation models to transfer to new geographic regions in the agricultural domain, where differences in farming practices and class imbalance make transfer learning particularly challenging. We first select six crop classification datasets across five continents, normalizing for dataset size and harmonizing classes to focus on four major cereal grains: maize, soybean, rice, and wheat. We then compare three popular foundation models, pre-trained on SSL4EO-S12, SatlasPretrain, and ImageNet, using in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) evaluation. Experiments show that pre-trained weights designed explicitly for Sentinel-2, such as SSL4EO-S12, outperform general pre-trained weights like ImageNet. Furthermore, the benefits of pre-training on OOD data are the most significant when only 10--100 ID training samples are used. Transfer learning and pre-training with OOD and limited ID data show promising applications, as many developing regions have scarce crop type labels. All harmonized datasets and experimental code are open-source and available for download.
Abstract:The Landsat program is the longest-running Earth observation program in history, with 50+ years of data acquisition by 8 satellites. The multispectral imagery captured by sensors onboard these satellites is critical for a wide range of scientific fields. Despite the increasing popularity of deep learning and remote sensing, the majority of researchers still use decision trees and random forests for Landsat image analysis due to the prevalence of small labeled datasets and lack of foundation models. In this paper, we introduce SSL4EO-L, the first ever dataset designed for Self-Supervised Learning for Earth Observation for the Landsat family of satellites (including 3 sensors and 2 product levels) and the largest Landsat dataset in history (5M image patches). Additionally, we modernize and re-release the L7 Irish and L8 Biome cloud detection datasets, and introduce the first ML benchmark datasets for Landsats 4-5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ SR. Finally, we pre-train the first foundation models for Landsat imagery using SSL4EO-L and evaluate their performance on multiple semantic segmentation tasks. All datasets and model weights are available via the TorchGeo (https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo) library, making reproducibility and experimentation easy, and enabling scientific advancements in the burgeoning field of remote sensing for a myriad of downstream applications.