Abstract:Fractures, particularly in the distal forearm, are among the most common injuries in children and adolescents, with approximately 800 000 cases treated annually in Germany. The AO/OTA system provides a structured fracture type classification, which serves as the foundation for treatment decisions. Although accurately classifying fractures can be challenging, current deep learning models have demonstrated performance comparable to that of experienced radiologists. While most existing approaches rely solely on radiographs, the potential impact of incorporating other additional modalities, such as automatic bone segmentation, fracture location, and radiology reports, remains underexplored. In this work, we systematically analyse the contribution of these three additional information types, finding that combining them with radiographs increases the AUROC from 91.71 to 93.25. Our code is available on GitHub.
Abstract:Semantic segmentation is a crucial task in medical imaging. Although supervised learning techniques have proven to be effective in performing this task, they heavily depend on large amounts of annotated training data. The recently introduced Segment Anything Model (SAM) enables prompt-based segmentation and offers zero-shot generalization to unfamiliar objects. In our work, we leverage SAM's abstract object understanding for medical image segmentation to provide pseudo labels for semi-supervised learning, thereby mitigating the need for extensive annotated training data. Our approach refines initial segmentations that are derived from a limited amount of annotated data (comprising up to 43 cases) by extracting bounding boxes and seed points as prompts forwarded to SAM. Thus, it enables the generation of dense segmentation masks as pseudo labels for unlabelled data. The results show that training with our pseudo labels yields an improvement in Dice score from $74.29\,\%$ to $84.17\,\%$ and from $66.63\,\%$ to $74.87\,\%$ for the segmentation of bones of the paediatric wrist and teeth in dental radiographs, respectively. As a result, our method outperforms intensity-based post-processing methods, state-of-the-art supervised learning for segmentation (nnU-Net), and the semi-supervised mean teacher approach. Our Code is available on GitHub.
Abstract:Purpose: Semantic segmentation and landmark detection are fundamental tasks of medical image processing, facilitating further analysis of anatomical objects. Although deep learning-based pixel-wise classification has set a new-state-of-the-art for segmentation, it falls short in landmark detection, a strength of shape-based approaches. Methods: In this work, we propose a dense image-to-shape representation that enables the joint learning of landmarks and semantic segmentation by employing a fully convolutional architecture. Our method intuitively allows the extraction of arbitrary landmarks due to its representation of anatomical correspondences. We benchmark our method against the state-of-the-art for semantic segmentation (nnUNet), a shape-based approach employing geometric deep learning and a CNN-based method for landmark detection. Results: We evaluate our method on two medical dataset: one common benchmark featuring the lungs, heart, and clavicle from thorax X-rays, and another with 17 different bones in the paediatric wrist. While our method is on pair with the landmark detection baseline in the thorax setting (error in mm of $2.6\pm0.9$ vs $2.7\pm0.9$), it substantially surpassed it in the more complex wrist setting ($1.1\pm0.6$ vs $1.9\pm0.5$). Conclusion: We demonstrate that dense geometric shape representation is beneficial for challenging landmark detection tasks and outperforms previous state-of-the-art using heatmap regression. While it does not require explicit training on the landmarks themselves, allowing for the addition of new landmarks without necessitating retraining.}
Abstract:When solving a segmentation task, shaped-base methods can be beneficial compared to pixelwise classification due to geometric understanding of the target object as shape, preventing the generation of anatomical implausible predictions in particular for corrupted data. In this work, we propose a novel hybrid method that combines a lightweight CNN backbone with a geometric neural network (Point Transformer) for shape regression. Using the same CNN encoder, the Point Transformer reaches segmentation quality on per with current state-of-the-art convolutional decoders ($4\pm1.9$ vs $3.9\pm2.9$ error in mm and $85\pm13$ vs $88\pm10$ Dice), but crucially, is more stable w.r.t image distortion, starting to outperform them at a corruption level of 30%. Furthermore, we include the nnU-Net as an upper baseline, which has $3.7\times$ more trainable parameters than our proposed method.
Abstract:Purpose: Navigation guidance is a key requirement for a multitude of lung interventions using video bronchoscopy. State-of-the-art solutions focus on lung biopsies using electromagnetic tracking and intraoperative image registration w.r.t. preoperative CT scans for guidance. The requirement of patient-specific CT scans hampers the utilisation of navigation guidance for other applications such as intensive care units. Methods: This paper addresses navigation guidance solely incorporating bronchosopy video data. In contrast to state-of-the-art approaches we entirely omit the use of electromagnetic tracking and patient-specific CT scans. Guidance is enabled by means of topological bronchoscope localization w.r.t. an interpatient airway model. Particularly, we take maximally advantage of anatomical constraints of airway trees being sequentially traversed. This is realized by incorporating sequences of CNN-based airway likelihoods into a Hidden Markov Model. Results: Our approach is evaluated based on multiple experiments inside a lung phantom model. With the consideration of temporal context and use of anatomical knowledge for regularization, we are able to improve the accuracy up to to 0.98 compared to 0.81 (weighted F1: 0.98 compared to 0.81) for a classification based on individual frames. Conclusion: We combine CNN-based single image classification of airway segments with anatomical constraints and temporal HMM-based inference for the first time. Our approach renders vision-only guidance for bronchoscopy interventions in the absence of electromagnetic tracking and patient-specific CT scans possible.
Abstract:Video bronchoscopy is routinely conducted for biopsies of lung tissue suspected for cancer, monitoring of COPD patients and clarification of acute respiratory problems at intensive care units. The navigation within complex bronchial trees is particularly challenging and physically demanding, requiring long-term experiences of physicians. This paper addresses the automatic segmentation of bronchial orifices in bronchoscopy videos. Deep learning-based approaches to this task are currently hampered due to the lack of readily-available ground truth segmentation data. Thus, we present a data-driven pipeline consisting of a k-means followed by a compact marker-based watershed algorithm which enables to generate airway instance segmentation maps from given depth images. In this way, these traditional algorithms serve as weak supervision for training a shallow CNN directly on RGB images solely based on a phantom dataset. We evaluate generalization capabilities of this model on two in-vivo datasets covering 250 frames on 21 different bronchoscopies. We demonstrate that its performance is comparable to those models being directly trained on in-vivo data, reaching an average error of 11 vs 5 pixels for the detected centers of the airway segmentation by an image resolution of 128x128. Our quantitative and qualitative results indicate that in the context of video bronchoscopy, phantom data and weak supervision using non-learning-based approaches enable to gain a semantic understanding of airway structures.