Abstract:Unsupervised landmarks discovery (ULD) for an object category is a challenging computer vision problem. In pursuit of developing a robust ULD framework, we explore the potential of a recent paradigm of self-supervised learning algorithms, known as diffusion models. Some recent works have shown that these models implicitly contain important correspondence cues. Towards harnessing the potential of diffusion models for the ULD task, we make the following core contributions. First, we propose a ZeroShot ULD baseline based on simple clustering of random pixel locations with nearest neighbour matching. It delivers better results than existing ULD methods. Second, motivated by the ZeroShot performance, we develop a ULD algorithm based on diffusion features using self-training and clustering which also outperforms prior methods by notable margins. Third, we introduce a new proxy task based on generating latent pose codes and also propose a two-stage clustering mechanism to facilitate effective pseudo-labeling, resulting in a significant performance improvement. Overall, our approach consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods on four challenging benchmarks AFLW, MAFL, CatHeads and LS3D by significant margins.
Abstract:We contribute to the sparsely populated area of unsupervised deep graph matching with application to keypoint matching in images. Contrary to the standard \emph{supervised} approach, our method does not require ground truth correspondences between keypoint pairs. Instead, it is self-supervised by enforcing consistency of matchings between images of the same object category. As the matching and the consistency loss are discrete, their derivatives cannot be straightforwardly used for learning. We address this issue in a principled way by building our method upon the recent results on black-box differentiation of combinatorial solvers. This makes our method exceptionally flexible, as it is compatible with arbitrary network architectures and combinatorial solvers. Our experimental evaluation suggests that our technique sets a new state-of-the-art for unsupervised graph matching.
Abstract:Dense, discrete Graphical Models with pairwise potentials are a powerful class of models which are employed in state-of-the-art computer vision and bio-imaging applications. This work introduces a new MAP-solver, based on the popular Dual Block-Coordinate Ascent principle. Surprisingly, by making a small change to the low-performing solver, the Max Product Linear Programming (MPLP) algorithm, we derive the new solver MPLP++ that significantly outperforms all existing solvers by a large margin, including the state-of-the-art solver Tree-Reweighted Sequential (TRWS) message-passing algorithm. Additionally, our solver is highly parallel, in contrast to TRWS, which gives a further boost in performance with the proposed GPU and multi-thread CPU implementations. We verify the superiority of our algorithm on dense problems from publicly available benchmarks, as well, as a new benchmark for 6D Object Pose estimation. We also provide an ablation study with respect to graph density.
Abstract:We consider the maximum-a-posteriori inference problem in discrete graphical models and study solvers based on the dual block-coordinate ascent rule. We map all existing solvers in a single framework, allowing for a better understanding of their design principles. We theoretically show that some block-optimizing updates are sub-optimal and how to strictly improve them. On a wide range of problem instances of varying graph connectivity, we study the performance of existing solvers as well as new variants that can be obtained within the framework. As a result of this exploration we build a new state-of-the art solver, performing uniformly better on the whole range of test instances.