Abstract:Speculative Decoding (SD) is a recently proposed technique for faster inference using Large Language Models (LLMs). SD operates by using a smaller draft LLM for autoregressively generating a sequence of tokens and a larger target LLM for parallel verification to ensure statistical consistency. However, periodic parallel calls to the target LLM for verification prevent SD from achieving even lower latencies. We propose SPRINTER, which utilizes a low-complexity verifier trained to predict if tokens generated from a draft LLM would be accepted by the target LLM. By performing approximate sequential verification, SPRINTER does not require verification by the target LLM and is only invoked when a token is deemed unacceptable. This leads to reducing the number of calls to the larger LLM and can achieve further speedups. We present a theoretical analysis of SPRINTER, examining the statistical properties of the generated tokens, as well as the expected reduction in latency as a function of the verifier. We evaluate SPRINTER on several datasets and model pairs, demonstrating that approximate verification can still maintain high quality generation while further reducing latency. For instance, on Wiki-Summaries dataset, SPRINTER achieves a 1.7x latency speedup and requires 8.3x fewer flops relative to SD, while still generating high-quality responses when using GPT2-Small and GPT2-XL as draft/target models.
Abstract:Ensuring privacy during inference stage is crucial to prevent malicious third parties from reconstructing users' private inputs from outputs of public models. Despite a large body of literature on privacy preserving learning (which ensures privacy of training data), there is no existing systematic framework to ensure the privacy of users' data during inference. Motivated by this problem, we introduce the notion of Inference Privacy (IP), which can allow a user to interact with a model (for instance, a classifier, or an AI-assisted chat-bot) while providing a rigorous privacy guarantee for the users' data at inference. We establish fundamental properties of the IP privacy notion and also contrast it with the notion of Local Differential Privacy (LDP). We then present two types of mechanisms for achieving IP: namely, input perturbations and output perturbations which are customizable by the users and can allow them to navigate the trade-off between utility and privacy. We also demonstrate the usefulness of our framework via experiments and highlight the resulting trade-offs between utility and privacy during inference.
Abstract:Adversarial training is one of the predominant techniques for training classifiers that are robust to adversarial attacks. Recent work, however has found that adversarial training, which makes the overall classifier robust, it does not necessarily provide equal amount of robustness for all classes. In this paper, we propose the use of mixup for the problem of learning fair robust classifiers, which can provide similar robustness across all classes. Specifically, the idea is to mix inputs from the same classes and perform adversarial training on mixed up inputs. We present a theoretical analysis of this idea for the case of linear classifiers and show that mixup combined with adversarial training can provably reduce the class-wise robustness disparity. This method not only contributes to reducing the disparity in class-wise adversarial risk, but also the class-wise natural risk. Complementing our theoretical analysis, we also provide experimental results on both synthetic data and the real world dataset (CIFAR-10), which shows improvement in class wise disparities for both natural and adversarial risks.
Abstract:We propose a new approach for fine-grained uncertainty quantification (UQ) using a collision matrix. For a classification problem involving $K$ classes, the $K\times K$ collision matrix $S$ measures the inherent (aleatoric) difficulty in distinguishing between each pair of classes. In contrast to existing UQ methods, the collision matrix gives a much more detailed picture of the difficulty of classification. We discuss several possible downstream applications of the collision matrix, establish its fundamental mathematical properties, as well as show its relationship with existing UQ methods, including the Bayes error rate. We also address the new problem of estimating the collision matrix using one-hot labeled data. We propose a series of innovative techniques to estimate $S$. First, we learn a contrastive binary classifier which takes two inputs and determines if they belong to the same class. We then show that this contrastive classifier (which is PAC learnable) can be used to reliably estimate the Gramian matrix of $S$, defined as $G=S^TS$. Finally, we show that under very mild assumptions, $G$ can be used to uniquely recover $S$, a new result on stochastic matrices which could be of independent interest. Experimental results are also presented to validate our methods on several datasets.
Abstract:Deep Neural Network (DNN) based classifiers have recently been used for the modulation classification of RF signals. These classifiers have shown impressive performance gains relative to conventional methods, however, they are vulnerable to imperceptible (low-power) adversarial attacks. Some of the prominent defense approaches include adversarial training (AT) and randomized smoothing (RS). While AT increases robustness in general, it fails to provide resilience against previously unseen adaptive attacks. Other approaches, such as Randomized Smoothing (RS), which injects noise into the input, address this shortcoming by providing provable certified guarantees against arbitrary attacks, however, they tend to sacrifice accuracy. In this paper, we study the problem of designing robust DNN-based modulation classifiers that can provide provable defense against arbitrary attacks without significantly sacrificing accuracy. To this end, we first analyze the spectral content of commonly studied attacks on modulation classifiers for the benchmark RadioML dataset. We observe that spectral signatures of un-perturbed RF signals are highly localized, whereas attack signals tend to be spread out in frequency. To exploit this spectral heterogeneity, we propose Filtered Randomized Smoothing (FRS), a novel defense which combines spectral filtering together with randomized smoothing. FRS can be viewed as a strengthening of RS by leveraging the specificity (spectral Heterogeneity) inherent to the modulation classification problem. In addition to providing an approach to compute the certified accuracy of FRS, we also provide a comprehensive set of simulations on the RadioML dataset to show the effectiveness of FRS and show that it significantly outperforms existing defenses including AT and RS in terms of accuracy on both attacked and benign signals.
Abstract:Causal Graph Discovery (CGD) is the process of estimating the underlying probabilistic graphical model that represents joint distribution of features of a dataset. CGD-algorithms are broadly classified into two categories: (i) Constraint-based algorithms (outcome depends on conditional independence (CI) tests), (ii) Score-based algorithms (outcome depends on optimized score-function). Since, sensitive features of observational data is prone to privacy-leakage, Differential Privacy (DP) has been adopted to ensure user privacy in CGD. Adding same amount of noise in this sequential-natured estimation process affects the predictive performance of the algorithms. As initial CI tests in constraint-based algorithms and later iterations of the optimization process of score-based algorithms are crucial, they need to be more accurate, less noisy. Based on this key observation, we present CURATE (CaUsal gRaph AdapTivE privacy), a DP-CGD framework with adaptive privacy budgeting. In contrast to existing DP-CGD algorithms with uniform privacy budgeting across all iterations, CURATE allows adaptive privacy budgeting by minimizing error probability (for constraint-based), maximizing iterations of the optimization problem (for score-based) while keeping the cumulative leakage bounded. To validate our framework, we present a comprehensive set of experiments on several datasets and show that CURATE achieves higher utility compared to existing DP-CGD algorithms with less privacy-leakage.
Abstract:Certifiable robustness gives the guarantee that small perturbations around an input to a classifier will not change the prediction. There are two approaches to provide certifiable robustness to adversarial examples: a) explicitly training classifiers with small Lipschitz constants, and b) Randomized smoothing, which adds random noise to the input to create a smooth classifier. We propose \textit{SPLITZ}, a practical and novel approach which leverages the synergistic benefits of both the above ideas into a single framework. Our main idea is to \textit{split} a classifier into two halves, constrain the Lipschitz constant of the first half, and smooth the second half via randomization. Motivation for \textit{SPLITZ} comes from the observation that many standard deep networks exhibit heterogeneity in Lipschitz constants across layers. \textit{SPLITZ} can exploit this heterogeneity while inheriting the scalability of randomized smoothing. We present a principled approach to train \textit{SPLITZ} and provide theoretical analysis to derive certified robustness guarantees during inference. We present a comprehensive comparison of robustness-accuracy tradeoffs and show that \textit{SPLITZ} consistently improves upon existing state-of-the-art approaches on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets. For instance, with $\ell_2$ norm perturbation budget of \textbf{$\epsilon=1$}, \textit{SPLITZ} achieves $\textbf{43.2\%}$ top-1 test accuracy on CIFAR-10 dataset compared to state-of-art top-1 test accuracy $\textbf{39.8\%}
Abstract:Counterfactuals, or modified inputs that lead to a different outcome, are an important tool for understanding the logic used by machine learning classifiers and how to change an undesirable classification. Even if a counterfactual changes a classifier's decision, however, it may not affect the true underlying class probabilities, i.e. the counterfactual may act like an adversarial attack and ``fool'' the classifier. We propose a new framework for creating modified inputs that change the true underlying probabilities in a beneficial way which we call Trustworthy Actionable Perturbations (TAP). This includes a novel verification procedure to ensure that TAP change the true class probabilities instead of acting adversarially. Our framework also includes new cost, reward, and goal definitions that are better suited to effectuating change in the real world. We present PAC-learnability results for our verification procedure and theoretically analyze our new method for measuring reward. We also develop a methodology for creating TAP and compare our results to those achieved by previous counterfactual methods.
Abstract:With the growing adoption of machine learning (ML) systems in areas like law enforcement, criminal justice, finance, hiring, and admissions, it is increasingly critical to guarantee the fairness of decisions assisted by ML. In this paper, we study the tradeoff between fairness and accuracy under the statistical notion of equalized odds. We present a new upper bound on the accuracy (that holds for any classifier), as a function of the fairness budget. In addition, our bounds also exhibit dependence on the underlying statistics of the data, labels and the sensitive group attributes. We validate our theoretical upper bounds through empirical analysis on three real-world datasets: COMPAS, Adult, and Law School. Specifically, we compare our upper bound to the tradeoffs that are achieved by various existing fair classifiers in the literature. Our results show that achieving high accuracy subject to a low-bias could be fundamentally limited based on the statistical disparity across the groups.
Abstract:High-Level Synthesis (HLS) Design Space Exploration (DSE) is a widely accepted approach for efficiently exploring Pareto-optimal and optimal hardware solutions during the HLS process. Several HLS benchmarks and datasets are available for the research community to evaluate their methodologies. Unfortunately, these resources are limited and may not be sufficient for complex, multi-component system-level explorations. Generating new data using existing HLS benchmarks can be cumbersome, given the expertise and time required to effectively generate data for different HLS designs and directives. As a result, synthetic data has been used in prior work to evaluate system-level HLS DSE. However, the fidelity of the synthetic data to real data is often unclear, leading to uncertainty about the quality of system-level HLS DSE. This paper proposes a novel approach, called Vaegan, that employs generative machine learning to generate synthetic data that is robust enough to support complex system-level HLS DSE experiments that would be unattainable with only the currently available data. We explore and adapt a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for this task and evaluate our approach using state-of-the-art datasets and metrics. We compare our approach to prior works and show that Vaegan effectively generates synthetic HLS data that closely mirrors the ground truth's distribution.