Abstract:Deep neural networks have shown great success in prediction quality while reliable and robust uncertainty estimation remains a challenge. Predictive uncertainty supplements model predictions and enables improved functionality of downstream tasks including embedded and mobile applications, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, sensor fusion, and perception. These applications often require a compromise in complexity to obtain uncertainty estimates due to very limited memory and compute resources. We tackle this problem by building upon Monte Carlo Dropout (MCDO) models using the Axolotl framework; specifically, we diversify sampled subnetworks, leverage dropout patterns, and use a branching technique to improve predictive performance while maintaining fast computations. We conduct experiments on (1) a multi-class classification task using the CIFAR10 dataset, and (2) a more complex human body segmentation task. Our results show the effectiveness of our approach by reaching close to Deep Ensemble prediction quality and uncertainty estimation, while still achieving faster inference on resource-limited mobile platforms.
Abstract:In recent years graph neural network (GNN)-based approaches have become a popular strategy for processing point cloud data, regularly achieving state-of-the-art performance on a variety of tasks. To date, the research community has primarily focused on improving model expressiveness, with secondary thought given to how to design models that can run efficiently on resource constrained mobile devices including smartphones or mixed reality headsets. In this work we make a step towards improving the efficiency of these models by making the observation that these GNN models are heavily limited by the representational power of their first, feature extracting, layer. We find that it is possible to radically simplify these models so long as the feature extraction layer is retained with minimal degradation to model performance; further, we discover that it is possible to improve performance overall on ModelNet40 and S3DIS by improving the design of the feature extractor. Our approach reduces memory consumption by 20$\times$ and latency by up to 9.9$\times$ for graph layers in models such as DGCNN; overall, we achieve speed-ups of up to 4.5$\times$ and peak memory reductions of 72.5%.
Abstract:Quantized neural networks (NN) are the common standard to efficiently deploy deep learning models on tiny hardware platforms. However, we notice that quantized NNs are as vulnerable to adversarial attacks as the full-precision models. With the proliferation of neural networks on small devices that we carry or surround us, there is a need for efficient models without sacrificing trust in the prediction in presence of malign perturbations. Current mitigation approaches often need adversarial training or are bypassed when the strength of adversarial examples is increased. In this work, we investigate how a probabilistic framework would assist in overcoming the aforementioned limitations for quantized deep learning models. We explore Stochastic-Shield: a flexible defense mechanism that leverages input filtering and a probabilistic deep learning approach materialized via Monte Carlo Dropout. We show that it is possible to jointly achieve efficiency and robustness by accurately enabling each module without the burden of re-retraining or ad hoc fine-tuning.
Abstract:In image classification tasks, the evaluation of models' robustness to increased dataset shifts with a probabilistic framework is very well studied. However, Object Detection (OD) tasks pose other challenges for uncertainty estimation and evaluation. For example, one needs to evaluate both the quality of the label uncertainty (i.e., what?) and spatial uncertainty (i.e., where?) for a given bounding box, but that evaluation cannot be performed with more traditional average precision metrics (e.g., mAP). In this paper, we adapt the well-established YOLOv3 architecture to generate uncertainty estimations by introducing stochasticity in the form of Monte Carlo Dropout (MC-Drop), and evaluate it across different levels of dataset shift. We call this novel architecture Stochastic-YOLO, and provide an efficient implementation to effectively reduce the burden of the MC-Drop sampling mechanism at inference time. Finally, we provide some sensitivity analyses, while arguing that Stochastic-YOLO is a sound approach that improves different components of uncertainty estimations, in particular spatial uncertainties.