Abstract:Using the exact gradients of the rewards to directly optimize policy parameters via backpropagation-through-time (BPTT) enables high training performance for quadrotor tasks. However, designing a fully differentiable reward architecture is often challenging. Partially differentiable rewards will result in biased gradient propagation that degrades training performance. To overcome this limitation, we propose Amended Backpropagation-through-Time (ABPT), a novel approach that mitigates gradient bias while preserving the training efficiency of BPTT. ABPT combines 0-step and N-step returns, effectively reducing the bias by leveraging value gradients from the learned Q-value function. Additionally, it adopts entropy regularization and state initialization mechanisms to encourage exploration during training. We evaluate ABPT on four representative quadrotor flight tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that ABPT converges significantly faster and achieves higher ultimate rewards than existing learning algorithms, particularly in tasks involving partially differentiable rewards.
Abstract:Depth estimation is a cornerstone of perception in autonomous driving and robotic systems. The considerable cost and relatively sparse data acquisition of LiDAR systems have led to the exploration of cost-effective alternatives, notably, self-supervised depth estimation. Nevertheless, current self-supervised depth estimation methods grapple with several limitations: (1) the failure to adequately leverage informative multi-camera views. (2) the limited capacity to handle dynamic objects effectively. To address these challenges, we present BEVScope, an innovative approach to self-supervised depth estimation that harnesses Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) features. Concurrently, we propose an adaptive loss function, specifically designed to mitigate the complexities associated with moving objects. Empirical evaluations conducted on the Nuscenes dataset validate our approach, demonstrating competitive performance. Code will be released at https://github.com/myc634/BEVScope.