Abstract:Offline preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL) provides an effective way to overcome the challenges of designing reward and the high costs of online interaction. However, since labeling preference needs real-time human feedback, acquiring sufficient preference labels is challenging. To solve this, this paper proposes a offLine prEference-bAsed RL with high Sample Efficiency (LEASE) algorithm, where a learned transition model is leveraged to generate unlabeled preference data. Considering the pretrained reward model may generate incorrect labels for unlabeled data, we design an uncertainty-aware mechanism to ensure the performance of reward model, where only high confidence and low variance data are selected. Moreover, we provide the generalization bound of reward model to analyze the factors influencing reward accuracy, and demonstrate that the policy learned by LEASE has theoretical improvement guarantee. The developed theory is based on state-action pair, which can be easily combined with other offline algorithms. The experimental results show that LEASE can achieve comparable performance to baseline under fewer preference data without online interaction.
Abstract:Accurate recognition of human motion intention (HMI) is beneficial for exoskeleton robots to improve the wearing comfort level and achieve natural human-robot interaction. A classifier trained on labeled source subjects (domains) performs poorly on unlabeled target subject since the difference in individual motor characteristics. The unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) method has become an effective way to this problem. However, the labeled data are collected from multiple source subjects that might be different not only from the target subject but also from each other. The current UDA methods for HMI recognition ignore the difference between each source subject, which reduces the classification accuracy. Therefore, this paper considers the differences between source subjects and develops a novel theory and algorithm for UDA to recognize HMI, where the margin disparity discrepancy (MDD) is extended to multi-source UDA theory and a novel weight-aware-based multi-source UDA algorithm (WMDD) is proposed. The source domain weight, which can be adjusted adaptively by the MDD between each source subject and target subject, is incorporated into UDA to measure the differences between source subjects. The developed multi-source UDA theory is theoretical and the generalization error on target subject is guaranteed. The theory can be transformed into an optimization problem for UDA, successfully bridging the gap between theory and algorithm. Moreover, a lightweight network is employed to guarantee the real-time of classification and the adversarial learning between feature generator and ensemble classifiers is utilized to further improve the generalization ability. The extensive experiments verify theoretical analysis and show that WMDD outperforms previous UDA methods on HMI recognition tasks.
Abstract:Offline reinforcement learning (RL) faces a significant challenge of distribution shift. Model-free offline RL penalizes the Q value for out-of-distribution (OOD) data or constrains the policy closed to the behavior policy to tackle this problem, but this inhibits the exploration of the OOD region. Model-based offline RL, which uses the trained environment model to generate more OOD data and performs conservative policy optimization within that model, has become an effective method for this problem. However, the current model-based algorithms rarely consider agent robustness when incorporating conservatism into policy. Therefore, the new model-based offline algorithm with a conservative Bellman operator (MICRO) is proposed. This method trades off performance and robustness via introducing the robust Bellman operator into the algorithm. Compared with previous model-based algorithms with robust adversarial models, MICRO can significantly reduce the computation cost by only choosing the minimal Q value in the state uncertainty set. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MICRO outperforms prior RL algorithms in offline RL benchmark and is considerably robust to adversarial perturbations.
Abstract:Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to optimize policy using collected data without online interactions. Model-based approaches are particularly appealing for addressing offline RL challenges due to their capability to mitigate the limitations of offline data through data generation using models. Prior research has demonstrated that introducing conservatism into the model or Q-function during policy optimization can effectively alleviate the prevalent distribution drift problem in offline RL. However, the investigation into the impacts of conservatism in reward estimation is still lacking. This paper proposes a novel model-based offline RL algorithm, Conservative Reward for model-based Offline Policy optimization (CROP), which conservatively estimates the reward in model training. To achieve a conservative reward estimation, CROP simultaneously minimizes the estimation error and the reward of random actions. Theoretical analysis shows that this conservative reward mechanism leads to a conservative policy evaluation and helps mitigate distribution drift. Experiments on D4RL benchmarks showcase that the performance of CROP is comparable to the state-of-the-art baselines. Notably, CROP establishes an innovative connection between offline and online RL, highlighting that offline RL problems can be tackled by adopting online RL techniques to the empirical Markov decision process trained with a conservative reward. The source code is available with https://github.com/G0K0URURI/CROP.git.
Abstract:Model-based reinforcement learning (RL), which learns environment model from offline dataset and generates more out-of-distribution model data, has become an effective approach to the problem of distribution shift in offline RL. Due to the gap between the learned and actual environment, conservatism should be incorporated into the algorithm to balance accurate offline data and imprecise model data. The conservatism of current algorithms mostly relies on model uncertainty estimation. However, uncertainty estimation is unreliable and leads to poor performance in certain scenarios, and the previous methods ignore differences between the model data, which brings great conservatism. Therefore, this paper proposes a milDly cOnservative Model-bAsed offlINe RL algorithm (DOMAIN) without estimating model uncertainty to address the above issues. DOMAIN introduces adaptive sampling distribution of model samples, which can adaptively adjust the model data penalty. In this paper, we theoretically demonstrate that the Q value learned by the DOMAIN outside the region is a lower bound of the true Q value, the DOMAIN is less conservative than previous model-based offline RL algorithms and has the guarantee of security policy improvement. The results of extensive experiments show that DOMAIN outperforms prior RL algorithms on the D4RL dataset benchmark, and achieves better performance than other RL algorithms on tasks that require generalization.