Abstract:Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become standard tools in reconnaissance and surveying for both civilian and defense applications. In the future, UAVs will likely play a pivotal role in autonomous package delivery, but current multi-rotor candidates suffer from poor energy efficiency leading to insufficient endurance and range. In order to reduce the power demands of package delivery UAVs while still maintaining necessary hovering capabilities, companies like Amazon are experimenting with hybrid Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) platforms. Tailsitter VTOLs offer a mechanically simple and cost-effective solution compared to other hybrid VTOL configurations, and while advances in hardware and microelectronics have optimized the tailsitter for package delivery, the software behind its operation has largely remained a critical barrier to industry adoption. Tailsitters currently lack a generic, computationally efficient method of control that can provide strong safety and robustness guarantees over the entire flight domain. Further, tailsitters lack a closed-form method of designing dynamically feasible transition maneuvers between hover and cruise. In this paper, we survey the modeling and control methods currently implemented on small-scale tailsitter UAVs, and attempt to leverage a nonlinear dynamic model to design physically realizable, continuous-pitch transition maneuvers at constant altitude. Primary results from this paper isolate potential barriers to constant-altitude transition, and a novel approach to bypassing these barriers is proposed. While initial results are unsuccessful at providing feasible transition, this work acts as a stepping stone for future efforts to design new transition maneuvers that are safe, robust, and computationally efficient.
Abstract:Control tuning and adaptation present a significant challenge to the usage of robots in diverse environments. It is often nontrivial to find a single set of control parameters by hand that work well across the broad array of environments and conditions that a robot might encounter. Automated adaptation approaches must utilize prior knowledge about the system while adapting to significant domain shifts to find new control parameters quickly. In this work, we present a general framework for online controller adaptation that deals with these challenges. We combine meta-learning with Bayesian recursive estimation to learn prior predictive models of system performance that quickly adapt to online data, even when there is significant domain shift. These predictive models can be used as cost functions within efficient sampling-based optimization routines to find new control parameters online that maximize system performance. Our framework is powerful and flexible enough to adapt controllers for four diverse systems: a simulated race car, a simulated quadrupedal robot, and a simulated and physical quadrotor.
Abstract:Motivated by the increasing use of quadrotors for payload delivery, we consider a joint trajectory generation and feedback control design problem for a quadrotor experiencing aerodynamic wrenches. Unmodeled aerodynamic drag forces from carried payloads can lead to catastrophic outcomes. Prior work model aerodynamic effects as residual dynamics or external disturbances in the control problem leading to a reactive policy that could be catastrophic. Moreover, redesigning controllers and tuning control gains on hardware platforms is a laborious effort. In this paper, we argue that adapting the trajectory generation component keeping the controller fixed can improve trajectory tracking for quadrotor systems experiencing drag forces. To achieve this, we formulate a drag-aware planning problem by applying a suitable relaxation to an optimal quadrotor control problem, introducing a tracking cost function which measures the ability of a controller to follow a reference trajectory. This tracking cost function acts as a regularizer in trajectory generation and is learned from data obtained from simulation. Our experiments in both simulation and on the Crazyflie hardware platform show that changing the planner reduces tracking error by as much as 83%. Evaluation on hardware demonstrates that our planned path, as opposed to a baseline, avoids controller saturation and catastrophic outcomes during aggressive maneuvers.
Abstract:Simulators play a critical role in aerial robotics both in and out of the classroom. We present RotorPy, a simulation environment written entirely in Python intentionally designed to be a lightweight and accessible tool for robotics students and researchers alike to probe concepts in estimation, planning, and control for aerial robots. RotorPy simulates the 6-DoF dynamics of a multirotor robot including aerodynamic wrenches, obstacles, actuator dynamics and saturation, realistic sensors, and wind models. This work describes the modeling choices for RotorPy, benchmark testing against real data, and a case study using the simulator to design and evaluate a model-based wind estimator.