Abstract:Modern machine learning methods have recently demonstrated remarkable capability to generalize under task shift, where latent knowledge is transferred to a different, often more difficult, task under a similar data distribution. We investigate this phenomenon in an overparameterized linear regression setting where the task shifts from classification during training to regression during evaluation. In the zero-shot case, wherein no regression data is available, we prove that task shift is impossible in both sparse signal and random signal models for any Gaussian covariate distribution. In the few-shot case, wherein limited regression data is available, we propose a simple postprocessing algorithm which asymptotically recovers the ground-truth predictor. Our analysis leverages a fine-grained characterization of individual parameters arising from minimum-norm interpolation which may be of independent interest. Our results show that while minimum-norm interpolators for classification cannot transfer to regression a priori, they experience surprisingly structured attenuation which enables successful task shift with limited additional data.
Abstract:Modern machine learning models are prone to over-reliance on spurious correlations, which can often lead to poor performance on minority groups. In this paper, we identify surprising and nuanced behavior of finetuned models on worst-group accuracy via comprehensive experiments on four well-established benchmarks across vision and language tasks. We first show that the commonly used class-balancing techniques of mini-batch upsampling and loss upweighting can induce a decrease in worst-group accuracy (WGA) with training epochs, leading to performance no better than without class-balancing. While in some scenarios, removing data to create a class-balanced subset is more effective, we show this depends on group structure and propose a mixture method which can outperform both techniques. Next, we show that scaling pretrained models is generally beneficial for worst-group accuracy, but only in conjuction with appropriate class-balancing. Finally, we identify spectral imbalance in finetuning features as a potential source of group disparities -- minority group covariance matrices incur a larger spectral norm than majority groups once conditioned on the classes. Our results show more nuanced interactions of modern finetuned models with group robustness than was previously known. Our code is available at https://github.com/tmlabonte/revisiting-finetuning.
Abstract:Empirical risk minimization (ERM) of neural networks is prone to over-reliance on spurious correlations and poor generalization on minority groups. The recent deep feature reweighting (DFR) technique achieves state-of-the-art group robustness via simple last-layer retraining, but it requires held-out group and class annotations to construct a group-balanced reweighting dataset. In this work, we examine this impractical requirement and find that last-layer retraining can be surprisingly effective with no group annotations (other than for model selection) and only a handful of class annotations. We first show that last-layer retraining can greatly improve worst-group accuracy even when the reweighting dataset has only a small proportion of worst-group data. This implies a "free lunch" where holding out a subset of training data to retrain the last layer can substantially outperform ERM on the entire dataset with no additional data or annotations. To further improve group robustness, we introduce a lightweight method called selective last-layer finetuning (SELF), which constructs the reweighting dataset using misclassifications or disagreements. Our empirical and theoretical results present the first evidence that model disagreement upsamples worst-group data, enabling SELF to nearly match DFR on four well-established benchmarks across vision and language tasks with no group annotations and less than 3% of the held-out class annotations. Our code is available at https://github.com/tmlabonte/last-layer-retraining.
Abstract:Weakly supervised object detection (WSOD) enables object detectors to be trained using image-level class labels. However, the practical application of current WSOD models is limited, as they operate at small scales and require extensive training and refinement. We propose the Weakly Supervised Detection Transformer, which enables efficient knowledge transfer from a large-scale pretraining dataset to WSOD finetuning on hundreds of novel objects. We leverage pretrained knowledge to improve the multiple instance learning framework used in WSOD, and experiments show our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art on datasets with twice the novel classes than previously shown.
Abstract:Deep learning has been applied with great success to the segmentation of 3D X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) scans. Establishing the credibility of these segmentations requires uncertainty quantification (UQ) to identify problem areas. Recent UQ architectures include Monte Carlo dropout networks (MCDNs), which approximate Bayesian inference in deep Gaussian processes, and Bayesian neural networks (BNNs), which use variational inference to learn the posterior distribution of the neural network weights. BNNs hold several advantages over MCDNs for UQ, but due to the difficulty of training BNNs, they have not, to our knowledge, been successfully applied to 3D domains. In light of several recent developments in the implementation of BNNs, we present a novel 3D Bayesian convolutional neural network (BCNN) that provides accurate binary segmentations and uncertainty maps for 3D volumes. We present experimental results on CT scans of lithium-ion battery electrode materials and laser-welded metals to demonstrate that our BCNN provides improved UQ as compared to an MCDN while achieving equal or better segmentation accuracy. In particular, the uncertainty maps generated by our BCNN capture continuity and visual gradients, making them interpretable as confidence intervals for segmentation usable in subsequent simulations.