Abstract:We present a $k$-means-based clustering algorithm, which optimizes the mean square error, for given cluster sizes. A straightforward application is balanced clustering, where the sizes of each cluster are equal. In the $k$-means assignment phase, the algorithm solves an assignment problem using the Hungarian algorithm. This makes the assignment phase time complexity $O(n^3)$. This enables clustering of datasets of size more than 5000 points.
Abstract:Motion planning is the soul of robot decision making. Classical planning algorithms like graph search and reaction-based algorithms face challenges in cases of dense and dynamic obstacles. Deep learning algorithms generate suboptimal one-step predictions that cause many collisions. Reinforcement learning algorithms generate optimal or near-optimal time-sequential predictions. However, they suffer from slow convergence, suboptimal converged results, and overfittings. This paper introduces a hybrid algorithm for robotic motion planning: long short-term memory (LSTM) pooling and skip connection for attention-based discrete soft actor critic (LSA-DSAC). First, graph network (relational graph) and attention network (attention weight) interpret the environmental state for the learning of the discrete soft actor critic algorithm. The expressive power of attention network outperforms that of graph in our task by difference analysis of these two representation methods. However, attention based DSAC faces the overfitting problem in training. Second, the skip connection method is integrated to attention based DSAC to mitigate overfitting and improve convergence speed. Third, LSTM pooling is taken to replace the sum operator of attention weigh and eliminate overfitting by slightly sacrificing convergence speed at early-stage training. Experiments show that LSA-DSAC outperforms the state-of-the-art in training and most evaluations. The physical robot is also implemented and tested in the real world.
Abstract:Bayesian inference has many advantages in robotic motion planning over four perspectives: The uncertainty quantification of the policy, safety (risk-aware) and optimum guarantees of robot motions, data-efficiency in training of reinforcement learning, and reducing the sim2real gap when the robot is applied to real-world tasks. However, the application of Bayesian inference in robotic motion planning is lagging behind the comprehensive theory of Bayesian inference. Further, there are no comprehensive reviews to summarize the progress of Bayesian inference to give researchers a systematic understanding in robotic motion planning. This paper first provides the probabilistic theories of Bayesian inference which are the preliminary of Bayesian inference for complex cases. Second, the Bayesian estimation is given to estimate the posterior of policies or unknown functions which are used to compute the policy. Third, the classical model-based Bayesian RL and model-free Bayesian RL algorithms for robotic motion planning are summarized, while these algorithms in complex cases are also analyzed. Fourth, the analysis of Bayesian inference in inverse RL is given to infer the reward functions in a data-efficient manner. Fifth, we systematically present the hybridization of Bayesian inference and RL which is a promising direction to improve the convergence of RL for better motion planning. Sixth, given the Bayesian inference, we present the interpretable and safe robotic motion plannings which are the hot research topic recently. Finally, all algorithms reviewed in this paper are summarized analytically as the knowledge graphs, and the future of Bayesian inference for robotic motion planning is also discussed, to pave the way for data-efficient, explainable, and safe robotic motion planning strategies for practical applications.
Abstract:We investigate and analyze principles of typical motion planning algorithms. These include traditional planning algorithms, supervised learning, optimal value reinforcement learning, policy gradient reinforcement learning. Traditional planning algorithms we investigated include graph search algorithms, sampling-based algorithms, and interpolating curve algorithms. Supervised learning algorithms include MSVM, LSTM, MCTS and CNN. Optimal value reinforcement learning algorithms include Q learning, DQN, double DQN, dueling DQN. Policy gradient algorithms include policy gradient method, actor-critic algorithm, A3C, A2C, DPG, DDPG, TRPO and PPO. New general criteria are also introduced to evaluate performance and application of motion planning algorithms by analytical comparisons. Convergence speed and stability of optimal value and policy gradient algorithms are specially analyzed. Future directions are presented analytically according to principles and analytical comparisons of motion planning algorithms. This paper provides researchers with a clear and comprehensive understanding about advantages, disadvantages, relationships, and future of motion planning algorithms in robotics, and paves ways for better motion planning algorithms.
Abstract:Intelligent robots provide a new insight into efficiency improvement in industrial and service scenarios to replace human labor. However, these scenarios include dense and dynamic obstacles that make motion planning of robots challenging. Traditional algorithms like A* can plan collision-free trajectories in static environment, but their performance degrades and computational cost increases steeply in dense and dynamic scenarios. Optimal-value reinforcement learning algorithms (RL) can address these problems but suffer slow speed and instability in network convergence. Network of policy gradient RL converge fast in Atari games where action is discrete and finite, but few works have been done to address problems where continuous actions and large action space are required. In this paper, we modify existing advantage actor-critic algorithm and suit it to complex motion planning, therefore optimal speeds and directions of robot are generated. Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm converges faster and stable than optimal-value RL. It achieves higher success rate in motion planning with lesser processing time for robot to reach its goal.