Abstract:In this paper, we present a generic deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) for multi-class image segmentation. It is based on a well-established supervised end-to-end DCNN model, known as U-net. U-net is firstly modified by adding widely used batch normalization and residual block (named as BRU-net) to improve the efficiency of model training. Based on BRU-net, we further introduce a dynamically weighted cross-entropy loss function. The weighting scheme is calculated based on the pixel-wise prediction accuracy during the training process. Assigning higher weights to pixels with lower segmentation accuracies enables the network to learn more from poorly predicted image regions. Our method is named as feedback weighted U-net (FU-net). We have evaluated our method based on T1- weighted brain MRI for the segmentation of midbrain and substantia nigra, where the number of pixels in each class is extremely unbalanced to each other. Based on the dice coefficient measurement, our proposed FU-net has outperformed BRU-net and U-net with statistical significance, especially when only a small number of training examples are available. The code is publicly available in GitHub (GitHub link: https://github.com/MinaJf/FU-net).
Abstract:Residual network (ResNet) and densely connected network (DenseNet) have significantly improved the training efficiency and performance of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) mainly for object classification tasks. In this paper, we propose an efficient network architecture by considering advantages of both networks. The proposed method is integrated into an encoder-decoder DCNN model for medical image segmentation. Our method adds additional skip connections compared to ResNet but uses significantly fewer model parameters than DenseNet. We evaluate the proposed method on a public dataset (ISIC 2018 grand-challenge) for skin lesion segmentation and a local brain MRI dataset. In comparison with ResNet-based, DenseNet-based and attention network (AttnNet) based methods within the same encoder-decoder network structure, our method achieves significantly higher segmentation accuracy with fewer number of model parameters than DenseNet and AttnNet. The code is available on GitHub (GitHub link: https://github.com/MinaJf/DRU-net).
Abstract:Semantic image segmentation is one of the most important tasks in medical image analysis. Most state-of-the-art deep learning methods require a large number of accurately annotated examples for model training. However, accurate annotation is difficult to obtain especially in medical applications. In this paper, we propose a spatially constrained deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) to achieve smooth and robust image segmentation using inaccurately annotated labels for training. In our proposed method, image segmentation is formulated as a graph optimization problem that is solved by a DCNN model learning process. The cost function to be optimized consists of a unary term that is calculated by cross entropy measurement and a pairwise term that is based on enforcing a local label consistency. The proposed method has been evaluated based on corneal confocal microscopic (CCM) images for nerve fiber segmentation, where accurate annotations are extremely difficult to be obtained. Based on both the quantitative result of a synthetic dataset and qualitative assessment of a real dataset, the proposed method has achieved superior performance in producing high quality segmentation results even with inaccurate labels for training.